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Study on the Establishment of Multiple Evaluation System of Technical Schools

导  师: 方俊

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 长期以来,人力资源和社会保障部门对各级各类技工院校的办学标准和办学质量进行评审或评价时,主要依据有关文件精神及其相应的评审细则和评估标准,采用学校自评和专家评价相结合的办法,通过查看被评审学校提供的资料,判断各项指标是否达标、管理范围是否全面、书面记录是否齐全等,以此判定学校各方面是否达到办学要求。这种评价体系的评价者相对单一,评价范畴相对狭窄,评价方式相对简单,往往使评价结果与学校的实际情况出现一定出入,不能完全反映学校办学的客观情况,并且在一定程度上忽视了学校作为教育服务机构的职责与要求。为了完善对各级各类技工院校的办学标准和办学质量的现有评价体系,引导技工院校关注其教学服务的机构性质,客观深入评价学校的办学真实情况,实现多角度全方位地对学校进行综合评估,提出了本论文的研究课题。本论文旨在探索出构建技工院校“多维度”评价体系之路,从而实现以科学的方法评估技工院校服务经济社会发展的能力水平。 本研究在对国内外有关文献综述的基础上,了解职业院校评价体系建设的研究现状,确定本研究的目的与意义;在教育评价主体多元化理念的指导下,初步设计了研究方案与技术路径。在分析政府、用人单位、学生、家长作为技工院校评价主体的必要性的基础上,通过访谈调查、问卷调查、专家评议/(Delphi法/)等研究方法设计出对应的评价指标,进而确定评价内容与方式。 本研究初步建立一个以政府、用人单位、学生、家长为主体的技工院校办学质量多元评价体系,并把它运用到广东省技工院校的评估工作中,验证了其具有一定的可操作性。笔者还从制度保障、投入保障、组织保障、评估督查保障四方面考虑,提出了一套“一元主导、三边联动”的技工院校多元评价体系保障机制,为多元评价体系的优化完善以及多元评价工作的有序运行提供了强而有力的保障。本研究成果希望能够对实际评价工作产生积极影响,为以后的相关研究提供了一定的理论参考和实践依据。 For quite a long time, based on the relevant evaluation criterias and standards, Human Resource and Social Security Bureau combined with self-evaluation and experts evaluation through checking school's documents to judge the index, management range and written records to identify whether the technical schools meet the requirements. However, the evaluation party of this system, the covered category and the evaluation methods are narrow-ranged and simple. Therefore, the evaluation results may have certain discrepancies with the actual situation, which cannot reflect the objective reality. And also, to a certain extent, it ignores schools' responsibilities as an education server. In order to improve the existing standards and quality of the evaluation system of the various technical schools, to guide technical schools to pay more attentions on their teaching service, in-depth operation reality, and to evaluate schools on multi-angled and comprehensive aspects, this research topic has been raised. This dissertation intends to explore the establishment of "multi-dimension" evaluation system for technical schools. It aims to achieve the scientific evaluation to judge the competence that technical schools serve the social economic development. Based on the research of national and international literatures, with the understanding of existing evaluation system of technical schools, the dissertation then has made its goal and purpose. Additionally, with the guidance of multiple evaluation party, it has preliminarily designed the research programme and technical methods. In the analysis of the necessity of government, employers, students and parents as basic elements of the evaluation party, this dissertation has designed the corresponding evaluation index through interview, questionnaire and Delphi. And it comes out with the evaluation contents and methods. This dissertation has built up a government, employers, students and parents centered multiple evaluation system for technical schools. It has proved the workable results on Guangdong technical schools' evaluation. From mechanism security, investment security, organization security and evaluation supervision security four aspects, the dissertation has also set up a "one main party work with three parties" multiple evaluation system. This system has provided a significant protection for the optimization of multiple evaluation system. So, this dissertation hopes to affect the actual evaluation in terms of theoretical and practical support in any aspect.

关 键 词: 技工院校 多元评价体系 评价主体 评价内容 保障机制

分 类 号: [G712.0]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 李木杰
作者 范晓敏
作者 吕桥
作者 易兴霞
作者 雷玲玲


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 广州城市职业学院
机构 韩山师范学院
机构 顺德职业技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟