导 师: 仲伟合
学科专业: 0551
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 随着口译行业的快速发展,对口译产品及其质量评估标准的研究也越来越多,而对口译产品评估标准的研究中,很多研究都覆盖到了用户反应及用户期望,但对于译员对用户的期望研究却很少。译员作为口译服务的提供者对用户也有期望,比如说对同传箱环境的期望,对同传设备的期望,对发言人的期望,在译前准备时客户能给予足够的时间和提供充足的资料的期望等等。译员的这些期望是否能够被用户所重视?本文作者作为口译专业的学生,对口译行业有较多的关注,希望能够找出译员的期望都有哪些,以及这些期望是否对口译产品造成影响。 为了能够找到上述问题的答案,笔者将广州国际创新奖的开幕式会议同传作为案例研究,设计了一份针对同传口译译员的问卷,问卷包括两部分,一部分为针对译员个人从事口译活动及接受口译训练的一般性问题,另一部分为关于译员期望的及其这些期望对口译产品影响的具体细节问题。笔者将该问卷分发给口译译员作答,并收回问卷进行数据分析和对比。同时,也有幸采访了一位译员,希望能够更全面深入的了解以上两个问题。 Since interpreting industry is developing so fast, studies on interpreting servicesand quality evaluation standards are increasing. Many such studies cover userresponses or user expectations, while studies on interpreters’ expectations on users arevery rare. As interpreting service providers, interpreters also have expectations onusers, such as the expectation on the condition of the booth, the expectation onequipment, the expectation of being given enough time and task-related information,etc. Will such expectations be given enough attention? As a postgraduate majoring intranslation and interpreting, the author has paid a lot of attention to interpretingindustry. The author hopes to find out what kind of expectations interpreters have onusers, and whether the fulfillment of interpreters’ expectation have influences on thequality of interpreting services. In order to find out the answers to the above-mentioned questions, the authortakes the opening ceremony of Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovationas a case and designs a questionnaire for simultaneous interpreters. The questionnaireincludes two parts: the first part consists of some general questions concerninginterpreters’ personal experiences as interpreters; the second part consists of somespecific questions concerning interpreters’ expectations and the influences ofinterpreters’ expectations on interpreting services. The questionnaires will bedistributed to interpreters, and will then be sent back to the author for further analysis.The author also has the honor to interview an interpreter, so that she can get an overallanswer to the research questions.
分 类 号: [H059]
领 域: [语言文字]