导 师: 欧阳利锋
学科专业: 050211
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 随着经济的发展和全球化,商务合同在促进跨国经济交易以及规范市场秩序方面的作用愈加重要。然而,由于合同翻译不当,例如误译、啰嗦或者漏译等,致使合同一方有意或无意地利用合同漏洞逃避责任和义务,结果引起法律纠纷,损害当事人切身利益,甚至扰乱国际劳务市场秩序的情况时有发生。因此,商务合同翻译的好坏在国际经济交易中发挥着越来越重要的作用。如何做好商务合同翻译,就越显得极为重要。 近年对商务合同的翻译研究主要是从文体学、语域学或功能语法学的角度进行分析。在当代西方翻译理论中,Peter Newmark提出的语义翻译理论为指导翻译实践提供了一个全新的视角。然而,国内学者对语义翻译理论的研究只要集中在文学翻译领域如诗歌翻译、政府语篇翻译如政府工作报告等,鲜见科学系统地探讨商务合同的翻译。 本论文尝试用Peter Newmark的语义翻译法指导商务合同翻译。首先本文对文本类型作了分析并指出商务合同属于信息型文本,适合用语义翻译法做指导。接着作者从两个层面分析语义翻译在商务合同翻译中的应用:词汇层面(包括专业主语、古体词、正式词汇、情态动词以及时间词)和句法层面(包括长句、状语从句以及被动句)。作者认为,用语义翻译法指导商务合同的翻译,能在很大程度上确保译文既忠实于原文内容,又忠实于原文的文体风格,为商务合同翻译的研究提供一个新的视角,并为商务合同的翻译提供理论上和实践上的指导。 In the context of globalization, business contracts play an increasingly importantrole in promoting international economic transactions and regulating the market order.Therefore, How to translate business contracts accurately is of vital importance.However, some of the translated business contracts leave much to be desired, such asmistranslation, redundancy and even the omission of necessary information. Inpractice, there have been many cases making a negative impact on internationaleconomic trade. The previous studies on the translation of business contracts were mainly fromthe perspectives of stylistics, register theory, or functional grammar. Few scholarshave ever approached from Peter Newmark’s semantic translation and even fewerhave made systematic structural analysis of the typology, the choice of the words, thesentence of business contracts before attempting the translation of contracts. In view of the above situations, this thesis attempts to apply semantic translationapproach to translate business contracts. First, the text types are analyzed and it isfound that business contracts belong to informative text. Therefore, then the authorapplies semantic translation approach at two levels: lexical level employing technicalterms, archaic words, formal words, modal verbs including “shall”,“may” and “shallnot”, and date and time; syntactic level including complex sentences, adverbialclauses and passive voice. By adopting this approach, this thesis provides a newperspective to study the translation of business contracts and offers both thetheoretical and practical guidance to translate business contracts.
分 类 号: [H059]
领 域: [语言文字]