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Study on Transfer of Development Rights in the United States and Its Implementations

导  师: 汤黎明;叶浩军

学科专业: 0953

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 我国目前正处于城市化的加速发展阶段,2011年12月中国社会蓝皮书发布,我国以常住人口衡量的城市化率首次突破50/%。快速城市化一方面推动了我国经济社会的蓬勃发展,另一方面也加剧了城乡二元格局,城乡统筹已成为我国走向科学发展之路的必然选择,在明确的政策方针之下,具体的实现方式和解决途径正处于不断的探讨与尝试之中。 城乡之间的失衡在空间上集中体现为城市蔓延以及乡村农地与资源环境的流失,保护18亿亩耕地红线已成为我国的基本国策。然而对于农村集体土地,刚性的保护是以灭失集体土地开发权为代价的,这与建立“以工促农、以城带乡”的长效机制是矛盾的,城市蔓延和农地流失的势头未从根本上得到遏制。 实际上,美国在上世纪六十年代之前也曾面临过类似的困境,然而随着开发权转移/(TDR, Transfer of Development Right/)制度的建立,已在控制城市蔓延与保护乡村农地方面取得了极大的成功。本文将全面研究美国开发权转移的形成背景、运行机制以及经典案例,并在此基础上进行经验总结,以期对我国推进城乡统筹发挥启示作用。 本文主要由以下三部分内容构成完整的逻辑体系: 第一部分为研究基础。第一章从我国快速城市化背景下的城乡失衡入手,引出研究主题,并构建起全文的研究框架和技术路线。第二章对国内外有关开发权转移的理论进行系统综述,奠定理论基础,并在此基础上对本文的核心概念进行界定。 第二部分为主要研究内容。第三章对美国开发权转移形成与发展的历史背景进行梳理,第四章与第五章分别对其一般运行机制与经典案例进行系统解读,第六章在以上三章的基础上对其优势和困境进行总结。 第三部分为研究结论与启示。第七章在前面的基础上,结合我国具体国情提出美国开发权转移对我国推进城乡统筹的启示。最后对全文进行总结。 China is currently in the acceleration stage of urbanization. The Chinese SocialBlue Book, published in December2011, indicated that urbanization rate based onthe resident population had exceeded50/%for the first time in our country. Rapidurbanization promotes the vigorous development of China's economy and society onthe one hand, but on the other hand, also exacerbates the urban-rural dual structure.Urban and rural integration has become the inevitable choice of our country towardthe scientific development. Under the clear policy guidelines, the specificimplementation ways are constantly explored. Urban sprawl and the loss of rural agricultural environment epitomizesImbalance between urban and rural areas in the space. In this context, protecting thered line of18million hectares arable land has become our basic national policy.However, the rigid protection to the rural collective is at the cost of the loss offarmland development rights, so it is a contradiction against the establishment of along-term mechanism to urban and rural integration, and urban sprawl and the loss offarmland is not curbed fundamentally. In fact, America had faced the similar dilemmas before1960s, then theyestablished the transfer of development rights /(TDR/) system, and achieved greatsuccess in controlling urban sprawl and protecting farmland. In This thesis, Theauthor research the formation background, operating mechanism as well as the classiccase of the transfer of development rights in the United States comprehensively, thensum up the experience based on these. It is hoped that this study can provide areference to Urban and rural integration in our country. This thesis is composed of six sections as follows: The first part is the base portion. Chapter I extract the research themes of thetransfer of development rights from the rural-urban imbalances in China's accelerationstage of urbanization, and built up the research framework of full text. Chapter IIbrings forward the theoretic bedrock through theoretic review both at home and abroad è and further clarify the core concepts. The second part is the primary content. Chapter III combs the historicalbackground of the formation and development of the transfer of development rights inthe United States. Chapter IV and chapter V analyze its general operation mechanismand classic case respectively, and chapter VI summarize the advantages anddifficulties based on the above three chapters. The third part is the research conclusions. Chapter VII concludes the implicationof the transfer of development rights in the United States to urban and ruralintegration in our country combined with our specific national conditions. Final is thesummary of the full text.

关 键 词: 美国 开发权转移 城乡统筹 启示

分 类 号: [F301.2]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 李冕
作者 刘永连
作者 赖明健
作者 毛学群
作者 曾永祥


机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东金融学院金融系
机构 中山大学岭南学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟