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Report on the Practice of Whispered Interpreting with Special Reference to the Remarks at the Art Performance Commemorating the36~/(th/) Anniversary of Chairman Mao's Farewell

导  师: 张保红

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 中国国力的不断增强吸引了世界各地人们的来访,在频繁的文化及经贸交流合作中,口译员的作用不容忽视。 作者以纪念毛主席逝世三十六周年文艺晚会为例,将自己担任一位国际友人耳语传译员的口译实践活动作为重点分析对象,总结耳语传译过程中应依循的原则及使用的策略,并对口译质量进行了自我评估和客户评估。 依照释意学派的观点,口译的忠实不是简单的字词层面的对应,而是意义的忠实,具体地,口译应忠实于讲者的意图,忠实于目标语语言习惯,忠实于听者。作者由此将这“三个忠实”作为口译应依循的原则分别进行探讨:为达到对讲者意图的忠实,译者应注意脱离语言外壳及传递讲者感情;为忠实于目标语,译者应注意中英两种语言的主要差异,包括意合形合、笼统具体及固定说法方面的差异;为达到对听者的忠实,译者应了解听者对话题的了解程度并通过解释及适当添加背景知识增强听者的理解;此外,译员还应注意“三个忠实”的协调统一。在有意识地遵循“三个忠实”的原则之上,为了能和讲者达到同步,译者还要有意识地运用同传中的几项策略—顺句驱动、预测、添加及合理简约。口译原则及策略部分的探讨都结合了作者对口译实例的分析。 通过此报告,作者希望能为其他译员在耳语传译方面提供参考,帮助他们更好地面对口译中的挑战,充分发挥译员作用,促进中外交流。 China, with an ever-increasing national strength, is attracting people from allover the world. In the cultural exchange and economic cooperation between Chinaand the rest of the world, the role of interpreters cannot be neglected. This report is a case study of the author’s practice of whispered interpreting foran international friend at the art performance in memory of the36thanniversary ofChairman Mao’ farewell. The author will describe the process of her interpreting,summarize interpreting principles and strategies, and evaluate her interpreting quality.According to Interpretive Theory, what the interpreter delivers should not be thelinguistic meaning but the non-verbal meaning or sense of the original discourse. Thatis to say, the interpretation should be faithful to the sense of the original discourse.Specifically speaking, the interpretation should be faithful to the intention of thespeaker, the target language and the listener. The author would take the “threefaithfulness” as the interpreting principles and make analysis. In order to be faithful tothe intention of the speaker, the interpreter must deverbalize and convey the feeling ofthe original speech; in order to be faithful to the target language, the interpreter shouldknow the major differences between Chinese and English, namely, paratactic/&hypotactic, general/&specific and differences in set phrases; in order to be faithful tothe listener, the interpreter should know what the listener knows and what he doesn’tknow about the topic under discussion, and improve his understanding by makingexplanations and adding background information; what’ more, the interpreter shouldintegrate the ‘three faithfulness’. Besides the “three faithfulness”, in order to besimultaneous with the speaker, the interpreter has to apply interpreting strategies likesyntactic linearity, anticipation, addition and simplification. The author’s descriptionof interpreting principles and strategies has been integrated with her analysis ofexamples taken form the interpretation. The report is to provide some interpreting principles and strategies in whisperedinterpreting for future interpreters. Hopefully it will help them meet the challenges ininterpreting.

关 键 词: 耳语传译 口译原则及策略 口译质量评估

分 类 号: [H059]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 范晓彦
作者 周兆祥
作者 周兴杰
作者 郑洵
作者 苏琴


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学高级翻译学院
机构 中山大学
机构 佛山科学技术学院文学与艺术学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学西方语言文化学院


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏