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An Eco-criticism on the Tourist Symbolization in China

导  师: 戴桂玉

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 在中国旅游业快速发展之时,一种反文化现象悄然滋生,即旅游的符号化这一现象在少数民族民俗文化景区尤为明显 鉴于旅游符号化给景区生态环境与文化保护带来的负面影响,本文基于生态伦理学,以著名旅游景点---凤凰古城为个案研究对象,对中国旅游业进行了生态批评分析 通过系统研究,本文有以下发现:第一,旅游符号化对游客的自然与文化生态观以及旅游业的长远发展均有不利影响;第二,狭隘人类中心主义与畸形消费理念的非生态思想潜藏于旅游符号化这一现象背后;第三,商业化经济和大众旅游模式,是产生旅游符号化主要的社会原因此外,景区规划者当地居民以及游客也促进了旅游符号化的产生除了以上成果,本文还针对当前旅游符号化这一现状提出了必要的解决方案从景区规划者和当地居民方面来说,他们应该努力保持景区文化符号的原真性,并确保展示真实的符号系统;从游客角度来说,他们应该保持清醒的头脑并学会鉴别景区文化符号的真伪,从而对这些文化符号进行正确的解读并获取高质量的旅游体验另外,游客还应学会通过符号化旅游来丰富现存的符号系统和旅游文化 本文的研究价值主要体现在以下两个方面:首先,从理论价值方面看,本文扩展了旅游符号这一领域的研究视角与范围;再者,从实践意义看,本研究有利于提高人们对于自然与文化生态的保护意识,告诫游客不要受到旅游符号化的误导以及帮助推动中国旅游业,尤其是少数民族民俗旅游业的可持续发展 In the rapid development of China’s tourist industry, there is an anti-culturalphenomenon of “tourist symbolization”, which is particularly evident and obvious inthe folk cultural scenic spots of ethnic groups. In view of the negative and adverse impacts of the tourist symbolization on theenvironmental, ecological and local cultural protection, this study conducts aneco-critical analysis of China’s tourist industry based on the theory of EcologicalEthics by conducting a case study on the Fenghuang ancient town. Through a systematic study, this research finds that the tourist symbolization hasadverse impacts on tourists’ ecological concept of nature and culture and the localtourist development in the long run; the non-ecological idea of narrowanthropocentrism and abnormal consumption concept of tourists are embodied in thetourist symbolization; the social causes of tourist symbolization are mainly thecommercial economy and the mass tourism and scenic planners, local residents andtourists themselves also contribute to the tourist symbolization. With these abovefindings, this writing proposes some necessary solutions to the current touristsymbolization:1/) scenic planners and local residents should try every efforts tomaintain the originality of the local cultural symbols and guarantee to present realsymbol system;2/) tourists themselves should keep a clear mind and learn to tell realsymbols from faked ones, only in this way can they conduct a right interpretation ofsymbols and get a high-quality tourist experience;3/) tourists should learn to enrichthe existing symbol system and the tourist culture through symbolized tourism. This study, theoretically speaking, enlarges the academic vision of tourist symbol.Concerning its practical values, it helps to raise people’s awareness of natural andcultural ecological protection, keep tourists from being misled by touristsymbolization as well as direct the tourist industry to move towards a healthydevelopment.

关 键 词: 生态批评 生态伦理学 旅游 符号化 凤凰古城 非生态思想

分 类 号: [F592 B82-058]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [哲学宗教]


作者 戴姣
作者 陈小红
作者 郭颖
作者 唐琳
作者 赵骏杰


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
机构 中山大学旅游学院
机构 华南师范大学政治与行政学院


作者 秦璐
作者 李小银
作者 李湛
作者 仙萍
作者 孔小文