导 师: 杜晓君
学科专业: 0301
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 近年,女性犯罪人数量呈节节攀升之态势,出现了不少对家庭成员的暴力犯罪案件,包括对丈夫、子女及公婆等的家暴行为。这类案件影响恶劣,不仅颠覆了女性慈爱温婉的形象,破坏了人伦常理,更重要的是不利于和谐社会的建设。本文结合多起女性家庭暴力犯罪案件,从犯罪心理层面,运用案例分析和归因法等方法发现引发女性家庭暴力犯罪动机出现的内外在因素。在不良的社会法治环境、不完善的法律保护体制及学校家庭教育缺失的大背景下,女性无法得到满足的各种内心需要、消极情绪、浅薄认知以及脆弱意志等一般主体因素,结合封建依附、“恶逆变”等特殊心理,在自私、放纵性格缺陷、不良气质及薄弱能力的人格心理特征缺陷的推动作用下,产生了家庭暴力犯罪动机,并通过动机冲突确立了占主导地位的犯罪动机,从而引发犯罪行为。为预防此类犯罪现象,国家、社会与个人可以从多方面努力,通过建立完善保护女性的法律体系、落实相关就业政策、运用司法和社会力量等方式,综合作用以期达到最佳预防效果。 In recent years, the number of female criminal is on a rising trend, violent crimeswhich point to family members /(including husbands, children and parents-in-law/)appear at the same time. These crimes have very bad influence on the society forfamily violence is not just a disaster to women’ image which is full of love andcommon ethical sense, what’s more important, it will do harm to the construction ofharmonious society. With the methods of case analysis and attribution analysis, theinterior and exterior factors that cause family violence crime motive are discoveredfrom crime psychological angle by analyzing these violent crimes. Under thebackground which social environment is adverse, legal protection system is imperfect,the education of school and family is insufficient, female family violence crimemotive is caused by individual differences, such as the inner needs, negative emotions,shallow cognition and weak will, combining with special women’s psychology ofdepending on or avenging their husbands. During process of conflict of motives,psychological characteristic defects of personality that mainly includes Selfishness,indulgence, bad temperament and the weak ability of controlling themselves play avery important role in establishing the dominant motive which leads to violentcriminal. To prevent such kind of crimes, the state, society and individuals shouldmake every effort by establishing a perfect legal system of protecting women,carrying out the relevant employment policy, using judicial and social forces so as toachieve the goal of preventing crime.
关 键 词: 女性 家庭暴力犯罪 犯罪动机 内外在因素 预防对策
分 类 号: [D917]
领 域: [政治法律]