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Research and Design of Unified Interface Platform in M-commerce

导  师: 左保河;周振忠

学科专业: 081202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着移动电子商务的不断发展,OTO(online to offline)电子商务模式的综合应用,成为了发展电子商务的新蓝海。移动电子商务追求更高的用户体验、更便捷的消费模式,是集个人服务、线上交易、基于位置服务等一身的综合应用。因此,平台需融合各种第三方平台资源,实现与第三方接口的对接,为自身平台提供更具吸引力的服务应用。随着平台的发展外围接口也随之增多,而且外围接口的实现方式和部署平台不尽相同,如何实现业务的快速接入、可扩展接入适配、业务适配以及高效的接口请求处理能力;如何实现平台间接入的松耦合,烦乱杂多的接口的高效管理;因此,打造一个全方位、立体的能力平台,建设统一接口平台则势在必行。 首先根据本文的应用背景,提出了本平台的设计目标;通过对统一接口平台的典型业务梳理,完成了对接口业务的统一处理流程建模,进一步提出了软件体系架构模型。基于本接口业务,本架构模型具有良好的通用性、健壮性和稳定性。通用性,指的是针对不同协议、不同架构的接入系统,统一接口平台能够提供一种统一的接口协议和处理模式;同时,当接口处理的业务对象发生变化时,只需要将操作对象本身的信息进行变化,根据接入业务规则,继承系统的抽象方法,作业务适配处理即可,从而实现消息处理模式健壮性、稳定性。 其次,为提高系统的性能以及业务处理效率,对系统的关键技术进行研究与设计。引进了消息队列的处理模型、消息队列调度技术,通过对消息处理的优先等级设置,为统一平台的业务接入提供了差异化、个性化的接入服务;也为多线程并行异步处理技术提供了支撑服务。同时,面对大数据量消息报文处理问题,以及基于互联网的应用,资源状态变化不均、负载多变等特点,提出基于线程池“动态分态分配”的多线程处理解决方案,实现了统一接口平台的高负载、高效、无阻塞的接口消息处理能力。 最后阐述了统一接口平台的功能框架,详尽介绍了系统各个功能组件进行了详细设计与实现。通过对接口服务的压力测试评估,初步给出系统性能测试报告;并结合统一接口平台在移动“无线城市”中移动电子商务的应用实例,分析了其实际应用效果。 With the continuous development of mobile e-commerce, OTO /(Online to offline/)integrated application of e-business models, a new blue ocean in the development ofe-commerce. The user experience of mobile e-commerce pursuit of higher more convenientconsumption patterns, set personal Businesss, online transactions, based on location-basedBusinesss such as a comprehensive application. Therefore, the platform integration ofthird-party platform resources to achieve the docking interface with third-party Businessapplications provide an attractive platform for their own. Peripheral interface will beincreased with the development of the platform, peripheral interface implementation anddeployment platform is different, how to achieve fast access of the business, scalable accessadaptation, Business adaptation and efficient interface Business request processing capacity;how to achieve inter-platform access loosely coupled, upset heteropoly interface efficientmanagement; Therefore, in order to create a comprehensive, three-dimensional capabilityplatform, building a unified interface platform is imperative. First of all, according to the background of this application, the design goals of theplatform; typical business of combing through the unified interface platform, complete unifiedtreatment of the access business process modeling, and further software architecture model.Listen to the business based on the interface, the architecture model has good versatility,robustness and stability. Versatility for different protocols, different access systemarchitectures, unified interface platform to provide a unified interface protocol and processingmode; Meanwhile, when the interface processing business object is changed, simply theoperation target information changes in accordance with the rules of the access business,inherited abstract methods for Business adaptation is needed in order to achieve the messageprocessing mode robustness and stability. Secondly, to improve system performance and efficiency of business processes, the keytechnologies of the system research and design. The introduction of a message queueprocessing model, the message queue scheduling, message processing priority setting, unifiedBusiness access platform provides a differentiated, personalized access Businesss;multi-threaded parallel asynchronous processing technology to provide the support Businesss.The same time, in the face of uneven load the changing characteristics, based on the threadpool dynamically allocated multi-threaded processing solutions to achieve a large amount ofdata message packet processing problems, as well as Internet-based applications, resource status changes unified interface platform of high load, efficient, non-blocking interfacemessage processing capacity. Elaborated the functional framework of the unified interface platform, detaileddescriptions of the various functional components of the system carried out a detailed designand implementation. Pressure testing and evaluation Businesss through the interface, theinitial system performance test report is given; unified interface mobile e-commerce platformin the mobile wireless city 'application example, an analysis of its practical application effect.

关 键 词: 统一接口 消息队列 多线程并行处理 移动电子商务

分 类 号: [TP311.52 F626.5]

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术] [经济管理]


作者 郑艳超
作者 蔡华盛
作者 王烨
作者 曲晓晴
作者 马晓


机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学新华学院


作者 杜松华
作者 李文姬
作者 邵慧君
作者 周国林
作者 邢弘昊