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Text Reconstruction in Translating Chinese Company Profiles into English from the Perspective of Text Linguistics

导  师: 李明

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 中外企业双方在交往初期往往要先对对方的公司做一定的了解,而阅读企业简介则是实现这个初步的了解的重要途径之一。对于中国企业来讲,要吸引外企甚至走向世界,一份地道专业的英文简介是必不可少的。而纵观现今中国企业简介的英文译文,可以很明显地感觉到不少译者在翻译过程中是把中文直接字字对应成英文的,基本上不考虑中英的差异,构建的译文并不具备英文篇章的语篇性。 企业简介翻译这一领域虽然吸引了不少学者进行研究,但是主要都是着眼于语篇层面以下的研究,采用的视角也多为功能学视角。从篇章语言学角度研究企业简介翻译中语篇重构的研究还是比较少。篇章语言学把语篇定义为一个交际事件,而翻译也恰恰是一种交际过程。这个过程始于源语语篇生产者的意图,终于译文读者对译文的接受。 本文以华为技术有限公司的企业简介英译为例,从语篇性的七个标准入手,探讨在企业简介英译过程中的语篇重构现象,并总结出应遵循的原则和可采用的方法。在尊重原文语篇性的前提下,译者在翻译过程中应时刻注意保持译文的语篇性。但因中英文语篇性的体现方式不完全相同,译者需要作出相应的调整。在衔接层面,可以保持或者更多情况下要调整或增加衔接手段;在连贯层面,应注意通过增加关系词或补充信息把原文里的隐性逻辑关系显现出来;在意图性层面上,译者通过适当的造词遣句以及安排文章结构来体现愿与文本作者的意图;在信息性层面上,译者要根据情况使信息度上升或下降至更易于接受的水平;在情景性层面上,译者应在译文中适当使用正式的词汇,从句,动名词结构以及介词结构等来重现正式的商务情景;在互文性层面上,译者要运用译入语中的地道表达或者采用典型的文本结构。最终,可接受性会随着这六个标准的实现而实现。 希望本研究能为企业简介的翻译提供一些启发。 Company profiles serve as an important means for Chinese and foreign companies to getthe first impression of each other. For Chinese companies aiming at going global, it is ofparamount importance to ensure the idiomaticness of the English translation of their companyprofiles. However, word-for-word translations full of mistakes are always seen, or even thoughsome are generally grammatically correct, they are considered unnatural by target readers due tothe translators’ ignorance of the differences between Chinese and English and a lack of textuality. Although a lot of studies have been conducted on company profile translation, they aremainly below text level and most of them adopt functionalist perspective. There is relatively fewresearch on text reconstruction in company profile translation from the perspective of textlinguistics. Text is defined as a communicative activity in text linguistics. Translation is also onekind of interactive process that starts with the intention of source text producer and ends withacceptance of target text readers. This thesis explores text reconstruction in Chinese-English translation of company profilesfrom the perspective of text linguistics with C-E translation of the company profile of HuaweiTechnologies Co., Ltd. as the case for illustration. The author hopes to find out how to conducttext reconstruction in translating Chinese company profiles into English. The translator needs toalways bear in mind maintaining textuality of target text. He must make adjustments in theprocess of translation due to similarities and differences between ways of text construction inEnglish and Chinese. In terms of intentionality, the translator should select proper words and text structures so asto convey the intention of ST producer; in terms of cohesion, the translator should maintain andmore often added and adjust the cohesive devices; in terms of coherence, the translator shouldreveal the implicit logic ties of ST by adding cohesive devices, complementing missinginformation etc; in terms of informativity, he should downgrade or upgrade information level soas to make it easier to accept by TT receivers; in terms of situationality, the translator should useformal words, clauses, gerund structures and prepositional structures etc. so as to recreate aformal commercial situation in TT; in terms of intertextuality, he should use proper and idiomatic expressions so as to reproduce the style of ST; all these contributes to acceptability of TT. The author hopes that this thesis can offer some help to research on company profiletranslation.

关 键 词: 中国企业简介英译 篇章语言学 语篇性 语篇重构

分 类 号: [H315.9]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 朱穗
作者 姜天伟
作者 孟婕
作者 涂佳佳
作者 沈燕杰


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏