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Study of the Competitive Strategy of the Crown Online Store Ivy at Taobao Website

导  师: 李卫宁

学科专业: 1251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着现代经济的发展和互联网技术的不断完善,传统的服装营销模式已经不能满足新生代的主力消费群体需求。服装电子商务开始作为一种新的营销方式和理念发展迅速,并逐渐被广大消费群体所接受。如今,其发展势头异常强劲,正在给人们的消费习惯带来深刻的影响。当前服装产品流行周期短,款式和品种多变。整个消费市场正需要一种能满足不同层次消费者个性化需求的多品种小批量产品的供应方式,这就使得服装电子商务的迅猛发展成为必然。 而淘宝网作为服装类电子商务行业的老大,是国内C2C电子商务网站中,发展最快、最为成功的一例,以提供具有本土特色的电子商务平台服务为宗旨,并一直不断完善和发展。其在中国的C2C市场中可谓是一家独大,市场份额更是超过了90/%,行业中的领先的地位暂时是无人能撼动的。 在淘宝网上,皇冠是淘宝网店信誉等级,商家交易量超过10000笔,被称为皇冠店铺。皇冠店铺由于其成交量大且信誉值高,更能保证网上交易的安全顺利进行,已经受到越来越多消费者的青睐。目前,淘宝网上的皇冠店铺已达数万家之多,而服装皇冠店铺又是其中的佼佼者,Ivy皇冠店铺正是其中的典型代表。创立至今,发展迅速,是淘宝网中一家中小型的集服装设计、生产、销售一条龙服务的商家。当下,Ivy皇冠店铺正面对日益增多的新商家以及大商家的竞争,如何才能在日益激烈的淘宝战中突围而出,成为了Ivy皇冠店铺亟待解决的问题。因此,要认清店铺的竞争战略,必须对店铺的优势和劣势进行充分客观的分析,抓住外部环境机遇和规避威胁,为店铺的持续发展提供保证,这是本文的研究指导思想。 本文先从Ivy皇冠店铺所处的外部环境着手,首先运用PEST分析方法和波特五力模型,分别对店铺所处的宏观环境和竞争环境进行分析,然后对店铺的内部环境资源进行综合梳理,为店铺竞争战略的制定奠定基础。其次采用SWOT分析法找出店铺在竞争环境中所具有的优势及劣势以及店铺外部环境所带来的机遇和威胁,与店铺实际情况相结合,制定并选择适合店铺发展的竞争战略。最后,为了保证店铺战略目标的达成,对竞争战略的实施提出一定的对策和建议。 经过研究分析,结合Ivy皇冠店铺所处的外部竞争环境及已有的资源能力基础,提出了店铺的战略目标:即力争成为淘宝网C2C服装行业细分市场中的领头羊。而为实现战略目标,将选择专一化战略与差异化战略相结合的方式来获取竞争优势。最后,通过对Ivy皇冠店铺在营销策略、品牌策略及服务策略的制定,生产品质管理的完善,客户关系管理的加强等措施来保障店铺战略目标的实现。 With the development of modern economy and the continuous improvement of theInternet technology, the traditional clothing marketing mode can’t meet the need of the newgeneration of major consumer groups. Clothing e-commerce develops quickly as a newmarketing mode and concept, and begins to be accepted by the majority of consumer groups.Now, its development momentum is extremely strong, and it’s bringing profound influence onpeople’s consumption habits. The popular cycle of clothing products is short, while the stylesand varieties change frequently. The consumer market is in need of a supply mode with moretypes and less batches which can meet the individual need of customers from different levels.Therefore, the rapid development of clothing e-commerce becomes inevitable. Taobao.com, as the dominant one in clothing e-commerce, develops faster than anyoneand becomes the most successful case among all the domestic C2C e-commerce websites. Ithas been developing and improving under the purpose of providing the e-commerce platformwith local characteristics. Taobao.com is now dominant in Chinese C2C market with over90/%market share. Its leading position can’t be taken over for the time being. At taobao.com, the online stores credit rating is distinguished by crowns and others. Thestores are named crown stores when they have made more than ten thousand deals. The crownstores have been favored by more and more customers because of its great deals and highcredit rating which can make sure the security of online transactions. Currently, there are tensof thousands of crown stores at taobao.com while the clothing crown stores are outstandingamong them. Ivy crown store is one of the typical representatives. It has been developingrapidly since founded. Ivy crown store is a small and medium sized company at taobao.comwhich contains clothing design, production and sale. Right now, Ivy crown store is facing anincreasing number of new-coming stores and the competition from larger stores. How tosurvive and succeed in the increasingly fierce battle at taobao.com has became the mosturgent problem to be solved by Ivy crown store. Therefore, a fully objective analysis of thestore’s advantages and disadvantages must be made in order to get a clearer view of thestore’s competitive strategy. By catching the opportunities of external environment andavoiding threats, the store can guarantee its sustainable development. This is the guidingresearch ideology of the article. The article first starts from the research of Ivy crown store’s external environment, andanalyzed the macro environment and the competitive environment of the store respectively by using PEST analysis method and the model of Michael Porter’s Five Forces. Secondly, thearticle studies the internal environment and resources of the store, which lays the foundationfor the store’s competitive strategy. Thirdly, by using SWOT analysis, the article finds out theadvantages and disadvantages of the store under the competitive environment as well as theopportunities and threats brought by the external environment. Based on the actual situationof the store, the article chooses and makes a suitable competitive strategy for the developmentof the store. Lastly, the article puts forward some measures and suggestions about theimplementation of the competitive strategy in order to ensure the complementation of thestore’s strategy targets. After research and analysis, combined with the external competition environment and theexisting resources foundation of crown store Ivy, the strategic goal of the store is put forwardas follows: to strive to become the leader of the segment market of taobao C2C clothingindustry. In order to achieve the strategic goal, specification and differentiation strategies willbe combined so as to obtain the competitive advantages. At last, the formulation of crownstore Ivy's marketing strategy, brand strategy and service strategy, the improvement ofproduction quality management as well as the strengthening of customer relationshipmanagement and so on are all used to ensure the implementation of the store's strategic goal.

关 键 词: 服装 竞争战略 皇冠店铺 淘宝网 电子商务

分 类 号: [F272 F724.6]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 齐元
作者 王珺
作者 范福军
作者 路媛媛
作者 何韵洁


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟