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A Contrastive Genre Analysis of Chinese and American Hotel Profiles

导  师: 周瑞琪

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 随着全球化进程的深入,中外交流越来越频繁。这种交流不仅仅体现在政治,经济,文化领域的合作,更体现在人员的流动上。每年,有成千万的外国游客来到中国。他们的食宿需求在中国不计其数的酒店里得到了满足。与此同时,作为服务行业的中流砥柱,酒店业也为中国经济的发展起到了重要的推动作用。 鉴于酒店具有如此重要的作用,作为介绍酒店主要渠道的酒店简介也值得人们研究。现有的文献表明,目前对酒店简介文本的研究还不多。因此,本文选取了80篇酒店简介作为研究对象,包括40篇用中文书写的中国酒店简介和40篇由英文书写的美国酒店简介,对两者进行跨文化体裁研究。本文主要从三个方面进行研究,首先探索中美酒店简介的语步结构分别是什么,有什么差异;在完成语步结构分析的基础上,再研究中美酒店简介的体裁结构潜势分别是什么,有什么差异;最后试图从跨文化的角度去解释这些差异。 本文综合利用了Hasan/(1989/),Swales/(1990/), Bhatia/(1993/)的体裁结构分析框架,对选取的80篇酒店简介文本进行了分析。研究发现,美国酒店简介由六个语步和十七个语步策略(step or strategy)构成.这六个语步分别是:欢迎语,建立资信,酒店描述,服务设施介绍,呼唤行动,提供联系方式。根据Nwogu/(1991/)对必要成分和可有成分的划分标准,酒店描述和服务设施介绍为美国酒店简介的必有语步,特征描述等五个语步策略为必要成分。而中国酒店简介则只包括五个语步:欢迎语,建立资信,酒店描述,服务设施介绍,呼唤行动。并且,建立资信,酒店描述,服务设施介绍三个语步和交通介绍等四个语步策略为必要成分。与此同时,中国酒店简介和美国文化简介在各语步和语步策略的出现频率上也有明显差异。在体裁结构潜势方面,两者也呈现了显著差异。例如,在美国酒店简介中,再次出现的两个语步为酒店描述和服务设施介绍,而在美国酒店简介中则是酒店描述和建立资信。 最后,对于中国酒店简介和美国酒店简介在体裁结构上所体现出来的差异,本文利用了Hofstede/(1991/)的文化维度、Hall(1976)的高低语境等理论进行解释。通过对中美酒店简介的跨文化体裁对比研究,我们既能更好地把握酒店简介这一体裁的结构,又能更深入地了解英文酒店简介中应该注意的文化差异问题,这对英文酒店简介的写作有一定的参考价值。 Since China's accession to WTO in the year of2001, there has been a dramaticrise in exchanges between China and the rest of the world. During this process, thehotel industry is playing a significant role by being the service pillar that supportssuch exchanges. Meanwhile, as the main force of the service industry, the hotels havealso made great contribution to the economic boost in the past decades. With hotelsbeing so important, the hotel profiles which constitute the major channel to introducehotels are also important and worth exploring. Although the hotel profiles are ofstrategic importance, there are only limited studies concentrating on them accordingto the current literature. In light of these reasons, the present author intends to makehotel profiles the focus of the study. As the object of the study, eighty hotel profiles have been collected with halfbeing American hotel profiles and the other half Chinese hotel profiles. And thespecific way to carry out the study is to first contrast the genre of Chinese hotelprofiles and that of American hotel profiles from the aspects of move structure andgeneric structural potential/(GSP/) and then to explore reasons for their differencesfrom a cross-cultural perspective. By integrating some models and theories from several influential researchers inthis area such as Swales /(1990/), Bhatia /(1993/) and Hasan /(1989/), the author hasworked out a theoretical framework which guides the analyzing process. And thestudy finds that American hotel profiles are composed of six moves and seventeensteps. The six moves are Salutation, Establishing credentials, Describing the hotel,Introducing the offer, Soliciting response, and Providing contact informationrespectively. However, the Chinese hotel profiles consist by five moves and eighteenteps. Except for the move Providing contact information, all the moves found in theEnglish corpus appear in the Chinese corpus. And the difference between the twocorpuses in move structure is most saliently projected in the occurrence frequency ofthe moves and steps. For example, the move Establishing credentials, as well as thesteps Star rating, Awards occur more frequently in the Chinese corpus while the step Feature description occurs predominantly more often in the American corpus. Inaddition, there are also some salient differences between Chinese hotel profiles andAmerican hotel profiles in generic structural potential. The most obvious differenceis that the move Establishing credentials is obligatory in the Chinese corpus whileoptional in the American corpus. Meanwhile, this sequence of the move Establishingredentials is fixed and after the move Describing the hotel in the American corpuswhile it is much more flexible in the Chinese corpus. Moreover, it is also one of thetwo recurring moves in the Chinese corpus. Based on such facts, it can be seen thatthe Chinese writers of hotel profiles actually impose much more attention on theinformation related to establishing credentials. For the differences identified, the paper has tried to interpret some of them fromthe cultural perspective by referring to some culture theories like Hofstede’s CulturalDimensions and Hall’s High-context Culture and Low-context Culture. For instance,Hofstede points out that American culture values individualism while Chinese culturehighlights collectivism. To be more specific, Americans tend to emphasize more onthe exercise of the individuals' goal and desires, independence, and self-creationinstead of conforming to the mass opinions and behaviors. In other words, Americansare much keener on being different than their Chinese counterparts. Therefore, theAmerican writers highlight the unique features of the hotels much more often thantheir Chinese counterparts and thus cause the frequency of the step Featuredescription to be much higher in the American corpus than in the Chinese one. Through a contrastive genre analysis on American and Chinese hotel profiles, itis helpful to gain a better understanding about the generic structures of the hotelprofile genre and thus enables us to be informed of what to write and how to arrangethe information when composing an English hotel profile. Besides, the study can alsoremind us to pay particular attention to the cultural differences so as to write moreeffective English hotel profiles which convey their communicative purposes better.

关 键 词: 酒店简介 体裁分析 语步结构 体裁结构潜势 文化

分 类 号: [H15 H315]

领  域: [语言文字] [语言文字]


作者 吴春明
作者 杨果
作者 温植胜
作者 彭如青
作者 胡小璐


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏