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Design and Implementation of Mobile Wifi Client System Based on Android Platform

导  师: 赵方

学科专业: 0852

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京邮电大学

摘  要: 在全国城市范围内进行WLAN覆盖是中国移动的主要任务之一。无线宽带/(WLAN/)业务是中国移动面向商务人士、高校用户、政企客户推出的无线上网服务,客户可通过笔记本电脑、手机等终端在中国移动WLAN网络覆盖区域内接入互联网和企业网,获取信息、娱乐或进行办公,满足人们日益增长的上网需求,使得随时随地都能接入无线网络这一移动互联网概念变为现实。 随着近年来手机和平板电脑软硬件迅猛发展,功能越来越强大,使用手机和平板电脑上网的用户也越来越多,需求也尤为强烈。本课题以Android手机操作系统为平台,设计并实现了中国移动WLAN接入辅助工具的客户端软件。该软件通过Portal提供的接口,将传统的网页登录方式变成了手机客户端登录方式。而且,用户可以通过手机查询周围热点和订购WLAN套餐,大大简化了繁琐的操作,为用户提供方便。 本文首先概要介绍了课题的背景、现状、主要内容及本人承担的任务,然后从用户体验出发,分析了系统的总体需求。又在此基础上又对系统的功能性需求和UI需求做了详细的分析。另外,为便于读者阅读,文章还提供了软件的系统用例图并补充介绍了客户端涉及的各个领域技术。随后从软件架构设计和软件界面设计两个方面展开论述,使读者有一个总体的概念。接着,对功能模块进行划分,并讲述各个模块需要实现的功能和初步设计。然后,详细介绍由本人参与设计并负责开发的三个模块的实现方案,并给出了UI设计图和实现效果图供读者参考。最后,从对该软件客户端进行质量把控的角度,介绍了测试的一些基本原则和各项测试指标,给出了部分测试用例,以及软件发布时满足的标准。 论文从总体到局部,按照软件设计和开发的流程,对套餐服务模块、意见反馈模块和信息推送模块进行详细介绍,分析了开发过程中遇到的一些问题,并对客户端未来的发展做了探讨和展望。 One of the main responsibilities of China Mobile is to cover WLAN /(Wireless Local Area Network/) throughout the country. WLAN is a wireless service provided by China Mobile, aiming to serve business persons, college students and company//government employees. Customers could get access to the internet through terminals /(e.g. lap top, cell phone/) for information, entertainment or work. This service aims to meet the growing needs of people to get access to the internet whenever and wherever possible. With the booming of both hardware and software in mobile phones and tablets, more and more features are involved in these electronic devices, through which a growing number of people are in demand of having internet connection. Therefore, the principle purpose of the current thesis was to carry out an Application based on Android operating system in order to support China Mobile to make possible WLAN connection. This software changed the log-in process from traditional website to client terminal on mobile phones. Additionally, clients are able to check the surrounding hot-spots to order WLAN plans, which simplified the complicated operation process. This paper firstly introduces the background of the topic, present situation, main contents and tasks of author. Then from the point of the users'experience, the paper analysis requirements of application, the detail of the functional requirements and the user interface. In addition, for the convenience of readers, this paper also provides the use case diagram of this Application and tells all the technical field relates for the client. Then, from the design of architecture and design of UI, readers could have an overall concept. Then, tells the division of function modules, and describe the function and preliminary design of each module. What's more, the paper tells details of the design and implementation of the three module which the author participated in and responsible for, and gives the design and realization of renderings for readers' reference.Finally, from the quality control point view of the Application, this paper introduces some basic principles and test indexes of the test, gives some of the test cases, and the standard when Application released. And then put forward some questions encountered during the development process, discusses and prospects for the future development of the Application.

关 键 词: 无线网络 手机客户端

分 类 号: [TP311.52]

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 卢珍
作者 陈景华
作者 林洁红
作者 郑文园
作者 曾雪东


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 李文姬
作者 邵慧君
作者 杜松华
作者 周国林
作者 邢弘昊