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The Design of Worklfow Technology in Safety Appliance Information System

导  师: 张少敏;郑世平

学科专业: 0852

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华北电力大学

摘  要: 目前,随着电网的快速发展,电力企业管辖设备日益增多,抢修和检修任务繁重,所需的安全工器具数量也在成倍地增加,而对安全工器具有效管理的好坏将直接影响到企业在生产过程中的人身和设备安全,对安全工器具的有效管理是保障各类作业人员及施工安全的重要前提和手段。同时,对安全工器具的一个完整生命周期进行管理,涉及申领、审批、购入、配发、报废等一系列工作过程,涉及到安全管理部门、试验部门及基层使用单位等多个部门,工作量大、工作交叉多、涉及部门也多,使得在对安全工器具的管理、使用中易出现死角。 工作流(Work Flow)就是工作流程的计算模型,即将工作流程中的工作如何前后组织在一起的逻辑和规则在计算机中以恰当的模型进行表示并对其实施计算。工作流要解决的主要问题是:为实现某个业务目标,在多个参与者之间,利用计算机,按某种预定规则自动传递文档、信息或者任务。简单地说,工作流就是一系列相互衔接、自动进行的业务活动或任务。采用工作流技术,使用者只需在电脑上填写有关表单,会按照定义好的流程自动往下跑,下一级审批者将会收到相关资料,并可以根据需要修改、跟踪、管理、查询、统计、打印等,大大提高了工作效率和管理效率。 本文针对当前安全工器具管理存在的问题,按照电力系统标准化、信息化的要求,完成了供电企业安全工器具信息管理系统的需求分析;在深入研究工作流技术的基础上,结合安全工器具管理的实际需求,给出了工作流技术在安全工器具管理系统的设计方案,对其中涉及的工作流程进行了详细的设计,并给出了数据库表结构设计。最终编程实现了该系统,并给出了工作流技术在系统中的详细实现,应用表明,达到了预期目标。 In recent years, with the rapid development of power grid,the equipmentgoverned by the Electric Power Enterprise is increasing with every passing day, andthe task of repairing and overhauling is becoming more strenuous. Also the safetyequipment required has been multiplied, and the quality of the safety equipmentwill affect the safety of people and equipment during the process of production. Sothe effective management of safety equipment is important to protect the safety ofvarious types of operational staff. Simultaneously the current management of safetyequipment in power supply enterprise contains a series of work, including applyingfor, purchase, dispensing, scrap, etc. It involves security management departments,test departments and each grassroots units. It has a great heavy of work load, andmany crossovers. Since many departments are involved, dead ends would emergeeasily. Workflow /(Work Flow/) is a calculation model of the workflow, about how thework of the workflow before and after the tissue together with the logic and rules tothe appropriate model in the computer representation embodiment. Workflow willsolve the following main problem: between multiple participants to achieve abusiness goal, using the computer, to pass documents, information or tasksautomatically by some predetermined rules. Simply, a workflow is a series ofinterrelated business activities or tasks automatically. Adopting Workflowtechnology, users only need to fill in the relevant forms on the computer which willautomatically run down in accordance with the defined process, and the next levelapprover will receive the relevant information, and could modify, track, manage,query, statistics, print, greatly improving the efficiency and managementefficiency. In this paper, focusing on the problem of safety equipment management, wecomplete the information management system needs analysis of the tools andinstruments of supply enterprise security in accordance with the requirements of thepower system standardization, information technology. On the basis of in-depthstudy of Work Flow technology, combined with the actual needs of the securityapparatus management, the paper provide the workflow technology’s designscheme of safety equipment management system, involving detailed design of the related workflow and database table structure design. The final programmingcompletes the system, and gives the detailed implementation of the workflowsystem, application shows that it is achieve the desired goal.

关 键 词: 供电企业 安全工器具 工作流 信息系统

分 类 号: [TP311.52]

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 唐红兵
作者 林燕珊
作者 刘招英
作者 容赜
作者 胥兵


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 中山大学管理学院


作者 李文姬
作者 邵慧君
作者 杜松华
作者 周国林
作者 邢弘昊