导 师: 李明
学科专业: 0551
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学
摘 要: 当今世界全球化趋势不可逆转,中国自改革开放以来尤其是在加入WTO世界贸易组织后,与全球各国的经济联系急剧上升,来华参加各种商品、贸易展销会,采购中国商品、参观工厂、商务谈判、实地考察投资意向、出席各种饭局晚宴的国外企业越来越多,而以上商务场景下的中外人员沟通产生了对商务联络口译员的需求。商务联络口译员常常要面临纷繁复杂的商务场景,因而需要扮演好不同的角色以促进商务沟通。 本文是笔者根据其于2012年第111届广交会承担的联络口译任务而写下的,笔者所承担的联络口译多为商务联络口译。译者通过实践经验,总结商务场景下译员所扮演的几种角色即客户的公司雇员、信息的传递者、对话的促进者、冲突的防御者和冲突发生后的调节者以及文化掮客和协调者5种角色。 笔者的研究的最直接起源来自于对广州联络口译市场从业人员混乱、薪酬大相径庭这一情况的感性认识,从而启发笔者对口译服务使用客户期待、译员角色产生兴趣。本文之中,笔者采用实践中的口译语篇、以及与客户之间的对话音频转写文本分析联络口译员所扮演的5种角色。笔者希望通过此文对现在的学习口译的学员有一定的参考价值,帮助他们提供口译技能,以便在口译实践中迅速适应。笔者的另一目的是呼吁联络口译员组织和执业准则的建立。 Globalization is an irreversible trend and China, since Reform and Opening-Up,especially after its accession to WTO has developed an ever increasing economic boundwith foreign countries. With more and more foreign companies’ attending trade andcommodity fairs, purchasing Chinese products, visiting factories, negotiating deals, seekinginvestment and cooperation opportunities, wining and dining with Chinese counterparts, theneed for liaison interpreters rises dramatically. It is often the case that liaison interpreters inbusiness settings encounter different and unexpected situations thus having to assumevarious roles accordingly as to push forward business communications. This paper is based on the liaison interpreting tasks conducted by the author at the111thCanton Fair in2012. Most of the interpreting service was carried out in businesssettings. Drawing from the practices at111thCanton Fair, the author summarizes5roles thatliaison interpreters in business settings assume which are employees of the client,information deliverer, conversation facilitator, conflict preventer and mediator, culturalbroker and coordinator. What directly inspires the author to study the liaison interpreters’ role in businesssettings is the finding of the chaos in Guangzhou’s interpreting market. In this paper, theauthor conducts case analysis on liaison interpreters’ roles in business settings and wishesthis paper prove to be useful for the future reference of candidate interpreters. In a broadermeaning, the author intends to call upon more attention to the establishment of a formalorganization for liaison interpreters and a profession admission mechanism.
关 键 词: 联络口译 译员角色 用户期待 质量评估 实践报告
分 类 号: [H315.9]
领 域: [语言文字]