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Study on the Mechanism of Information Technology-Derived Human Capital on the Core Competitiveness in Agriculture-Related Enterprises

导  师: 李录堂

学科专业: 120301

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学

摘  要: 自20世纪90年代以来,随着信息技术的迅猛发展,知识已经成为经济、社会和文化发展的重要动力,创造和运用知识的效率与能力对一个国家或地区的综合竞争力有着举足轻重的作用,这意味着知识经济时代的到来。在这样的大环境之下,知识已经成为极其珍贵的战略资源与经济资源。人力资本不仅是知识的载体,而且担负着执行配置经济资源的职能,因此人力资本在公司核心竞争力中处于越来越重要的地位。在信息技术的支持之下,现代企业组织结构正逐渐趋向扁平化,在扁平化的组织结构中,企业经济资源的整合效益不断提高,而这种整合效益的提高归功于掌握现代信息技术的人力。信息技术给企业的经营管理理念带来了革命,提高了企业的经营管理创新速度和效率。在此背景之下,信息技术型人力资本对企业核心竞争力的提升起着极其关键的作用。 本文将以竞争优势内生论和竞争优势为研究起点,通过分析指出人力资本是企业内部资源、知识和能力的构建与运转的关键,是企业价值链创造中贯穿始终的核心要素,人力资本的特殊性质使得其拥有建构企业核心竞争力更为强大地能力。本文以人力资本作为企业打造核心竞争力的关键要素进行理论分析,为企业建构人力资本竞争优势提供理论支持,提出相应的意见与建议,为企业人力资本管理实践提供参考依据,因此本文兼具理论和实践意义。 本文将对信息技术型人力资本的价值进行全面综合研究,分析信息技术型人力资本价值的内涵与构成,探究涉农企业核心竞争优势来源,分析信息技术型人力资本价值对涉农企业的作用机理和影响机制,分析信息技术型人力资本价值整合及其途径,并研究涉农企业人力资本价值实现的机制与途径。通过对以上问题的分析,进行实证研究,通过发放问卷收集数据了解相关实际情况,为涉农企业更好发展提供建议。具体研究内容和结论如下: /(1/)信息技术型人力资本与企业核心竞争力之间存在明显的关系。在技术进步不变的情况下,2003-2010年间在农产品加工业产值增长中起主要作用的仍然是物质资本,其物质资本指数是0.780095;其次是劳动力资本,其指数是0.414590;最后是发挥在传统人力资本身上的信息技术资本,其指数是0.039772。信息技术型人力资本指数不足劳动力资本指数的1//15,说明了发挥在传统人力资本身上的信息技术资本在以劳动密集型为特征的企业中作用还不突出,其增长还主要依赖于物质资本投入和劳动力投入。 /(2/)信息技术型人力资本在涉农企业核心竞争力形成方面起到重要作用。本文从传统人力资本、社会资本、组织资本、市场情况、资本情况和环境情况这6个方面构建了包含信息技术型人力资本的涉农企业核心竞争力的综合评价指标体系,从实证研究的角度对包含信息技术型人力资本的涉农企业核心竞争力进行评估研究。发现:综合性农业集团的涉农企业核心竞争力比较高,如××现代农业集团有限公司和××农牧实业公司,单一型涉农企业核心竞争力低于综合性的涉农企业核心竞争力,这可能是因为综合性涉农企业核心竞争力更能体现分工与合作的关系,并且信息技术型人力资本更能在企业中发挥其作用。信息技术型人力资本是涉农企业核心竞争力的最终来源和基础。 /(3/)优化信息技术型人力资本提升涉农企业核心竞争力。若要保持涉农企业竞争优势的“持续性”,就必须把静态的竞争优势转化为动态的竞争优势,通过优化配置信息技术型人力资本不断提升涉农企业的创新能力和学习能力,并建立既能适应当前的竞争环境,又能与企业管理的组织路径和现有资产相契合的流程和惯例相匹配的架构,从而使企业获得持久有效的、动态的竞争优势。涉农企业信息技术型人力资本是提升企业竞争力的先决条件和必要条件。高水平或者迅速增长的信息技术型人力资本,能够为涉农企业竞争力的提升奠定坚实基础。信息技术型人力资本优化配置能够促进涉农企业生产力的发展,对于增强涉农企业的核心竞争力起着十分积极的作用。 Since the1990s, with the rise of the IT revolution, knowledge has become an important engine for promoting social, economic and cultural development. Therefore, creation of knowledge as well as the ability and efficiency of its application has become an important factor in evaluating national and regional competitiveness, marking the era of knowledge-based economy. In a knowledge-based economy environment, knowledge has become the most important economic and strategic resource. As the carrier of intellectual capital, human capital also performs the function of allocating economic resources. Also it is in a most important position of a company's core competitiveness. With the support of modern information technology, the organizational structure of modern enterprises is becoming more flat. Because of it, a company's effectiveness of allocating economic resources improves, which directly dependents on manpower who has mastered the modern information technology. IT has changed management models and concepts and promoted innovation and efficiency. In this context, IT-derived human capital is the key to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. Taking competitive advantage endogenous theory and competitive advantages as the starting points of research, this paper points out human capital is the key to the construction and operation of a company's resources, knowledge and capabilities. It is also an essential element that running through the creation of enterprise value chain. The unique features of human capital have endowed it with more power of building corporate core competitiveness. Conducting theoretical analysis of human capital as the key to building corporate core competitiveness, this paper provides theoretical support for companies'construction of human capital competitive advantages. In addition, the paper is also able to come up with relevant suggestions, thereby providing companies with references for human capital management practices. Therefore the paper has both theoretical and practical significances. The paper conducts a comprehensive and integrated analysis of the value of IT-derived human capital. It firstly explores the connotation and formation of the value of IT-derived human capital. Then, it identifies the source of corporate competitive advantages of agriculture-related enterprises. In addition to analyze the mechanism of how the value of IT-derived human capital operates in and exerts impacts on agriculture-related enterprises, it explores the integration of the value of IT-derived human capital and ways to achieve integration. Furthermore, it explores the mechanism and methods to realize the value of human capital of agriculture-related enterprises. Through analyzing of the above-mentioned topics, doing empirical research and designing questionnaire, the paper provides some guidelines for the developments of agriculture-related enterprises, the main contents are as follows: /(1/) Relationship between the value of human capital and core competitiveness of enterprises. This paper analyzes to what extent the integration and motivation of the value of human capital can influence the performance and competitiveness of agriculture-related enterprises. With constant technological advances, physical capital still plays a major role in the growth of industrial output in agricultural product processing with an index of0.780095; second one is labor capital with an index of0.414590; the last one is IT-derived human capital with an index of0.039772. The index of IT-derived human capital is less than1//15of the labor capital's, which indicating the less prominent role played by IT capital in labor-intensive industries, whose growth is still largely dependent on the input of physical and labor capital. /(2/) IT-derived human capital plays an important role to form the core competitiveness in agriculture-related enterprises. By combining traditional human capital, social capital, organization capital, market conditions, capital conditions and environment conditions, the paper has constructed a comprehensive evaluation index system of core competitiveness in agriculture-related enterprises, which includes IT-derived human capital. Based on this, it has carried out empirical researches on it, finding out that comprehensive agricultural Group's core competitiveness is high, such as in the cases of X X Modern Agriculture Group Co. Ltd. and X X Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Industrial Company. The fact that unitary agriculture-related enterprises shows a lower level of corporate core competitiveness compared to integrated ones is probably due to the reason that the corporate core competitiveness of integrated enterprises is more dependent on division of labor and corporation. In addition, IT-derived human capital also tends to perform better in integrated enterprises. It is obvious that IT-derived human capital is the ultimate source and basis of corporate core competitiveness of agriculture-related enterprises. Building corporate core competitiveness of agriculture-related enterprises, it is of major significance to optimize various activities in the value chain of agriculture-related enterprises in view of IT-derived human capital and to cultivate those factors which have major impacts on IT-derived human capital. /(3/) The optimization of IT-derived human capital in view of improving the corporate core competitiveness in agriculture-related enterprises. IT-derived human capital of agriculture-related enterprises is a prerequisite for the improvement of corporate competitiveness. Highly developed or developing IT-derived human capital can lays a solid basis for the improvements of corporate competitiveness of agriculture-related enterprises. The optimal allocation of IT-derived human capital can promote the development of productivity of agriculture-related enterprises, thereby playing a positive role in improving their corporate competitiveness. Above all, this paper has conducted analysis on the optimization of IT-derived human capital in agriculture-related enterprises from various perspectives and come up with practical methods for optimization.

关 键 词: 信息技术型人力资本 涉农企业 核心竞争力 作用机理

分 类 号: [F272.92 F324]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 李灵
作者 汤方清
作者 蒋志高
作者 牛鹏
作者 苏宏峰


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东工业大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟