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An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Perceived Value and the Phone Shopping Behavior Intention

导  师: 雷鸣

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在3G技术快速发展,移动互联网用户不断增加的背景下,移动互联网市场的发展速度更胜于互联网。随着移动互联网的发展,各种应用、手机业务兴起,其中,就包括许多电商在手机终端设置了随时随地购物的手机购物平台,如淘宝、京东、大众点评、聚美优品、美团等。随时随地购物成为消费者的购物的一种新的生活形态。并且运营商、硬件厂商也在不断提升外部网络质量和打造移动支付等应用,这使得手机购物前景更为光明,在这种趋势下,研究感知价值对于手机购物行为意向的影响为移动互联网行业发展提供参考具有重要的意义。 本研究在综述了移动电子商务、手机购物的相关研究,及行为意向、感知价值、态度的研究维度后,发现在前人研究的基础上三者存在着一定的因果关系。本研究主要参考了Kim/(2009/)等对于移动互联网的研究模型,结合感知价值理论,以二维论为理论指导划分感知价值为感知有用性、感知享受性、感知自我实现及感知易用性、感知风险与购买价格六个维度,并且根据创新理论研究引进了网购体验、创新接受程度这两个控制变量,最终构建了本研究体系。 本研究采用SPSS17.0分析232份手机购物体验者所填写的有效问卷,通过描述性统计分析收集的样本,证实了本研究所收集的样本与艾瑞等大型调研机构对手机用户的调研样本特质相一致。紧接着本研究对问卷数据进行了效度分析及信度分析,通过探索性因子分析获取感知价值有效维度,继而通过相关分析、回归分析进行模型验证,最后得出结论:(1)顾客感知价值正向影响态度;(2)顾客感知价值、态度正向影响行为意向;(3)态度在顾客感知价值与行为意向之间起部分中介作用;(4)态度在享乐主义利益维度对行为意向的影响中起完全中介作用,而态度在功利主义利益维度对行为意向的影响中起部分中介作用。 本研究采用逐步回归分析研究手机用户对于手机购物的态度,发现影响手机购物态度因素最重要的是感知享受性;影响手机购物行为意向的因素,最重要的是购买价格。这对于移动互联手机购物的运营商、内容提供商改进其产品具有重要的提示作用。最后,本文针对研究所得结论,对移动互联网运营手机购物方面软件提出了相对应的建议。 In the context of the rapid development of3G technology and mobile Internet usersincreasing, the pace of development of the mobile Internet market is better than thedevelopment of the Internet.With the development of mobile Internet, a variety of applications,all kinds of mobile phone business also rise, many electricity providers in the mobile phoneterminal set shopping anytime, anywhere mobile shopping platform, such as Taobao,Jingdong, Dianping, Jumei Youpin, Meituan. It is a new way that shopping anytimeanywhere to comsumer shopping. And operators, hardware manufacturers are rising externalnetwork quality and to create applications such as mobile payment, which makes mobileshopping is looking brighter. In this trend, the perceived value of mobile shopping behaviorintention has important practical and theoretical significance of the mobile Internet industry toprovide a reference. In this study, after introducing the mobile e-commerce, mobile shopping related research,and behavioral intention, perception research dimension of values, attitudes, we found thatthere is a causal relationship on the basis of previous studies of the three, and with referenceto Kim /(2009/) research model for the mobile Internet, combined with the theory of perceivedvalue, using two-dimensional theory as the theoretical division of the perceived value ofperceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, perceived self-realization and perceived ease ofuse, perceived risk and the purchase price of six dimensionsand the introduction of innovativetheoretical research online shopping experience, innovation and acceptance of the two controlvariables, the final build of the research system. This study used SPSS17.0analysis of questionnaires filled out by232mobile shoppingexperience. By descriptive statistical analysis of samples collected, it confirmed the samplescollected by the Institute and other large research firm such as iResearch, is consistent withthe research sample characteristics of the mobile phone users. The study then do the validityand reliability analysis of the questionnaire data, obtain the effective dimension of perceivedvalue by exploratory factor analysis, then make model validation by correlation analysis,regression analysis, and have the final conclusion:/(1/) customer perceived value positiveinfluence on attitude;/(2/) customer perceived value, the attitude positive effect on behavioral intention;/(3/) attitudes play a mediating role in customer perceived value and behavioralintentions;/(4/) attitude fully mediated in hedonism dimensions of interests that influentbehavioral intention, and attitudes play mediating role in utilitarian dimensions of intereststhat influent behavioral intention. This study use stepwise regression analysis of mobile phone users’ mobile shoppingattitude, found that the most important thing impact of mobile shopping attitude factors isperceived to enjoy. Factors impact mobile shopping behavior intention, most important thingis purchase price. The most important thing that impact mobile shopping behavior intention ispurchase price. It has an important role in the prompt to operators of mobile Internet shoppingand content providers improve their products. Finally, with the conclusions, the study makesome corresponding recommendations to phone shopping software on the mobile Internetoperators.

关 键 词: 顾客感知价值 行为意向 态度 手机购物

分 类 号: [F274 F724.6]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 陆凯旋
作者 梁颖殷
作者 胡贝斌
作者 赖建波
作者 夏剑龙


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东工贸职业技术学院
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟