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On the Translation of Metaphors in Wei Cheng: a Cognitive Perspective

导  师: 欧阳利锋

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 本论文主要探讨了认知视阈下小说《围城》隐喻的翻译问题。 隐喻是一种常见的语言表达形式。它的普遍性引起了学者们的广泛兴趣。从古至今国内外对隐喻的研究历经了数个不同阶段。随着研究的深入和各学科之间的频繁互动,人们对隐喻的研究已经不再局限于传统的修辞领域,以莱考夫,约翰逊等为代表的认知语言学家们把隐喻引入到了更广泛的认知范畴。至此,人们对隐喻的了解已经从原来单纯的修辞手法上升到人类的一种认知和行为方式。 与人们对隐喻的研究热情相比,对隐喻翻译问题的关注仍却略有不足,特别是中文隐喻的翻译问题。本论文以认知为视角,运用概念隐喻理论和概念合成理论,对《围城》原文及英译本中的隐喻进行定性和对比分析。作者首先回顾了隐喻、隐喻翻译以及相关隐喻理论的发展,然后在此基础上构建了本研究的理论框架。该理论框架展示了隐喻的翻译过程,指出译者在进行翻译的时候,关键在于正确分析源语隐喻合成空间内的生成结构及其产生的认知效力,并将其映射到目标语。此外该框架还表明隐喻翻译的好坏关键在于原文本与译文本“合成空间”产生的两个生成结构及其反映的认知效力间的关系,初步建立起隐喻翻译的模糊评价模式。 在对《围城》的个案分析中,作者首先讨论了隐喻在凸显小说主题上的作用,并对隐喻进行了分类,然后重点分析和探讨译文对原著隐喻的处理,即译者采取的翻译策略和原则,以及这种处理在再现原著风格和主题等方面的得与失,从而给予译文一个客观的评价。 This thesis takes a cognitive approach to the translation of metaphors in Wei Cheng. As a kind of ordinary linguistic expression, metaphor pervades all languages. As moreand more researches on them have been done, the study of metaphor is no longer confined tothe field of rhetoric. Cognitive linguists like Lakoff and Johnson applied the knowledge ofcognitive linguistics to it. Under their influence, metaphor is now regarded as a kind ofcognitive instruments and thinking modes of human beings. Compared with the popularity of studies of metaphor, its translation was neglected byscholars more or less. The literature review on this subject reveals that studies of metaphortranslation from the cognitive perspective are limited, especially the translation of Chinesemetaphors into English. Under Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual BlendingTheory, the author conducts a qualitative and contrastive analysis of metaphors in both WeiCheng and its translation Fortress Besieged. After a cursory review of the research onmetaphor, metaphor translation and the introduction to the relevant theories of metaphor, theauthor lays a theoretical framework guided by Conceptual Metaphor Theory and ConceptualBlending Theory. The framework shows that in translating, the translator first has to analyzethe emergent structure of the blended space in the source language metaphor as well as thecognitive effect it intends to convey, and then maps it onto the target language. Moreover, thisframework also puts forward that a good translation lies in the relation between the twoblends in the source text and target text, thus establishing an initial evaluation mode ofmetaphor translation. In the case study of Wei Cheng, the author first discusses the relation between metaphorsand the theme of the novel and makes a classification of the metaphors. Then the author laysstress on the analysis and discussion of the treatments of the original metaphors in thetranslation, i.e. the translation methods and principles, and of the gains and losses of suchtreatments in reproducing the literary style and theme of Wei Cheng, in hope of giving an objective evaluation to the English translation Fortress Besieged.

关 键 词: 隐喻翻译 认知 概念隐喻理论 概念合成理论 围城

分 类 号: [H315.9 I046]

领  域: [语言文字] [文学]


作者 唐懿
作者 张美芳
作者 童心
作者 刘艾莉
作者 董馨


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学


作者 徐丽华
作者 曹金蓉
作者 李晓青
作者 肖飞燕
作者 范文嫣