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The Community Planning Formulation Based on Actor-Network Theory

导  师: 刘玉亭

学科专业: 081303

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 规划是对未来作好准备的理性方法,“以人为本”是我国发展的主导方向。我国的城乡规划现状过度强调工具理性而弱化了价值理性,以经济为导向,偏重物质空间,人本关怀不足;而综合性的社区规划,以集体愿景的识别为前提,重视公众参与,对“人本位”在规划之中的落实起到启示作用,有助于规划向社会、物质并重的综合导向转型,应被引入规划编制体系当中。然而,我国社区规划发展滞后,缺乏综合性和有效的编制路径,致使规划实施问题不断。同时,多方参与规划编制,特别是公众参与,是社区规划得以较好实施的关键,但我国的规划编制体系未能良好反映公众意愿,公众不能真正参与到规划编制当中,具体表现为:法定程序上仅限于纲要和草案公示,实际操作上参与范围也多只延伸至编制前期的调查和访谈。因此,基于中国国情,以公众参与为核心,对社区规划编制作出探讨至关重要。 行动者网络理论(ANT)为社区规划编制的完善提供新的思考角度,这也是本研究的创新点之一。该理论弱化人与非人的概念,综合考虑各类自然存在和社会存在作为行动者的可能,与规划转型的重点——整合社会需求与物质空间——相契合;方法论上着重研究行动者之间的相互作用,各方意愿能较充分得以表达。 出于完善我国城乡规划编制体系的最终目的,本研究将“以人为本”理念贯穿其中,探寻适于我国的社区规划编制流程。在文献的广泛积累之上,总结国内外社区规划编制情况,并从本体论和方法论两个方面回顾ANT的发展,再对该理论的应用实践作出综合述评。基于我国的城乡规划法定体系与行政区划分析,提出社区规划“区域——市——区——街道——邻里”的层次体系与基本编制流程;结合适用于社区规划编制的ANT理论提取,构建由社区的行动者分析、核心行动者的确定和社区规划的制定三大阶段构成的社区规划编制总体流程。鉴于新建与已建社区的编制过程存在差别,本研究将结合问卷调查与人物访谈,以邻里层面社区为例,深入解析两类社区的编制流程,并归结其规划编制的特点和要点。 Planning is a rational way of preparing for the future, and the value of PeopleForemost is China’s development guideline. At present, China’s urban and rural planningheavily emphasizes instrumental reason and weakens instrumental reason, economic orientedand inclined to physical space, so it’s short of humanistic care. Yet comprehensiveCommunity Planning starts from the differentiation of shared visions, and attaches importanceto Public Participation, therefore, it offers important enlightments to the practice of PeopleForemost in planning and would help planning transform to be comprehevise with thebalance of society and physics. Hence it is necessary to induct Community Planning intoChina’s planning system. However, Community Planning is lagging behind in China, lackingcomprehensiveness and effective formulation progrom, and it causes continualimplementation issues. Meanwhile, Multi-party participation especially Public Participation isthe key of better implementation of Community Planning, but the planning formulationsystem can’t reflect the public will well in China for they are unable to truly participate intothe planning formulation process. The manifestations are, a/) only have the chance toparticipate on the public stage of outline planning and draft planning in legal process, and b/)just be possible to participate by questionnaire survey and interview in prior period in actualprocess. Thus it is important to inquiry the improvement of Community Planning formulationprocess, based on the situation of China and putting Public Participation at central place. Actor-Network Theory(ANT)provides a new consideration angle for CommunityPlanning formulation, and that is one of the innovation of this study. This theory minimizesdifferences between human and non-human, overall considering the possibility of all natureand society elements to be actors, and that exactly corresponds to the emphasis of thetransformation of planning, which is integrating social need into physical space. Inmethodology, forasmuch this theory pays great attention to the intereaction among actors,public could more fully conveyes their will. With the final purpose of improving the planning formulation system in China, and thevalue of People Foremost running through, this study seeks a Community Planning general process for China. Based on extensive literatures, this paper summarizes the practices ofCommunity Planning at home and abroad, retrospects the development of Actor-NetworkTheory from the aspects of ontology and methodology, and comments the application of thistheory. Combining with the legal system of urban and rural planning and the administrativedivision in China, the study presents the Communitu Planning hierarchical system of region-city-district-subdistrict-neighbour and the basic formulation process. Integrating theadapted extracting of ANT, the Community Planning general process is formed, with threestages that a/) Analysis of community actors, b/) Definitude of the central actors in thecommunty, and c/) Formulation of Community Planning. Considering the distinction betweennew community and built community in the formulation process, applying the result of thequestionnaire survey and interview to the analysis,and dicussing the neighbor community asexample, the study deepens the formulation process of these two kinds of community andsums up the characteristic and points.

关 键 词: 行动者网络理论 社区规划 规划编制 公众参与

分 类 号: [TU984.12]

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 李春兰
作者 云瑞
作者 左璜
作者 洪焕坪
作者 陈仁川


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学公共管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇