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Research of Innovative Talents of Arts Training in Colleges and Universities of Guangdong Province under the Background of Cultural Creative Industry

导  师: 黄理稳

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 文化创意产业是一种特别需要人的聪明才智的文化创造活动。它不仅强调文化艺术对经济的助推作用,而且突出创新人才作为最核心的生产要素的地位。全球文化创意产业正处于蓬勃发展的态势,文化创意产业逐渐成为当前国家、地区经济发展的重要支柱,创新人才成为拉动一个国家创意产业发展的最重要的人力资源。文化创意产业的高速发展既创造了巨大的人才资源需求,又对高校人才培养提出了严峻的挑战。高校是培养创新人才、提供文化创意智囊、构建创新团队的重要摇篮,特别是艺术院校,在文化创意产业所需求的创新人才培养中具有得天独厚的优势。 目前,我省创新创意人才陷入相对匮乏的窘境,高校创新型人才的培养严重滞后,制约了我省文化创意产业的健康发展。广东地处改革开放的前沿阵地,文化创意产业的发展规模和质量处于全国前列。广东高校艺术创新型人才培养虽然伴随着经济的迅猛发展而启动较早,但对于文化产业的推动作用尚有巨大的提升空间。省委省政府已确立文化强省的方略,为高校艺术创新人才培养指明了重大的战略方向。研究艺术创新型人才和广东文化创意产业的联动,既是为发展文化创意产业而培养创新人才的需要,也是我省高校艺术创新型人才培养过程中亟待解决的问题,对推进我省文化创意经济发展起到积极的意义。 论文以文化创意产业与创新人才互相影响为研究视角,以广东省高校艺术创新人才培养为研究对象,在调查研究的基础上,开展高校艺术创新人才培养的综合研究。论文在理论层面首先分析文化创意产业与创新人才的联动,接着主要从定量研究的角度概述我省文化创意产业与高校艺术创新人才培养的现状,然后从人才培养目标迷失、广东高校自身问题、政府管理不适应艺术教育规律等方面总结我省高校艺术创新人才培养存在的问题。在上述问题的探讨之后,论文从厘清艺术创新型人才培养的目标、培育艺术创新型人才的伦理道德素质、突显高校在艺术创新型人才培养的中坚力量、发挥政府职能在宏观层面的规划和指导作用等方面提出对策和建议。 Cultural creative industries is a cultural creation with especially human’s intelligence andwisdom. It not only emphasizes culture and art 's effect on economic boosting, but highlightsstatus of innovative talents as a most core production factor. Global cultural creativeindustries are in the booming situation, and cultural creative industries gradually become theimportant pillar of current regional and country economic growth,and innovative talent isalso the most manpower resource of pulling nation creative industries development. Cultural creative industries’ rapid developments both create huge human resourcedemand and throw out a serious challenge towards colleges and universities talent cultivation. Colleges and universities are important cradle, which train innovative talents, offer brainthrusters of cultural creativity, structure innovative teams. For an art academy, it has theadvantaged superiority in training innovative talents that are cultural creative industriesdemand. Now Guangdong province is falling into innovative talents shortage trouble,and collegesand universities seriously behind on training innovative talents, so restrict sound developmentof cultural creative industries. Guangdong province locates in the forward position of Chinese reform and open, and hercultural creative industries' development scale and quality rank front row in the country. Although with the rapid development of economy of Guangdong province Guangdongcolleges start earlier training innovative talents of arts, there are plenty of room forimprovement in boosting cultural creative industries for it. Guangdong Provincial PartyCommittee and provincial government have established a powerful cultural provincestrategy,pointing out the important strategic direction for colleges innovative talents of arts.Researching the linkage between innovative talents of arts and cultural creative industries,which is both the demand of training the innovative talents for developing the culturalcreative industries and an important issue that must be solved,is of positive significancetowards advancing cultural creative economic growth. This paper thinks of interact between innovative talents and cultural creative industriesas a research perspective, and cultivating innovative talents colleges and universities inGuangdong province as a research object. On the basic of investigation, the paper carries outcomprehensive research of cultivation innovative talents of arts. Firstly, the paper analysizesinteracts between innovative talents and cultural creative industries from theory. Secondly, thepaper summarizes current situation of Guangdong province cultural creative industries and innovative talents of arts from quantitative research. Thirdly, the paper discuss problemsabout talent cultivation, such as the loss of talent cultivation goal, colleges and universities'problems in Guangdong province, government management not adopting law of artseducation. After exploring the above questions,the paper puts forward some countermeasuresand suggestions, such as clarifying goal of innovative talents of arts, cultivating ethics andmorals quality of innovative talents of arts, featuring college's hard core in the innovativetalents of arts, playing a role of government in planning and guiding function from macrolevel.

关 键 词: 文化创意产业 广东省高校 创新型人才 艺术创新型人才

分 类 号: [J12 G642.0]

领  域: [艺术] [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 谭钊
作者 赖炜祎
作者 宋平
作者 张继晶
作者 周小朋


机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东工业大学


作者 张宁
作者 贾华
作者 谭昕
作者 彭朝林
作者 王方良