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The Study of the Thoughts of Maozedong's Culture of the Anti-japanese United Front

导  师: 刘松茂

学科专业: 030204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湘潭大学

摘  要: “抗日统一战线的文化”是毛泽东于1940年在《新民主主义论》中提出来的,是新民主主义文的一个阶段性概念。在其内部,又有一个阶段过程。1935年瓦窑堡会议决定建立抗日民族统一战线,标志着“抗日统一战线的文化”思想的萌芽。其后经历了初步形成、正式确立与丰富发展等阶段。“抗日统一战线”不仅具备了新民主主义文化“民族的”、“科学的”、“大众的”的特点,也拥有自己的丰富内涵,在关于无产阶级领导权、斗争对象、主体对象、内部结构、动力源泉、历史地位与发展前途上,都闪现出别具一格的思想光辉。“抗日统一战线的文化”是革命战争时期的中国特色文化,同时也是海纳百川的多元文化,更是与时俱进的动态文化。正是基于此,使得我党在抗日战争时期所采取的文化方针政策既坚持了原则性,又体现了灵活性,对抗日根据地的民主政权的建设,敌后战场的军事斗争产生了积极影响。建国后“百花齐放、百家争鸣”、“大量吸收知识分子”等文化政策也是萌生于此时。“抗日统一战线的文化”的提出将统一战线思想由政治领域扩展到文化领域,深层次体现的是毛泽东统一战线思想的成熟,其不但在新民主主义革命时期,而且在社会主义建设时期同样具有指导作用。 Culture of the anti-Japanese united front of Mao Zedong in1940in the 'NewDemocracy', the concept of a new democratic stage. In its interior, there is a stageof the process.1935Wayaobao meeting decided to establish the anti-Japanesenational united front, marking the 'culture' of the anti-Japanese united front thoughtbud. Subsequently undergone initially formed to formalize and rich developmentstage.'United front' with the new democratic culture 'national','scientific','popular' characteristics, but also has its own rich connotation, on the leadership ofthe proletariat, the object of the struggle, the main object, the internal structure,source of power, the historical status and future development, flashed a unique ideaof glory.'Culture' of the anti-Japanese united front during the Revolutionary Warculture with Chinese characteristics, but also be tolerant to diversity,multiculturalism, it is advancing with the dynamic culture. Based on this, so that ourparty in the Anti-Japanese War cultural principles and policies not only adhere tothe principle, but also reflects the flexibility of the democratic regime of theanti-Japanese base construction, the rear battlefield military struggle had a positiveimpact. After the founding of the PRC,'hundred flowers blossom and a hundredschools of thought contend','substantial absorption of intellectuals' cultural policyis also sprouted at this time.'Culture' of the anti-Japanese united front put forwarda united front thinking by the political sphere extended to the field of culture,reflects the deep-seated Mao Zedong Thought of United Front mature, not only inNew Democratic Revolution, and in the period of socialist construction the sameguiding role.

关 键 词: 毛泽东 抗日统一战线的文化 思想研究

领  域: [哲学宗教] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 黄有东
作者 李延静
作者 熊丹
作者 王兵
作者 莫楠


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 李猛
作者 熊丹
作者 牛翠波
作者 王峥
作者 谢振才