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Humor VS Identity Formation: a Study of the Stylistic Features of Love Medicine

导  师: 周静琼

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 路易斯·厄德里齐是美国当代负有盛名、著作颇丰的印第安女性作家,被公认为“印第安文艺复兴”的第二次浪潮中最重要的作家之一。她几乎所有的作品都极其真实地描述了北达科他州齐佩瓦人在保留地的生活,强调印第安人的传统。 1984年厄德里齐出版了第一部小说《爱药》,该书是其北达科他州系列小说中最著名的一部。1993年她再版了一个扩展版,该版本广受好评,被公认为《爱药》的权威版本。本论文采用1993版为研究文本。1993版的《爱药》由18篇独立、不连贯却又相互联系的短篇故事组成。每个故事的叙述角度都不同,这是印第安口述传统文学经常采用的叙述形式。该书讲述了居住在北达科他州齐佩瓦人居留地,即龟山居留地的皮莱爵、纳娜普什、拉马丁、喀什帕、拉扎雷、莫里西这六大家族三代人前后五十年的生活故事,主要讲述居留地恶劣的生活条件,当地人民乐观向上的生活态度以及他们的爱恨情仇。 该书开篇讲述琼·喀什帕在回保留地的途中去世,她的葬礼让家人重聚在一起。然后人物一个接一个地出场讲述他们的故事。玛丽讲述了她年少时的遭遇,她如何遇见并嫁给尼科特,以及如何在丈夫不理家事的情况下独自养活一家人。紧接着尼科特讲述了他年轻时在白人社会的种种经历,和他回到保留地后担任部落主席的经历,以及他与玛丽的婚姻、与娜娜的婚外情等故事。娜娜则讲述了她离经叛道的一生,她的数次婚姻和婚外情,以及她对美国政府施加的压迫所做的抗争。玛丽的外孙女艾伯丁讲述了露露的大儿子盖里成为罪犯兼英雄的前因后果。玛丽领养的孙子利普夏则讲述了自己如何发现亲生父母的身份,后来他如何确定自己归属于保留地。 厄德里齐在接受采访时多次提到,她希望能打破那些带有种族偏见的印第安人刻板形象,以便塑造出非印第安人也能认同的真实角色。幽默就是她用来达到该目的的手段之一。《爱药》被认为属于印第安文艺复兴开始以来清晰体现幽默的首批印第安作品。但是由于种种原因,书中的幽默元素几乎被忽视了,以至于该书的主题也遭到误读,结果大部分学者将《爱药》解读为讲述印第安人失败与堕落的悲剧故事。本文试图分析书中被忽视的幽默元素,通过细致的文本分析剖析该书的幽默色彩,从而回答以下两个问题:1、《爱药》中的幽默有哪些表现形式?2、在塑造别样的印第安人形象中幽默发挥了什么作用? 本文主要研究《爱药》中的语言幽默、情境幽默以及幽默人物刻画,更具体地说是恶作剧精灵人物的刻画。支撑文本分析的理论包括常见的三大幽默理论(例如失谐理论、释放理论等)、相关印第安幽默理论以及恶作剧精灵人物理论。本文试图分析证明《爱药》幽默色彩浓厚,讲述了印第安人虽身处困境但仍乐观幸存的故事。印第安人聪明机智,能从幽默中获取力量,他们借此粉碎了“印第安人毫无幽默感”的刻板形象,因而构建出真正的印第安人身份。 Louise Erdrich is a productive woman writer of contemporary Native Americanliterature. She is widely acclaimed as one of the most significant writers of the secondwave of the Native American Renaissance. Almost each of her works draws amarvelous picture of the reservation life of the North Dakota Chippewas, featuringNative American heritage. Erdrich’s first novel Love Medicine /(1984/) is the most notable of her NorthDakota novels. It was reissued in1993in a new and expanded edition. The1993version has since been considered the authoritative one and is adopted as the primarytext for this thesis. It comprises eighteen disjointed, independent yet interconnectedshort narratives. Each narrative is told from a different perspective—representative ofthe Native storytelling tradition. These narratives constitute a three generation,fifty-year saga of six related families—Pillager, Nanapush, Lamartine, Kashpaw,Lazarre and Morrissey—living on the Turtle Mountain Reservation, a North DakotaChippewa reservation. Love Medicine is centered on the poor living conditions on thereservation, local people’s optimistic attitude towards life as well as their love andhatred. Love Medicine starts with June Kashpaw’s death on her way back to thereservation. June’s funeral realizes a family reunion. Characters appear one by one totell their stories. Marie tells about what she has suffered as a girl, how she encountersand marries Nector, and how she manages to support her family with little help from her husband. Nector reveals his experiences in the white world as a young man, hisexperiences as the tribal chairman and his marriage with Marie and love affair withLulu. Lulu narrates her life as a nonconformist woman on the reservation, hermarriages and love affairs as well as her resistance against oppression imposed by theU.S. government. Albertine exposes the cause and effect of Gerry being both acriminal and a hero. Lipsha discloses how he finds his parentage and determines hisidentity on the reservation. Erdrich aspires to counter-present biased stereotypes of Native Americans andto present authentic characters that any non-Native would identify with. Humor is oneof the means that she employs to achieve the ends. Love Medicine is recognized asamong the first Native works to clearly exemplify humor in Native fiction since thebeginning of the Native American Renaissance. However, due to various reasons, thehumorous elements in the book are largely ignored, and the book is misinterpreted asa chronicle of devastating defeat and ruin. This thesis intends to unearth the humorouselements in Love Medicine through detailed textual analyses, attempting to answer thefollowing questions:1. What forms does humor take in Love Medicine?2. Whatfunctions does humor perform in representing alternative Native Americans? This thesis attempts to study the verbal humor, situational humor and humorouscharacterization, more specifically, the tricksters in Love Medicine. The mostcommon conceptualizations of humor, such as the Incongruity theory, the Relieftheory, etc., theories about Native humor as well as the trickster theories are to lendtheoretical support to the textual analysis. The thesis aims to prove that Love Medicineis not a record of the defeat and despair of the “vanishing victims” but an account ofthe optimism and survival of Native Americans. Native Americans are wise enough togain power from humor to dismantle the humorless stereotypes so as to constructgenuine Native American identity.

关 键 词: 爱药 路易斯 厄德里齐 印第安人 幽默 身份构建

分 类 号: [I712.074]

领  域: [文学]


作者 李颖瑜
作者 周明燕
作者 卞慕东
作者 唐伟胜
作者 欧燕飞


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学外国语学院
机构 暨南大学文学院


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作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李娟
作者 李晓青