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Analysis of the Acquisition of the Verb-object Clutch Verb with Complement of Indonesian Students

导  师: 郝红艳

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 离合词是现代汉语中一种独特而复杂的语言现象,一直以来都被视为对外汉语教学中的难点。尽管本体研究方面已取得不少成绩,但对外国学生的离合词习得研究还很有限,尤其是针对国别进行的专项研究。为此,笔者以印尼学生为研究对象,通过调查问卷的实验设计,运用SPSS19.0统计软件分析所得数据,并在对比分析理论、中介语理论、偏误分析理论以及二语心理词汇表征理论的指导下,对印尼学生在动宾式离合词带补语的习得顺序以及习得过程中出现的偏误做尽可能全面的考察分析,并提出相应的教学对策,以期为今后对印尼学生的汉语离合词教学提供参考。 本研究共有六个部分:第一部分为绪论,介绍文章的写作缘由、研究的目的和意义以及论文的基本框架。第二部分是研究综述,分别从离合词的本体研究和第二语言习得研究方面展开进行介绍。第三部分介绍论文的理论依据,分别涉及了第二语言习得理论和二语心理词汇表征理论的相关内容。第四部分具体介绍实验的方法,包括实验设计、被试对象、实验材料以及实验程序四个环节。第五部分是对调查问卷收集的数据进行统计,并就印尼学生习得每类离合词的情况进行具体描述,探析偏误的成因。第六部分从实验发现的问题和得出的结论出发,提出了相应的教学对策。最后的结论部分是对全文的一个总结,分析了文章的意义和不足,并对未来研究作出展望。 The clutch verb is a unique and complex linguistic phenomenon in the modernChinese, which has long been regarded as the difficulties in teaching Chinese as aforeign language. Although the ontology research of clutch verbs has made a lot ofachievements, the study of acquisition related to foreign students is still very limited,especially for specific countries in specific areas in acquisition study. Therefore, theauthor chooses the Indonesian students as object of this study, and by way of issuingquestionnarie among them, the original data are collected and analysed by IBM SPSSStatistics19. And then, on the guidence of theories including Contrastive Analysis,Interlanguage, Error Analysis and Mental Lexicon Representation, the author makes acomprehensive investigation and analysis of the acquisition order of the clutch verband erros in using them. At last, some teaching strategies are proposed in the hope ofproviding reference for improving the teaching of the verb-object clutch verb withcomplement. The paper divides into six parts. The first part is the introduction, which hasintroduced the motivation and purpose of writing, meanwhile, the basic framework ofthis paper. The second part summarizes the current status of the clutch verb onacademic research and Second Language Acquisition Research. The third part pointsout the theoretical basis of this paper, including the related content of SecondLanguage Acquisition and Mental Lexicon Representation. The forth part introducesthe experimental method, which includes the experimental design, the test object, theexperimental meterials and procedure. The fifth part is a statistical analysis of the datacollected by questionnarie, from which the author makes a detailed description ofacquiring the verb-object clutch verb with complement and discussing the causes oferrors. The sixth part puts forward some teaching strategies on the basis of problemsand conclusions discovered in the experiment above. The last part makes an overallconclusion of this paper, which discusses the significance and shortcomings, and theoutlook for future study.

关 键 词: 动宾式离合词 补语 习得顺序 偏误分析 教学对策

分 类 号: [H195.3]

领  域: [语言文字]


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机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院


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