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The Influence of Typhoon-induced Precipitation on the Supplementary of Biogenic Elements, the Abundance and Structure of Phytoplankton in Jiaozhou Bay

导  师: 石晓勇;梁生康

学科专业: 0852

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国海洋大学

摘  要: 近年来,随着全球气候变化和人类活动的加剧,强降雨等极端气候事件频发,对近海生态环境的影响不容忽视。强降雨不仅可导致短时间内盐度、浊度等海洋物理环境的剧烈改变,而且大量陆源物质通过径流和大气沉降输入近海水体中,造成短时间内海区营养物质含量迅速升高,富营养化程度显著增大,对近海生态环境可能造成诸多不利影响。因此,客观、准确的认识和把握强降雨过后近海水体主要水文、化学和生物因子的变化情况,研究强降雨过程对近海生态系统营养盐补充和浮游生物生长状况的短时间尺度影响,明确近海生态环境对强降雨的响应关系,这对于阐明给您强降雨近海生态环境所带来的危害具有重要意义。 本文以胶州湾这一典型半封闭海湾作为研究对象,以2012年8月2日~8月3日台风“达维”给青岛地区带来的强降雨事件为背景,通过降雨前后生源要素陆源输入、大气湿沉降和海上分布同步调查,结合围隔生态系统试验,考察强降雨对胶州湾生源要素特别是营养物质的补充及其分布和结构的影响,并结合其他环境因子的变化,初步探讨强降雨对胶州湾浮游植物生物量和种群结构的影响及其机制,主要结论如下: 1、通过对比分析强降雨前后生源要素输入通量的变化,确定了河流的陆源输入和大气湿沉降对胶州湾主要生源要素补充作用。 (1)该次强降雨导致的陆源PO/_4-P、SiO/_3-Si、DIN的输入通量分别达到91.07×10~3mol//d、1002.03×10~3mol//d和439.13×10~4mol//d,分别为同期非降雨期输入通量的24倍、18倍和2倍,而强降雨过程中通过大气湿沉降输入胶州湾的DIN、 PO/_4-P、 SiO/_3-Si的通量分别达到81.29×10~4mol//d、60.22×10~3mol//d和67.27×10~3mol//d。 (2)降雨前后河流输入的DIN组成也发生明显变化,降雨前NO/_3-N为DIN主要组分, Typhoon-induced precipitation events occur frequently, they have animmeasurable impact on coastal ecosystem, and have brought adverse factor ofcoastal economic society and economic development. Therefore it has importantsignificance that understanding and grasping the changes of hydrological, chemicaland biological factors about offshore environment after the rain, discussing theinfluence of heavy rainfall process on the supplements of the nutrient and the growthof phytoplankton on the offshore ecosystem. Based on the torrential rain in Qingdao by the influence of typhoon 'davey' asthe research background, Jiaozhou Bay as the research object, and through a numberof sampling trips in Jiaozhou Bay and major rivers emptied into the bay, mesocosmexperiment and other means to realize the research that a series of changes about thesupplementary of the biogenic elements and the growth condition of phytoplanktonafter the rain. The main results are as follows: 1、According to a number of sampling trips in major rivers emptied into theJiaozhou Bay and the rainfall data collected in the process of rain, the results showthat the content changes of SS and PO/_4-P is shorter duration and faster response thanDIN and SiO/_3-Si in the process influenced by the rainfall. While the composition ofDIN is changing around the rainfall /(before the rainfall, NO/_3-N//DIN up to75/%, withthe occurrence of rainfall, NO/_3-N//DIN decreased, NH/_3-N//DIN increased gradually,and finally a combination of both became the main component of the DIN/). The inputof PO/_4-P and SiO/_3-Si caused by land source rainwater was significant, the fluxes ofPO/_4-P、 SiO/_3-Si caused by land source rainwater to the Jiaozhou Bay were91.07×10~3mol//d and1002.03×10~3mol//d which were respectively24times and18times over the same period without rainfall. The atmosphere wet deposition fluxes of DIN, PO/_4-P and SiO/_3-Si were81.29×10~4mol//d,60.22×10~3mol//d,67.27×10~3mol//dduring the rainfall. 2、Based on the data in July, August of2012, the s

关 键 词: 胶州湾 强降雨 生源要素 浮游植物

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




作者 覃剑
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