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A Cross-cultural Study on Online Shopping Intention between Chinese and American College Students

导  师: 吴易明

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 近十几年来,网上购物的热潮引起了人们对网络消费者行为研究的极大兴趣。已经有众多学者从不同学科的角度对这个话题进行研究。然而,在这些研究当中,大部分聚焦于商务的视角,鲜有从文化的角度展开。随着网上购物在全球的逐步普及,文化在国际交流中的作用日益重要。因此,在全球化的背景下探讨文化与网络消费者行为之间的关系显得尤为必要。 本文关注文化维度对消费者网上购物意向的影响,旨在找出哪些文化因素造成消费者对网上购物的偏爱或抗拒。本文选取了中国和美国的网络消费者进行跨文化对比研究,通过调查两国的消费者在文化维度和网上购物意向方面的差异来检验这两者之间的相关性。本文的理论框架结合了Hofstede提出的五个文化维度和Ajzen与Fishbein的计划行为理论。相应地,本文通过采用Yoo等人改良的文化价值观量表从个人层面上衡量Hofstede的五个文化维度,并通过查阅以往文献总结和提取出有关的项目来测量消费者的网上购物意向和相关的态度构念(网上购物态度、知觉行为控制和主观规范)。 这是一个微观层面的量化实证研究。本文采用问卷调查的方式收集数据。研究样本是由142名中国大学生和127名美国大学生组成。得到的数据运用描述统计和最小二乘法回归的方法进行分析。 研究结果表明,中美消费者在文化维度和网上购物意向方面均存在显著的差异。中国消费者比美国消费者拥有更大的权利距离和更强的不确定性规避、集体主义倾向以及长期时间取向,但是他们的网上购物意向比美国的低。另外,统计数据还验证了文化维度对网上购物意向的影响机制。文化维度,通过其对态度构念的作用,间接地影响消费者的网上购物意向。其中,三个文化维度均与两国的网络消费行为高度相关:不确定性规避、个体主义与集体主义和长短期取向。然而,在不同的国家,每个影响因子的相对重要性度显然不同。中国消费者较低的网上购物意向主要与他们较弱的知觉行为控制和较少的赞成态度有关,而这又是主要受到其较强的不确定性规避的影响。美国消费者较强的网上购物意向则主要归因于他们较高的主观规范,而这又是与其较强的个体主义倾向息息有关。 本研究的价值在于为相关的研究提供一个较新的分析框架。此外,本研究的结果还有助于全球的网络零售商识别中美消费者在文化和网上购物行为上的差异并据此制定有效的营销策略。 In recent years, the fever of online shopping has aroused tremendous interest inthe study of online consumer behavior. Numerous scholars from various disciplineshave examined this topic in different ways. However, most of these studies areconducted from business perspectives, while few are investigated from a culturalperspective. As online shopping is becoming globally available, culture has beenplaying an increasingly important role in international exchange activities. Therefore,it·s very necessary to explore the relationship between culture and online consumerbehavior under the circumstance of globalization. The present study concentrates on the effects of cultural dimensions onconsumers· online shopping intention, with the purpose of finding out what culturalfactors are associated with consumers· preference or resistance of online shopping.It·s a cross-cultural contrastive study between China and the U.S. By figuring out thedifferences between Chinese and American consumers in cultural dimensions andonline shopping intention, this thesis examines the correlation between the two. Underthe tentative theoretical framework developed on the combination of Hofstede·s fivecultural dimensions and the Theory of Planned Behavior /(TPB/) proposed by Ajzenand Fishbein, culture dimensions are measured via a modified instrument ofHofstede·s, the Individual Cultural Values Scale developed by Yoo, Donthu, andLenartowicz, while consumers· online shopping intention and the attitudinalconstructs in the TPB model /(attitude towards online shopping, perceived behavioralcontrol, and subjective norm/) are assessed through an integrated instrument based ona considerable amount of relevant literature. This is a quantitative empirical research analyzed at the micro level. Primarydata are collected through a self-administered questionnaire survey which isconducted on randomly selected college students of the two countries:142fromChina and127from the U.S. A descriptive statistics method and an Ordinary Least Squares regression /(OLS/) approach are adopted into data analysis. According to the findings, Chinese and American consumers are remarkablydistinct in terms of cultural dimensions and online shopping intention. Chinese aremore collectivistic and long-term oriented, with stronger uncertainty avoidance andlarger power distance than Americans, but their online shopping intention is lowerthan that of their counterpart. Besides, the statistical results support the suppositionthat cultural dimensions indirectly affect consumers· online shopping intentionthrough their direct influence on the attitudinal constructs. Three cultural dimensionsare significantly correlated with online consumer behavior in both countries:uncertainty avoidance, individualism.vs. collectivism, and long-term.vs. short-termorientation. However, there are remarkable differences in the relative importance ofthe determinants across countries. The lower online shopping intention of Chineseconsumers is mainly explained by their smaller perceived behavioral control and lessfavorable attitude towards online shopping, which are affected by their strongeruncertainty avoidance; while the greater online shopping intention of Americanconsumers is basically attributed to their higher level of subjective norm, which areassociated with their stronger tendency to individualism. The present study is valuable to academia and practitioners. For one thing, itprovides a new analytical framework for relevant research. For another, internationalonline retailers will also benefit from the findings in the study in that they can realizethe differences in cultural dimensions and online shopping behavior between Chineseand American consumers, and design effective marketing strategies and tailor them tovarious cultures.

关 键 词: 电子商务 网络消费者行为 网上购物意向 文化维度

分 类 号: [F713.36 G04]

领  域: [经济管理] [文化科学]


作者 周敏仪
作者 张彩虹
作者 樊明成
作者 朱海龙
作者 周弋棋


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 张健
作者 张方超
作者 彭铁牛
作者 彭飞
作者 徐广生