导 师: 黄瑞芬
学科专业: 120301
授予学位: 硕士
作 者: ;
机构地区: 中国海洋大学
摘 要: 畜禽养殖业是农业生产的重要组成部分,发展生态型畜禽养殖业是落实科学发展观、促进现代农业发展、解决“三农”问题和建立社会主义新农村理念的重要内容。随着农业现代化生产的需要,畜禽养殖业发展中的环境保护问题及污染生态防治,已成为推动畜禽养殖业繁荣发展的目标和追求。因此开展农村畜禽养殖污染防治研究,对于促进农业增产增效、提高农民生产收入、搞活农村区域经济、推动生态农业发展进步,具有重要而现实的意义。 潍坊市南依泰沂山脉,北濒渤海莱州湾,是山东半岛蓝色经济区的重要组成部分。改革开放以来,该市畜禽养殖业得到了长足发展,形成了以生猪、肉奶牛、羊、肉蛋鸡、鸭和鹅为主的畜禽养殖生产格局。但这种快速发展主要依赖传统畜禽养殖模式,追求养殖规模的扩大和数量的增加,着眼于短期经济效益的提高,从而忽视了畜禽养殖与周边环境和其他行业尤其是种植业的综合协调发展。 本研究基于潍坊市农业发展现状,以《潍坊市城市总体规划/(2006~2020/)》和《潍坊市畜牧业振兴规划/(2011~2015/)》为指导,采用实地调研、实验室检测和数据收集分析相结合的方法,对该市畜禽养殖生产情况及污染现状进行了调查,对畜禽养殖布局、畜禽排泄物处理技术、生态养殖模式等三个方面进行研究分析,提出潍坊市畜禽养殖污染生态防治对策和发展思路,即调整优化产业布局、探索建立生态养殖新模式、推广畜禽排泄物资源化利用技术,加强农业生产环境监督、监测和评价体系建设等。 本论文有助于更广泛的深入研究畜禽养殖污染及防治对策,促进生态型畜禽养殖业发展,解决农业发展与环境污染之间的矛盾,实现畜禽养殖业发展与环境保护的良性循环,推动现代畜禽养殖业和整个农村经济的可持续快速发展。 Animal husbandry is an important component of the rural economy, having the great significance of increasing agricultural efficiency, income of farmers and rural economic prosperity. The development of animal husbandry is an important foundation for implementing the scientific concept of development, developing modern agriculture and solving the issues of "Agriculture, Countryside and Farmer". The ecological prevention of rural livestock pollution is the government target of countries around the world, and is the direction of development China's Animal husbandry. The research of ecological prevention has an important practical significance for the further prosperity of the rural economy, the promotion of agricultural efficiency, improvement of farmers' income. With Bohai Bay to the north, and Yi Mountain to the south, Weifang is an important part of the Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone. Since reform and opening, animal husbandry has been developed substantially in Weifang, with being an animal production pattern including Pigs, beef cattle, dairy, meat, hens, ducks, geese and sheep mainly. But this development is depended on the traditional livestock raising mode? which emphasized on self-development, excessive pursuing to expand the aquaculture and increase the number of livestock. The traditional mode neglects and hinders the coordinate and sustainable development among in the animal husbandry, the surrounding environment and other industries. The research presents a series of countermeasures on the ecological prevention of the development of ecological animal husbandry, based on the present agricultural development in Weifang, according to the requirements of The Scientific Concept Of Development and Overall Urban Planning Of Weifang /(2006-2020/). By using methods of field research, laboratory testing and data analysis, this paper analyzes the causes and hazards of the livestock pollution, and made a comparative research on three aspects including livestock layout, the handling of livestock excreta and the ecological model. First, the paper adjusts and optimizes industrial layout of livestock. Secondly, the paper promotes the livestock ecological model. Thirdly, the paper promotes the ecological treatment and resource utilization of livestock excreta. Simultaneously, governments at all levels and relevant departments should put the development of modern ecological animal husbandry on the agenda. This article will helps more peers to participate in the research of ecological prevention of livestock pollution, relieve the sharp contradiction between development and environment, achieve a virtuous cycle of livestock development and environmental protection, and promote the sustainable and rapid development of modern animal husbandry and rural economy.
分 类 号: [X713 F326.3]