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Causes of Lily Bart's Tragedy in the House of Mirth

导  师: 王友贵

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 《豪门春秋》写于1905年,是美国女作家伊迪斯·华顿的代表作之一。作为世际之交的文学作品,小说描述了美国纽约上层社会的奢侈华丽的生活。剧中的女主人公,莉莉·巴特是一个29岁年轻貌美的女子,出身于豪门,却因双亲早故,寄人蓠下,不得不依靠寻求一个有钱的丈夫来摆脱困境。然而,美貌与手段兼并的她并没能成功捕获猎物,总是在关键时候,与成功擦肩而过。小说中上流社会女性间的权力与斗争激烈,流言蜚语让莉莉沦为父权社会的牺牲品。因为流言,她的姑姑剥夺了她的继承权,朋友也对她避而远之,没有了经济支撑,她处处碰壁受挫。但是出身于上层社会的她,并没有独立支撑自己的生存的一技之长,她不像工人阶级的女性一样,依靠劳动赚钱养活自己。最后只能悲惨地死去。 小说的复杂性在于书中所描述的女主人公的性格角色,她并非传统意义上父权社会的受害者,默默地承受社会给她的压迫和制约。她非常清楚自己所处的地位,以及社会对不同性别角色的双重标准。她知道如何利用游戏规则达到她自己的目的。很多时候,剧中的男性角色都沦为她利用的工具。尽管如此,她还是逃脱不了社会对女性身份的定义,面对流言非议,她缄默不语,强大的舆论压力以及身边的袖手旁观,一次次让她陷入绝望无助的境地。最后强大孤独感和让人窒息的社会环境让她最终无路可走。 同时莉莉自身的性格弱点也让她在强大的社会机制面前更加的脆弱无依。加之旁观者的漠视和无形压迫,使得她难以真正寻求自我价值。没有能力控制外界的力量,更不能周遭人对她的既定评价,她只能接受父权社会机制对于挑战父权权威的惩罚,身败名裂,不但没能够顺利地将自己嫁入豪门,反而因此付出重大代价,一步步的沦陷于社会低层,最终因过度服用安眠药而死亡。 本文将从女性主义和心理角析的角度,分析小说人物中旁观者身份对莉莉的影响和压迫,以及莉莉自身性格弱点,从而探寻女主人公莉莉·巴特的悲剧成因。莉莉自身性格弱点是她总是偏离既定轨道的重要原因,而她高人一等的优越感让她树敌无数,无法建立与他人的牢固的情感关系,使她一人无力抵抗强大的社会机器的压迫,最后孤独地死去。文本细读将是本文研究最重要的方法论。 The House of Mirth, written in1905, is one of the most representative works ofEdith Wharton. Written at the turn of the century, the novel depicts the sumptuousupper-class New York society. It follows Lily Bart, a29-year-old beautiful young lady,on the hunt of a rich husband and chronicles Lily’s social and economic decline afterher reputations being tainted by rumors. She tries to earn her living by trimming hatafter her aunt disinherits her and her friends turn away from her. As an upper-class girl,who is stripped of any means to support herself, she is not able to transgress socialboundaries and lives the life a working girl. She dies of an overdose of chloral in theend. The complexity of the novel lies in the portrayal of the protagonist, Lily Bart,who is conscious of the moral, social and economic restrictions imposed on her by thesociety and knows how to deploy skills to achieve her purposes, but who is at thesame time vulnerable to those internal and external forces around her. She is not apassive victim of the society; at least she is well aware of her victimization andobjectification. She knows the rules of her world, but ignores it now and then. Heroscillation of behaviors in the fixed path that she designs for herself makes her suchan intriguing character to explore. Moreover in the novel, not only women arevictimized as ornaments for men, but men in the leisure class are portrayed as pitifulcharacters with their own plight. Lily’s tragedy resides not only in the weaknesses of her own personality, but alsoin the society that produces her. The spectator within the society acts as destructiveforces against her achieving her self-worth. Without the means to control the externalenvironment as well as other people’s interpretation of her, Lily faces the penalty ofviolating social norms and loses her reputation, a vital factor in marrying a richhusband. When the hope of a rich marriage vanishes, a girl, who is very poor butextremely expensive, the alternatives left for her is to live a life of dinginess or die.She chooses the latter one, for she has imbibed her mother’s view that dinginess isdespicable. In the end, she dies of overdose of chloral. From the perspectives of feminism and psychoanalysis, this thesis explores theimportant role of social spectators in Lily’s life and examines her own innerweaknesses which results in her unsteadiness of purposes and aloofness. The combingforce of the two renders Lily vulnerable to the oppressive social environment in amale-dominated society, which contributes to her tragic death in the end. Closereading will be the backbone of the analysis.

关 键 词: 上流社会 悲剧 女性主义 性格弱点

分 类 号: [I712.074]

领  域: [文学]


作者 廖金罗
作者 石莉莉
作者 吴泽荣
作者 江君
作者 李妍妍


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 香港中文大学


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作者 徐丽华
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