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Research on the Third-party Food Inspection Agency in Guangdong Province

导  师: 范旭

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 近年来,伴随着民众对食品安全问题的日益关注,与其他检验检测行业相比,构建客观、公正、权威、高效的第三方食品检验检测工作体系成为社会普遍而迫切的需求。广东正在推进的事业单位分类改革、转变政府职能深化行政体制改革,以及在食品安全监管领域推进的大部制改革,为梳理和剖析广东省第三方食品检验机构存在的问题,进而探索完善其规范化发展路径提供了重要契机。 当前,广东省第三方食品检验机构发展走在全国前列,但也存在许多问题,严重制约了第三方食品检验机构的发展,如检验机构类型结构、空间布局、管理体制不合理,内部治理不规范,监督管理不到位,行政色彩偏重,独立性、权威性以及公信力不强,人员力量薄弱,资源分散等。针对这些问题,本文从理论和实践两个层面加以分析,并提出应抓住改革良好契机,通过完善管理模式、优化设置路径、强化能力建设等措施来促进广东第三方食品检验机构的发展。 在论文结构上,本文主要分为五个部分:一是绪论,主要对选题背景、研究意义、研究方法与思路等进行介绍;二是第三方食品检验机构的理论概述,主要介绍文中的核心概念及理论分析框架;三是广东第三方食品检验机构的现状及其分析;四是发达国家第三方食品检验机构的基本情况及其经验启示;五是促进广东第三方食品检验机构发展的政策建议。 With people’s growing concern about food safety issues in recent years, the demand forthe establishment of an objective, impartial, authoritative and efficient third party foodinspection system have come to be an urgent issue compared with other inspection industries.The classification reform of public institutions, the transformation of government functions todeepen administrative system reform and the super ministry reform promoted in the area offood safety inspection in Guangdong provide an important opportunity for the sorting andanalysis of problems in third party food inspection organizations as well as the furtherimprovement on its regulated development. Currently, the development of third party food inspection organizations in GuangdongProvince plays a leading role in the whole nation. However, there still exist many problemssuch as thick administrative color, low authority and credibility, weakness of personnel anddispersed resources, which have severely restricted the development of third party foodinspection organizations. To address these concerns, the thesis makes an analysis boththeoretically and practically and puts forward some countermeasures to enhance theinspection performance and right of speech for food inspection organizations in Guangdong.It proposes the cultivation and development of third party food inspection organizations withindustry characteristics, a further integration of available resources as well as thestrengthening and regulating of industry government by grasping the favorable opportunity ofreforms. This essay will study the development of Guangdong third-party food inspection agencyfrom the following five parts: first, First part of the introduction, the major researchbackground, the significance of the thesis, the goal of the thesis. secondly, the necessity andfunction of existing of third-party food inspection agency; thirdly, the development andexisting problems of third-party food inspection agency; fourthly, the gap of third-party foodinspection agency development between developed country and Guangdong; finally, the waysto develop third-party food inspection agency in Guangdong.

关 键 词: 食品检验 第三方 行政化 职能转变

分 类 号: [F203 F426.82]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 杨哲
作者 赵金英
作者 陈标
作者 马慧凌
作者 巫春华


机构 华南理工大学
机构 嘉应学院政法学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院行政管理研究中心
机构 中山大学社会学与人类学学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟