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Pragmatic Analysis of Cultural Presupposition in Translating Chinese Classic Novels

导  师: 莫爱屏

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 本文根据关联顺应理论在翻译中的应用,采用理论指导与具体例证阐释相结合的方法,从语用学角度讨论和研究中国古典小说《水浒传》中文化预设的处理。文化预设作为一种语用现象与文化背景密切相连。在翻译中,在原文中不言而喻的预设概念在译文中若处理不当,就可能变成语用障碍,导致文化传达失误最终导致交际的失败。 语用学研究的两大主题就是话语的理解和话语的产出。依据关联-顺应路径,翻译过程同样分为两个部分:理解和译出。理解过程是译者在原文找到作者交际意图最佳关联的明示推理过程。译出过程是译者在目标语的各个层面上作出顺应以便传递作者交际目的和满足译文读者需要的动态过程。就翻译中的文化预设来说,在理解阶段,译者需扩大共享文化预设的互明;对只存在源语的文化预设,译者要作出正确语境假设以获取最佳关联。在译出阶段,根据原文文化预设的最佳关联,译者作出切合目标语认知环境的正确语言选择来传达作者文化预设背后的真正意图。 《水浒传》是我国古典小说的重要代表之一,其中蕴涵着丰富的文化。通过分析小说中文化预设的处理,作者证实了关联-顺应理论对中国古典小说翻译中文化预设处理的强大阐释力。在此理论框架下,本研究能更好阐释关联顺应理论在翻译中的应用,也为涉及不同文化因素的翻译提供新的视角。沙博理和赛珍珠通过使用各种翻译手法,充分发挥了传达《水浒传》中文化预设的认知和主体性。遗憾的是,因受到源语和目标语认知环境中各种因素的影响,译者并非都能从原文中找出作者意图的最佳关联和在译文中做出相应文化调整。因此,他们译本中都不可避免地出现了各种误译的现象。 Based on the Relevance Theory and Adaptation Theory, this thesis looks at thecommunicative processes of the cultural presupposition in translating Chineseclassic novel Shuihuzhuan. It combines theoretical deduction with specific caseillustrations to study cultural presupposition from a new pragmatic perspective. As apragmatic phenomenon, cultural presupposition is closely related to the culturalbackground. In translation, the cultural presuppositions which are self-evident in thesource cognitive environment will easily become obstacles for adequatecomprehension and successful cross-cultural communication if they are not properlydealt with by the translator. Utterance interpretation and utterance production are two major subjects in thepragmatic studies of translation. From the perspective of Relevance-Adaptationapproach, the course of translation consists of two intertwined stages:discourse-interpreting process and discourse-producing process. The first process isan ostensive-inferential one in which the translator seeks for optimal relevance ofthe author s communicative intentions in the source text; the second process is adynamic one. The translator has to make linguistic adaptations at every level of thetarget language in order to convey the author s intentions and satisfy the needs oftarget readers. In the case of cultural presupposition in translation, the translatorshould enlarge mutual manifestness about the shared cultural presuppositions andmake correct contextual assumptions about the unshared ones to attain optimalrelevance in the first process. In the second process, he should make right linguisticchoices corresponding with the target cognitive environment to convey the author sintentions behind presuppositions on the basis of optimal relevance he has achieved. As one of the masterpieces of Chinese classic novels, Shuihuzhuan is rich in cultural connotations. Through the study of the cultural presuppositions in it, theauthor finds that Relevance-Adaptation Theories can effectively explain thehandling of cultural presuppositions in translating Chinese classic novels. Theresearch within this theoretical framework is significant because it can betterillustrate the functions of RT and AT and better improve the translation whendifferent cultures are involved. In dealing with the cultural presuppositions inShuihuzhan, Buck and Shapiro displayed their cognition and subjectivities to themaximum. They made use of different translation strategies to convey thepresuppositions of culture as much as possible. However, due to various subjectiveand objective factors in the source and target cognitive environments, the translatorcannot always guarantee optimal relevance of the ST and appropriate adjustments tothe TT. Therefore, some translation problems such as misinterpreting, inadequateand excessive translation will arise inevitably.

关 键 词: 文化预设 水浒传 关联 顺应 话语理解过程 话语产出过程

分 类 号: [H059 I046]

领  域: [语言文字] [文学]


作者 姚令芝
作者 周凯文
作者 邹润
作者 王小宁
作者 彭志瑛


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李晓青
作者 肖飞燕
作者 范文嫣