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A Study on Intercultural Adaptation of the Chinese Teacher in Indonesia

导  师: 严修鸿

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 本文以在印尼教学实践为切入点,选择了广东外语外贸大学汉硕专业的赴印尼汉语实习生作为研究对象,根据跨文化适应的相关理论,以实习生接受的跨文化培训、采取的文化策略、得到的社会支持、具备的语言能力等作为解释变量,以社会文化适应情况和心理适应情况作为被解释变量,以早回国意向、生活满意度和教师绩效为评判标准,釆用定量研究与定性研究相结合的方法,深入探究了赴印尼汉语实习生的跨文化适应状况。 通过利用问卷调查进行定量研究分析发现,赴印尼汉语实习生在跨文化适应的过程中,所遇到的问题和困难主要体现在以下几个方面:一、表现在社会文化适应方面的有饮食、交通、公共卫生、社会规范、参加宗教活动等;二、表现在心理适应方面的有个人情绪低沉、想家、孤独、焦虑、烦躁等;三、表现在教师角色适应方面的有印尼语课堂教学、学校的管理方式、学生课堂纪律和汉语考试等。除此之外,笔者利用EXCEL及SPSS数据分析软件探索了各个变量之间的关系,并对提出的相关假设进行了验证,得出以下结论:1、实习生的社会文化适应和心理适应存在明显的正相关;2、实习生的早回国意向与其社会文化适应和心理适应呈负相关,生活满意度与社会文化适应和心理适应呈正相关,教师工作绩效与社会文化适应和心理适应呈正相关;3、有无参加过培训对实习生的社会文化适应和心理适应状况没有显著差异;4、采取整合策略对实习生的社会文化适应有正向影响,采取其他文化策略对其跨文化适应的影响没有显著差异;5、实习生的社会文化适应与得到的工具性社会支持和情感性社会支持呈正相关,心理适应与所接受的情感性社会支持呈正相关;6、实习生的印尼语水平与社会文化适应和心理适应程度没有显著关联。 通过深度访谈进行质性研究,对前文量性研究的数据进行补充和具体化,详细探究和描述了实习生在跨文化适应过程中的具体情况。实习生在跨文化适应过程中,虽然很多情况具有普遍性,但由于因人而异、因地而异,每个的感受和体会是有所差别的。 最后,文章就如何提高赴印尼汉语实习生的跨文化适应能力从个人和外部机构这两方面提出了相关的建议和对策。 Based on the teaching practice of the interns who major in Chinese teaching as a second language in Guang Dong University Of Foreign Studies in Indonesia, I made a research on the interns'intercultural adaptation by using quantitative research and qualitative research methods. At first, I made a survey which took the intercultural adaptive training, cultural adaptive strategies, social support, language abilities as the independent variables, and took sociocultural adaptive situation and psychological adaptive situation as the dependent variables while considering early return intention, life satisfaction and teaching performance as the criteria to judge how the interns was doing with sociocultural adaptation and psychological adaptation. Through quantitative research by questionnaire survey analysis, I found that, the interns encountered some difficulties in intercultural adaptation:the first aspect is about sociocultural adaption, for example, diet, transportation, public health, social norms, religious activities and so on; the second aspect is about psychological adaption, for example, low-mood emotion, homesick, loneliness, anxiety,irritability and so on; the third aspect is about adaption to the teachers role, such as school management method, class discipline, Chinese test and so on. In addition to that, I analyzed the relationships between these variables by using EXCEL and SPSS data analysis software, then I made some assumptions and verified them. Here are my conclusions:The interns'sociocultural adaptation is positively correlated with psychological adaptation;2, the interns'early return intention is negatively correlated with sociocultural adaptation and psychological adaptation, teaching performance is positively correlated with sociocultural adaptation and psychological adaptation;3, there are no significant difference in sociocultural adaptation and psychological adaptation between interns who whether receive the intercultural training or not;4, integrated strategy has positive influence on the sociocultural adaptation, whereas other strategies don't;5, the interns'sociocultural adaptation is positively correlated with the functional social support and emotional social support, the psychological adaptation is positively correlated with emotional social support.6, there is no significant correlation between the intern's Indonesian language level and the degree of the sociocultural adaptation and psychological adaptation. Through depth interview for qualitative research,I explore in details and describe the interns'specific situation in the process of intercultural adaptation. Although the interns'intercultural adaptation situation have a lot in common, everyone's feeling and experience are different from each other because of different personalities and different environment. Finally, this thesis put forward some suggestions and countermeasures about how to improve the interns'intercultural adjustment abilities from individual and external institutions.

关 键 词: 印度尼西亚 汉语教师 跨文化适应

分 类 号: [H195]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 戴淑芬
作者 吴坚
作者 郭胜春
作者 杨晓飞
作者 熊玉珍


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学国际教育学院
机构 暨南大学华文学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏