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Techniques and Tactics of Liaison Interpreting

导  师: 穆雷;邢杰

学科专业: 0551

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 随着中国对放开放的不断深化,伴随着全球化的浪潮,中国各级主办和承办的国际性会议博览会交易会等也越来越多,中国与国外的交流合作日益增多经过2008年全球金融危机的冲击,中国作为第一大新兴经济体,吸引着越来越多的国外商业界前来招商引资,这催生了大量对联络口译人员的需求能准确传达发言人的意思,在遇到紧急情况时能正确应对,不仅是对联络口译员的要求,也是保障各类会议活动顺利进展的重要因素研究和探讨联络口译常用技巧以及遇到紧急情况的应对策略具有一定的意义 本文分为四章第一章是对此次口译任务以及相关客户的一个简单描述,并对联络口译做了一个简单的定义,同时分析了目前市场对联络口译的需求很大第二章是对口译过程的具体描述在此章节中作者详细描述了怎样做好前期准备,包括了解背景知识,准备词汇表作者分析了她在此次口译任务中的现场表现并在此章最后对此次任务做了后期总结第三章具体分析作者在此次口译任务中运用到的口译技巧,比如预测省译增译重组等等在第三章第二部分作者分析了在此次口译任务中遇到的一些问题,以及解决方法第三部分作者记录了在此次口译任务中犯的错误,并提出了改正方法第四章总结译者在此次口译任务中的心得 联络口译涵盖的领域广阔,对设备要求不高,可随时随地开展,因此也是在读口译学生或刚毕业的口译员接触最多的口译实践活动因为经验不足,在联络口译实践中遇到很多问题通过此报告,作者希望能总结出联络口译员在口译中会遇到的问题,以及这些问题的可能解决策略为刚步入口译行业的口译员提供一些借鉴 As the policy of going global deepens, China begins to have more and morecooperation and exchanges with other countries and regions in business, academics,tourism and etc. Especially after the financial crisis of2008, as the largest emergingeconomy in the world, China attracts many business associations to come to inviteinvestment. Under such circumstances, there is a huge demand for liaison interpreters.To accurately express what speakers say and to correctly respond in emergencies aredemand to interpreters. They are also important to hold meetings or activitiessuccessfully. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze useful techniques andcoping tactics adopted in liaison interpreting. This report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is a brief description ofthe task and relevant clients. The first task is to interpret for an Australian delegationwhich visited Guangdong Airport Management Corporation. The second task is amoot interpretation whose theme is economic strength in financial crisis. Later theauthor quoted the definition of liaison interpreting. In the third part, the author pointedout that at present there is a huge market demand for liaison interpreters. The secondchapter is a description of the process, including preparing background informationand glossary in the pre-interpreting preparation stage, on-interpreting performanceand post-interpreting summary. At the beginning of this chapter, the author discussedethics of liaison interpreting because only after an interpreter knows what he could doand couldn·t do, can he become a professional interpreter. After each task, if allowed,the author asked the client to give an evaluation. The third chapter is the mostimportant one. In this chapter, the author summarized useful techniques she adoptedin the tasks, such as non-verbal anticipation, omission, amplification, recasting,conversion and division. In the second part, she summarized typical challenges she met during the interpreting, and how she coped with those challenges. The problemsthe author met were resulted from two reasons: couldn't understand what speakerssaid and couldn't interpret what she heard. In this report, according to differentsituations the author adopted the following tactics, such as using superordinates,parroting what the speaker said and paraphrasing. In the last part, the author noteddown mistakes she made in the two tasks and provides the correct versions. Thefourth chapter is the conclusion of experience the author got from this task. Freshinterpreters have more chances to do liaison interpretation. All skills and techniqueswe learn from classes can be used in spot interpretation. Most importantly, interpretersneed to make summarization, analyze their performance and thus make improvements. Liaison interpreting can be undertaken in various circumstances. And it has nodemand for special equipments; therefore it can be taken at any time and at any place.So on-campus interpreters or newly-graduated interpreters receive more tasks ofliaison interpreting. During the process, they may encounter a lot of problems becauseof the lack of experience. Through this report, the author hopes to summarize possibledifficulties which will happen during liaison interpreting and find out coping tactics.The author hopes that this report can provide some references to green-handsinterpreters.

关 键 词: 联络口译 口译技巧 解决策略

分 类 号: [H059]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 赖佩芳
作者 严玉婷
作者 田丹丹
作者 姚晓蕾
作者 赵彧


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 汕头大学医学院
机构 广东女子职业技术学院
机构 广东女子职业技术学院应用外语系


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏