导 师: 莫爱屏;张丽华
学科专业: 050211
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 本文采用描述性研究方法对中国外交语言中的模糊信息以及外交部口译员在应对模糊外交语言时所采用的策略展开研究。本文也将详细介绍最为广泛接受的模糊语言的定义、特征、分类,为本文所涉及的研究提供理论依据。 随着中国改革开放的进程不断推进,我国的外交事业也在蓬勃发展中。外交口译愈加重要的地位使其更需理论的支持。作为一门相对较新的学科,模糊语言学自扎德提出“模糊集”理论后便开始在世界范围内广受瞩目。但是尽管大多数学者都认同“模糊性”是自然语言的内在特征之一,仍然有一部分学者认为在一些对语言精确性要求极高的场合,例如医药领域,法律法庭,外交场合中,语言的模糊性是不存在的。本文致力于研究中国外交语言中模糊语言的分类,特征和功能,以及外交口译员为正确传达中国发言人的意思而采取的口译策略。 本文是基于真实中英外交口译语料的研究。论文语料主要来自于对中华人民共和国外交部发言人在2010至2012年间两会记者招待会中发言的交替口译转录,在会议中中国总理或外交部发言人回答来自世界各国媒体的提问,内容涉及中国最主要的内政方针及中国对世界热点问题的态度。另外,研究全部语料都选自级别较高且正式严谨的外交会议,面向全世界观众,因此其内容和用语都具有中国外交口译的典型性。同时译员为外交部翻译室的专业译员,口译能力较强,译文专业度和被认可度均较高,其译文适于作为语料用于分析译员为实现不同目的而使用的模糊翻译,并基于其提出可行的应对策略。本研究力求为外交口译初学者提供可借鉴的应对策略。当他们在中英外交口译中面临相同或相似的模糊语言时,本文所介绍的口译策略可能为其提供可行的解决方法,合理转换模糊语言,以传达说者的本意,保护中国的利益,并明确中国的政策方针。 The thesis will be based on a descriptive study on the fuzzy messages in Chinesediplomatic language and the tactics adopted by DI1interpreters to render the fuzzymessages during diplomatic interpreting. The most well recognized definitions,characteristics and classifications of fuzziness are also introduced as the foundation ofthis study. Because of China’s frequent foreign affairs, the ever important diplomaticinterpreting calls for theories to support interpreting practice. As a comparatively newdiscipline, fuzzy linguistics starts to attract worldwide attention since theestablishment of “fuzzy sets” theory by L. A. Zadeh. Although it is believed that“fuzziness” is an intrinsic quality of natural language, there are also a lot of scholarsdoubt the existence of “fuzziness” in the language under formal and stringent settings,such as medical, legal, and diplomatic language. In this thesis, I will attempt to do aresearch on the existence, classification, characteristics and functions of fuzziness inChinese diplomatic language, as well as the interpreting tactics adopted byprofessional diplomatic interpreters to properly transfer the fuzziness in Chinese intoEnglish, without distorting the intention of China’s spokesmen. This thesis will be based on the study of authentic material collected from thereal settings of C-E diplomatic interpreting. The corpus of the thesis is mainlyextracted from the transcripts of the interpretation for the spokesmen at the latestpress conferences during the two Sessions after NPC and CPPCC. During theconferences, China’s Premier or Foreign Minister answer to the questions of pressesfrom all over the world about China’s policies, covering both China’s major policiesinward and its attitude on hot issues in the range of the whole world. Furthermore, allof the chosen conferences are official and formal and can be seen by audiences from all over the world, thus both the content and language of the chosen corpus are typicalto China’s diplomatic interpreting. Besides, the interpreters of the chosen corpus areprofessional diplomatic interpreters of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs whoseinterpreting skills and competence are outstanding and well recognized, whichcontribute to the suitability of their interpretation to be used as material to analyze thefuzziness in diplomatic interpreting. This research may provide possible solutions for those who intend to becomediplomatic interpreters. When they encounter the same or similar types of fuzziness inChinese diplomatic language, the tactics summarized by studying the collected corpusin this thesis may provide possible references as solutions for them to properlytransfer the fuzziness into English while keeping the intention of the speakers,protecting China’s interests and clarifying China’s policies and political attitude.
分 类 号: [H315.9]
领 域: [语言文字]