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A Pragmatic Study of Responses to Verbal Irony from the Perspective of Linguistic Adaptation Theory

导  师: 刘平

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 尽管反讽已在许多不同的领域,如哲学,文学和语言学得到广泛的研究并取得卓越的成果,但关于反讽应答的研究却甚为罕见,而这话题引起了我们的研究兴趣。 本研究主要以Verschueren(2000)提出的顺应论为理论基础,旨在揭示反讽应答的语用策略及其语用功能。本文采取了定性和定量的方法,收集的商务主题的语料来自于凤凰卫视的《一虎一席谈》,它现已成为最具影响力的栏目之一。 基于对观察语料的观察以及策略的表现形态(包括言语交际和非言语交际),作者整合了两种反讽应答的语用策略,分别是言语应答和非言语应答。其中,言语应答包括报复,纠正,反对,纠正加反对,假装同意以及忽略原有话题从而转换新话题六种类型,而非言语应答则包括了保持沉默以及微笑两种情况。 本文的另一部分研究了影响反讽应答的因素。作者对语境顺应(包括对物理世界的顺应以及对心理世界的顺应)进行了研究。为了顺应社交世界,说话人应考虑社会准则以及权力关系。至于对心理世界的顺应,作者考虑了情感和动机这两大因素。 本文的最后一部分谈到的反讽应答的语用功能包括劝服对方,改善人际关系以及制造反讽效果。 本研究成果对电视访谈节目的参与者以及观众有着一定的价值。对于主持人来说,他们不仅可以运用所知的语用策略来应对节目中出现的反讽,同时也能指出影响策略选择的因素以及反讽应答实现的语用功能,这些都有利于访谈节目质量的提升。另一方面,节目中的观众以及特邀嘉宾也能更好地理解和把握场上的状况。除此之外,作者还期望此研究能加深人们对语言和社会关系的认识。 Though irony has been widely explored in various fields such as philosophy,literature and pragmatics and achieved great success, studies on responses to verbalirony are surprisingly rare, which arouses our interest. Based on Linguistic Adaptation Theory proposed by Verschueren /(2000/), thepresent study concentrates on revealing the pragmatic strategies adopted by speakersto respond to verbal irony and pragmatic functions actualized by responses. Bothquantitative and qualitative methods are employed and the business-themed datainvolved in this study are collected from the Tiger Talk of Phoenix TV, which is one ofthe most influential programs. According to the data and the form of expression which includes verbalcommunication and non-verbal communication, the author generalizes pragmaticstrategies into two broad types, verbal response and non-verbal response. Amongthem, verbal response is composed of retaliating, correcting, objecting, objecting+correcting, pretending agreement and ignoring and changing the topic. whilenon-verbal response covers keeping silent and smile. Another part explores the factors affecting the responses. The contextualcorrelates of adaptability which involve adaptation to the social world and to themental world are considered in this paper. To adapt to the social world, utterers areexpected to take social norms and power relation into consideration. For adaptation tothe mental world, emotions and motivations are taken into consideration. Lastly, the pragmatic functions of responses to verbal irony include persuadingthe other side, improving interpersonal relationship and creating sarcastic effects. The findings of this study are presumably applicable and valuable to theparticipants and viewers of TV talk shows. On the one hand, hosts can not only learnfrom the pragmatic strategies to react to verbal irony occurred in the shows, but figure out the factors affecting the choice of strategies and pragmatic functions thatresponses to verbal irony can actualize as well, which altogether contribute to theimprovement of the quality of TV talk shows. On the other hand, the audience andhonored guests of these TV talks shows can have a better understanding of what isgoing on in the program. Moreover, this pragmatic study is expected to deepen theunderstanding of the relations between language and society.

关 键 词: 言语反讽 反讽应答 顺应 语用策略

分 类 号: [H136]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 涂佳佳
作者 李文佼
作者 陆莹
作者 文兵
作者 郑社养


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学华文学院
机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏