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Research on UCC Secured Transaction System

导  师: 吴兴光

学科专业: 0301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 美国《统一商法典》(Uniform Commercial Code,以下简称UCC)是由美国统一州法委员会和美国法学会共同起草的具有里程碑意义的示范法律。UCC第九编摒除传统动产担保交易制度陈旧且过于繁冗抽象的分类方法,导入功能方法,构建一元化担保交易体系。完善统一高效的登记体系,明确权利受偿的优先顺位,按照商事活动中动产担保交易的实际流程所涉及的重点概念依次编排,是法典规范性与法律实用主义的结合,实现了传统沿袭与制度创新的结合。简便高效的动产担保法律体系有助于拓宽融资渠道,实现经济高速发展。 2010年第九编修正案,探讨了如何运用“ONLY-IF”原则和“安全港”规则确定融资声明书中独立债务人的名称,规定了临时公示等制度用以规范嗣后财产所引发的公示备案问题。该修正案留意到以电子形式存在的担保物权问题,并构思了与其相关的制度,改进了立法技术。2010年版本修正案将于2013年7月1日统一生效。该版本致力于解决法典运行数十年来在实践中多有争议的一些问题,可谓与时俱进,值得期待。 此外,UCC新动态囊括了:2011年底成文的《UCC在抵押票据相关问题方面的适用》,总结了UCC体系为抵押票据内容和实现过程中的重要问题而设定的四项规则;2012年签发的《第九编范畴下有限责任合伙的UCC相关条文适用》是目前PEB之于UCC第九编的最新官方文件,明确了有限责任合伙如何适用UCC第九编条文。 着眼我国的社会主义法律体系,并未有独立于《民法通则》、《物权法》、《合同法》等法律之外的动产担保交易法。调整债与担保关系的法律零散分布于《民法通则》、《担保法》和《物权法》等。 我国与美国隶属于不同法律体系,且我国的动产担保交易立法尚在初级阶段,为了紧随市场经济发展的步伐,满足动产担保融资需求,应对各地差异化的发展态势,建立健全动产担保交易制度迫在眉睫。尽管中国的立法体系在一定程度上受到德国民法传统的影响,但是有几个因素证明同为传统大陆法国家的德国法的模式并不适用于中国动产担保交易体质的改革。首先,中国现有的担保法律已采用了以登记为基础的非转移占有型担保物权的概念,而德国主要依靠保留所有权作为动产担保融资的方式,它并不要求公示。采用德国模式就意味着中国现有的相关法律框架推倒重来,以便引进保留所有权融资的新体系。其次,德国模式经过过去几十年来的司法解释,已使僵硬的成文法规则逐渐适应商业活动的需求。中国要采用现代动产担保交易立法以改善信贷市场,德国模式显然不能满足其急迫的需要。最后,正如许多德国学者所指出的,德国模式本身也有许多局限性,最明显的一点是动产担保物权无需公示,这将误导潜在的债权人和买受人,并常常导致优先权的冲突。 相形之下,UCC一元化,实用性动产担保交易体系利益观点明确,执行效率高,符合我国市场经济的发展需求。我国的动产担保制度改革不妨考虑建立单独的动产担保示范法律,在经济较为发达的沿海地区,特别是经济特区等地,允许其规定变通执行的具体措施。在具体措施方面,须解决以下重要问题:1.建立健全全国范围的,格式统一,手续简便,操作高效的动产担保权益登记体系;2.合理拓展动产担保交易担保物的范畴,创新担保模式,承认既存的合理动产担保模式;3.着眼于动产担保权益的私力救济问题,使得公力救济不再是保护担保权益人权益的唯一途径,大大提高动产担保权益实现的效率。此外,简化担保合同成立的条件,合理设置担保登记程序启动要件等均是动产担保制度改革的着眼点。 综上所述,引入UCC相关动产担保制度,为我国动产担保制度改革提供了值得借鉴的新思路。 U.S.A Uniform Commercial Code/(Hereinafter referred to as UCC/)is a Modellaw made by The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws andAmerican Law Institute(ALI).UCC article9rejects antiquated, vague and tediousclassification; instead, it introduces the functional approach to form a centralizedsecured transaction system. Its sound and efficient perfection system, clear priorityand the whole procedure arrangement according to importance of concepts, showcasethe integration of normative and practical character of law while realize thecombination of tradition inheritance and system innovation. Concise and efficientsecured transaction system contribute to widening financing channels and realizationof rapid economy development.2010edition of UCC Article9is coming into effect on1stJuly.2013. This edition commits to resolve critical issues in practice during recentdecades. Besides, this thesis gives brief introduction about Application of the UniformCommercial Code to Selected Issues Relating to Mortgage Notes /(2011/) andsummarizes four basic rules involving the content and realization of mortgage notes.Further, Limited Liability Partnerships under the Choice of Law Rules of Article9/(2012/), which is the newest official document of Article9, clarify how to apply thisarticle to limited liability partnerships. In Chinese socialist jurisprudence, there is no independent Secured TransactionLaw isolated from The General Civil Act, Property law and contract law. The specificarticles regulating relation of credits and conditional sale are distributed among TheGeneral Civil Act, Property law and Mortgage law and etc. Though China and U.S.Abelong to different law system and the development of Chinese Secured TransactionLaw is still in its initial stage, the advancing concepts of UCC secured transactionsystem and legislative technique are of great value for reference. China’s secured transaction legislation is still in its initial stage. To follow thepaces of the development of market economy and meet the needs of variousdevelopment modes, establishing and perfecting secured transaction legislation is anurgent issue. There are several bases to support the viewpoint that China can not adoptthe secured transaction model of Germany. First of all, present China security lawfounded on the basis of secured interests without possession and transfer while Germany model mainly adopts ownership reservation. Secondly, Germany modelrelies on judicial explanations while China need mature statute law. Last but not least,as the Germany authority said, Germany model itself has inherent defect. The mostoutstanding problem is secured interests without publication, which leads to conflictof priorities. Compared to other secured transaction legislation modes, UCC mode is of highefficiency and clarifies interests’ priorities, which meets the requirements of presentChina. To establish Chinese secured transaction system, legislators may considerdrafting independent secured transaction law. In developed seaside areas, especiallyeconomic special zone, flexible execution according to specific situation could beallowed. Following key questions must be solved:1.Establish nationwide standardand efficient secured interests’ registration system2. Reasonably expand the scope ofsecured transaction, set up new secured interest modes and admit existing reasonablesecured transaction modes3. Pay attention to develop private remedy4.Simplificatequalification of conclusion of guarantee contract and reasonable set the statingelement of procedure of registration. In conclusion, bringing in UCC mode and relevant system provides new andfeasible ideas for reform of China secured transaction legislation.

关 键 词: 动产 担保交易 启示

分 类 号: [D971.2 DD913]

领  域: [政治法律]


作者 徐欢
作者 马占福
作者 姚娟
作者 王茂祺
作者 温琳


机构 广东外语外贸大学法学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚