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The Effects of Self-assessment on Chinese EFL Learners' Acquisition of English Articles

导  师: 曾用强

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 近年来,随着对学习性评价和自主学习的呼声逐渐提高,学习者的自我评估受到了越来越多的关注。研究者已经开展了一系列有关自我评估的研究。然而,目前关于自我评估的研究多关注其信度和效度,较少关注自我评估对学习者学习的影响,尤其在中国背景下此类研究甚少。本研究主要探讨了自我评估对中国英语学习者冠词习得的影响。本研究试图回答以下两个研究问题: (1)自我评估对中国英语学习者的冠词习得有积极影响吗?如果有,自我评估对不同水平学习者的冠词习得有不同影响吗? (2)在学生看来,自我评估对他们冠词学习有什么影响? 来自湖南道县第五中学初三年级两个平行班的87名学生参加了为期四周的实验。笔者将其随机分为实验组(45人)和对照组(42人),并且把实验组分成了高水平、中水平和低水平三个小组。在实验期间要求实验组和对照组学生重写故事,实验组的学生对他们重写的故事进行自我评估。实验组和对照组的学生都参加了测量他们冠词使用水平的前测和后测。在实验最后,实验组学生填写了一份调查他们对自我评估对他们冠词学习影响的看法的问卷,其中六个学生接受了访谈。 笔者分别对比了实验组和对照组前后测的成绩以及实验组中三个小组的前后测成绩,并分析了问卷调查和访谈的结果,得出以下结论:(1)自我评估对中国英语学习者的冠词习得有积极影响。(2)自我评估对不同水平的学习者的冠词习得有不同影响。自我评估对中、低水平学生的影响明显大于对高水平学生的影响,而且对低水平学生的影响最大。(3)大多数学生认为自我评估对他们的冠词学习有积极影响。自我评估帮助他们了解自己的冠词掌握情况、发现自己的不足、提高冠词使用能力,激发了他们学好冠词的动机并且提高了他们的自信心。 本研究有一定的理论和实践意义,对自我评估在中国外语课堂中的应用有一定启示。但是鉴于种种原因与局限性,本研究还存在改进的地方,还需要更多的研究来进一步探讨。 There has been an upsurge in the interest in self-assessment in the past fewdecades as the appeal for assessment for learning and learner autonomy grows higher.Abundant research has been conducted on students’ self-assessment. However, mostresearch about self-assessment puts emphasis on its validity and reliability whilerelatively little attention has been paid to its effects on students’ learning, especially inChinese context. In fact, some researchers argue that the most important aspect ofself-assessment is its effects on learning. The present study was designed to explorethe effects of self-assessment on Chinese EFL learners’ article acquisition. Thefindings of the study are expected to answer the following two research questions: /(1/) Does self-assessment practice have positive effects on Chinese EFL learners’acquisition of English articles? If yes, is there any difference in the effects ofself-assessment on learners of different proficiency levels? /(2/) How do the students perceive the effectiveness of self-assessment for theirarticle learning? Eighty-seven grade three junior middle school students from two intact parallelclasses participated in the four-week study. Among them,45in one class were used asthe experimental group, while42in the other class were employed as the controlgroup. Participants in the experimental group were divided into three subgroups:high-level group, mid-level group and low-level group. Participants in both theexperimental group and control group did the rewriting tasks and those in theexperimental group performed self-assessment. All the participants took the pretestand posttest measuring their ability to use English articles. At the end of the study, allparticipants in the experimental group filled a questionnaire and six were interviewed. The data analyzed included the pretest and posttest scores of both theexperimental group and control group, the pretest and posttest scores of the threesub-groups, and the results of the questionnaire and the interview. The quantitative and qualitative analyses resulted in the following findings. First, the practice ofself-assessment had positive effects on Chinese EFL learners’ acquisition of Englisharticles. Second, self-assessment had differential effects on learners of differentproficiency levels. The effects of self-assessment on the mid-level and low-levellearners were much greater than the effects on the high-level learners and the effectson low-level learners were the greatest. Third, a significant majority of the studentshad positive perceptions of the effectiveness of self-assessment for their articlelearning. They believed that self-assessment helped them to evaluate theirperformance, identify what to improve, improve their performance, enhance theirmotivation and boost their confidence. Based on the findings of this study, implications are provided from theoreticaland practical perspectives. Much enlightenment has been given to the application ofself-assessment in Chinese EFL context. Due to various limitations, the findings ofthe present study should be interpreted with caution. Further studies are needed to geta clearer picture about this topic.

关 键 词: 学习性评价 自主学习 自我评估 冠词习得

分 类 号: [G633.41]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 周远梅
作者 冯艳华
作者 吴立平
作者 樊春艳
作者 黄颖妍


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学外国语学院
机构 华南师范大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟