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The Effectiveness of Written Corrective Feedback and Language Analytic Ability on Chinese EFL Learners' Acquisition of English Generic NPs

导  师: 谢元花

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学

摘  要: 书面反馈的有效性在二语教学中长期以来争议不断,特别是在Truscott(1996)发表的综述文章中,他总结道:书面反馈不仅无效,而且还可能有负面效果,因此他呼吁要摒弃书面反馈。他富有争议性的言论在二语写作领域以及二语习得领域引起了关于书面反馈有效性的激烈讨论。有关书面反馈的文献从理论上提出了大量的反驳观点,并做了许多实证研究。这些理论和实证研究表明书面反馈能促进写作准确性和语言习得。但由于这些研究的侧重点不同,研究方法也有事差异,导致研究结果与结论不一致。因此有必要开展更多的实证研究考察书面反馈的有效性。此外,不同的学习环境使得探讨书面反馈对中国英语学习者是否有效的研究很有必要。 本研究在前人实证研究基础之上,通过准实验研究法研究(1)书面反馈对中国英语学习者习得英语类指名词的影响以及元语言反馈与间接反馈两种反馈之间的差异效果和(2)语言分析能力在多大程度上与书面反馈的效果相关。 本实验采用“前测—干预—后测(后测1)—延迟后测(后测2)”的准实验研究设计模式,把三个自然班分为三个组:元语言反馈组(27人),间接反馈组(26人)和控制组(26人)。受试学生要求写三篇论述文和完成三组翻译测试。在此期间,两个实验组接受了两次干预。语言能力测试在实验开始前完成。实验分析和比较了来自前测、后测1和后测2中分数以及语言能力测试分数。 实验结果发现:(1)间接反馈组仅在写作测试后测1中分数显著高于对照班,而元语言反馈组在写作测试和翻译测试后测1和2中分数均显著高于对照班;(2)间接反馈组的语言分析能力分数与翻译测试后测分数存在一定的相关性,而元语言反馈组的语言分析能力分数与后测分数不存在相关性。研究表明:(1)当提供元语言反馈时,聚焦于一个语言特征的书面反馈能促进习得;(2)元语言反馈比间接反馈更有效地促进中国英语学习者习得英语类指名词;(3)学习者的语言分析能力越高,间接反馈的促学效应就越显著。 The effectiveness of written corrective feedback /(CF/) has long been in dispute in L2teaching, especially after Truscott's /(1996/) review paper, in which he concluded thatwritten CF was only ineffective but even harmful and called for the abandonment ofwritten CF. His controversial claims stirred up heated discussions on theeffectiveness of written CF in both second language /(L2/) writing and secondlanguage acquisition /(SLA/). The written CF literature has offered an array oftheoretical counterarguments and empirical studies demonstrating that CF can resultin writing accuracy and language acquisition. However, due to their differentresearch concerns and different methodologies, conflicting results and conclusionsare reached. Therefore, more studies should be carried out to investigate theeffectiveness of written CF. Besides, different learning background makes itnecessary to explore whether written CF is beneficial to Chinese EFL learners. On the basis of the previous empirical studies on the efficacy of written CF, thestudy was undertaken through a quasi-experiment to investigate /(1/) the effectivenessof written CF on Chinese EFL learners' acquisition of English generic noun phrases/(NPs/) and the differential effect of meta-linguistic feedback and indirect feedback;and /(2/) the extent to which language analytic ability mediate the effect of writtenCF. The experiment followed a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest–treatment–posttest /(Posttest1/)–delayed posttest /(Posttest2/) structure, using intactEFL classrooms. Three groups were formed: a meta-linguistic correction group /(n=27/), an indirect correction group /(n=26/), and a control group /(n=26/). Theparticipating students were required to write3pieces of argumentative and finish3sets of translation tests. During the process, they received two sessions of treatment. The language analytic ability test was administered at the very beginning of theresearch. The scores in Pretest, Posttest1and Posttest2as well as the languageanalytic ability were analyzed and compared. The results found that /(1/) Whereas the indirect group outscored the controlgroup only in the writing tests in Posttest1, the meta-linguistic group outperformedthe control group both in the writing tests and the translation tests in the posttests;/(2/)A significantly positive association was found in the indirect group between thelanguage analytic ability scores and the translation test scores, but no significantlypositive association in the meta-linguistic group between their tests scores and thelanguage analytic ability scores. The results showed that /(1/) Written CF targeting asingle linguistic feature facilitated learners' acquisition when meta-linguisticfeedback was provided;/(2/) Meta-linguistic feedback was more effective thanindirect feedback in facilitating Chinese EFL learners' acquisition of English genericNPs;/(3/) Learners with a high level of language analytic ability benefited only fromindirect feedback.

关 键 词: 书面反馈 英语类指名词 语言分析能力 习得

分 类 号: [H319.3]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 万东方
作者 陈锦
作者 王金洛
作者 易家来
作者 陈定


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏