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Behind the Deceptive Mask

导  师: 黄家修

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 爱伦坡是19世纪美国高产作家之一,作品涵括了诗歌、短篇小说和文学理论等。尽管坡从小命途多舛,郁郁不得志,但他成功地创作了一系列以暴力、谋杀和死亡为主题的恐怖小说。他对人的心理活动进行了形象地刻画,尤其对第一人称不可靠叙述者的心理进行了精妙的剖析。本文分析了爱伦坡两篇著名恐怖小说《泄密的心》和《一桶白葡萄酒》中主人公的不可靠叙述。两篇小说的主人公出于不同目的叙述了自己行凶的动机和过程。《泄密的心》中主人公想通过讲述自己的杀人故事来证明自己心智正常。《一桶白葡萄酒》主人公年事已高,出于内心的愧疚承认之前所犯的罪行。本文从布斯和费伦不可靠叙述理论角度,探讨了两篇小说中主人公不可靠叙述的原因、种类以及作者在两篇小说中所持的道德价值观。 本文共有五个部分。第一章为引言,简要地介绍了爱伦坡的恐怖小说、相关评论和本文所要研究的问题。第二章对本文所要运用的布斯和费伦的不可靠叙述理论进行陈述。第三章重点分析了《泄密的心》中的不可靠叙述,包括叙述者的叙述技巧、不可靠叙述的原因、以及隐含作者的价值观和道德关怀。第四章探讨了《一桶白葡萄酒》的不可靠叙述,包括提高不可靠叙述效果的讽刺、不可靠叙述中的可靠叙述以及隐含作者的独特价值观。第五章对整篇文章进行总结,并指出本文研究的意义。 Edgar Allen Poe is a productive and unique writer with a great diversity of works,including poems, short fictions, and literary theories in the19thcentury America. Despite themisfortune and deprivation in his lifetime, he successfully creates a series of horror storiesswhose themes are mainly bloody violence, cruel murder and macabre death. His horror storiesoften provide penetrating insight into the mental state, especially psychological problem ofthe unreliable first-person narrators. This thesis is to explore the unreliability of the maliciousnarrators in Poe’s two famous murder tales The Tell-Tale Heart /(1843/) and The Cask ofAmontillado /(1864/). In both stories, the protagonists address the readers or an imaginedaudience about the reason and process of their ruthless murder. They are either driven by thecompulsion to confess his crime or by serious mental disorder. By applying Booth andPhelan’s theory of unreliable narration, this thesis analyzes their unreliable narration andreveals the reason for their deceptive narration, the specific types of unreliability of thenarrators, and the implied author’s moral values. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One consists of a brief introduction toPoe’s classic horror stories, and a review of relevant literature. Booth and Phelan’s theory ofunreliable narration is elaborated in Chapter Two. Chapter Three examines the unreliablenarration in The Tell-Tale Heart, including the specific narrative strategies of the derangednarrator, the cause and influence of his unreliable narration and the moral values of theimplied author. Chapter Four illustrates the unreliable narration in The Cask of Amontillado,covering the usage of irony to enhance the effect of unreliable narration, the reliable narrationof the unreliable narrator. Chapter Five concludes with a summary of the thesis and discusses the significance of the studies.

关 键 词: 不可靠叙述 隐含作者 价值观冲突

分 类 号: [I712.074]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院马克思主义哲学与中国现代化研究所
机构 五邑大学外国语学院


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