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Community Endowment Service Supply Chain Construction Management and Implementation

导  师: 张智勇;黄平

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 自1999年我国步入老龄化社会以来,人口老龄化加速发展,老年人口基数大、增长快并日益呈现高龄化、空巢化趋势,需要照料的失能、半失能老人数量剧增。但是现代社会竞争激烈和生活节奏加快,中青年一代正面临着工作和生活的双重压力,照护失能、半失能老年人力不从心,迫切需要通过发展社会养老服务来解决。加强社会养老服务体系建设,是解决失能、半失能老年群体养老问题、促进社会和谐稳定的当务之急。 本文在借鉴产品供应链和服务供应链的成功经验的基础上,提出了社区养老服务供应链,并对社区养老服务供应链的内涵,结构,类型,功能设计以及服务质量最优策略和实施进行了详细的介绍。实现了社区养老在管理上存在着资源高利用率、服务信息对称、服务功能夯实等问题。从一定意义上解决了我国目前的养老问题。本文在第一章主要说明本文的研究背景、研究宗旨与目标、研究问题与意义以及论文结构。第二章从五个方面分析了社区养老服务供应链的构建的驱动因素。第三章从社区养老服务供应链的政策保障体系以及经济保障体系出发,提出了养老金以为的长期护理险的发展模式,在政策和经济两个大背景下,提出了社区养老服务供应链的概念。定义了供应链的两级供应链结构模型:政府及功能型服务提供商-服务集成商—老年人,并根据该供应链的结果模型,分别提出了功能型服务提供商和服务集成商的功能。第四章探讨了在不同养老服务需求市场规模下服务集成商的服务质量与成本的关系,得到了在给定养老服务提供商的服务质量时养老服务集成商的最优质量选择依据。在此基础上,分析了存在双寡头竞争时的养老服务集成商最优质量决策。第五章提出了社区养老服务供应链实施过程中具体的业务流程和信息技术支持系统,对于社区养老服务供应链实施的评价指标体系也做了细致的研究。第六章通过对广州荔湾区逢源街道初级社区养老服务供应链的雏形进行了剖析。 Since1999, our country into aging society since, accelerate the development of agingpopulation, the old population base, fast growth and unfolds more besides, empty nest trend,to care for the disabled, half incapacitating the old man to flourish.But modern society fiercecompetition and speed up the pace of life, the young generation are faced with work and lifeof the double pressure, care incapacitating, half disabled elderly ability not equal to one'sambition, urgent need through developing social endowment service to solve.Strengtheningsocial endowment service system construction, is the solution of disability, half disabledelderly group pension problem, promote social harmony and stability of the top priority.Basedon the reference products supply chain and the successful experience of service supply chainwas presented on the basis of the community endowment service supply chain, and to thecommunity endowment service supply chain connotation, structure, type, function design andservice quality optimal strategy and implementation in detail.Realize the communityendowment in management, there exist high resources utilization, service symmetry ofinformation, service function problem such as compaction.In a certain sense, solve theproblem of our country's current endowment.In chapter1, this paper mainly in this paper theresearch background, the research aims and objectives, research problems and significance aswell as paper structure.The second chapter analyzed from five aspects of communityendowment service supply chain of the construction of the driving factors..The third chapterfrom community endowment service supply chain policy guarantee system and economicsecurity system in this paper, based on a pension think long-term care insurance developmentpattern, in the policy and economic two big background, puts forward the concept ofcommunity endowment service supply chain.Defines the supply chain of the two stage supplychain structure model Government and functional service provider-service integrators-old people, andaccording to the result of the supply chain model, the author proposes the functional serviceproviders and service integrators function.The fourth chapter discusses the different endowment service demand market scale service integrators of service quality and costrelationship, got in a given endowment service provider service quality endowment serviceintegrators for choosing the optimal quality.Based on this, analyzes the existing duopolycompetition endowment service integrators optimal quality decision.The fifth chapter putsforward the community endowment service supply chain during the process of implementingspecific business process and information technology support system, to communityendowment service supply chain implementation evaluation index system also made athorough research.The sixth chapter of guangzhou liwan district through every source streetprimary community endowment the prototype of the service supply chain are analyzed.

关 键 词: 社区养老 社区养老服务供应链 服务质量最优策略 管理实施

分 类 号: [F719 D669.6]

领  域: [经济管理] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 王文博
作者 忻莉燕
作者 杨姝琴
作者 赵淑雄
作者 王兰兰


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚