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Zhaoqing Non-governmental University Emergency Management Research

导  师: 章熙春;吴焕泉

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 当前,我国正处在“经济转轨、社会转型”的重要时期,“经济易失调、社会易失序、心理易失衡、行为易失范”成为时期特点。突发事件发生频繁,分分秒秒威胁着人们的生命及财产安全。因此,突发事件的应急管理引起了人们的高度重视。高校为构建文明和谐的社会起着至关重要的作用,并影响着社会的安全稳定。高校突发事件的应急管理逐渐纳入的公共管理的内容中。 高校包括公办高校与民办高校,民办高校虽然是高等教育的重要组成部分,但办学条件却与公办高校有一定差距。民办高校的突发事件发生概率高于公办学校,应急管理难度也大过于公办院校。因此,本文以肇庆两所民办高校应急管理为研究对象,来探讨其应急管理的现状,分析其应急管理存在的问题和原因,并提出对策建议,这一方面可以丰富民办高校危机管理理论,同时也为肇庆民办高校充分利用有限资源,进行有效预防突发事件、实现危害止损、善后恢复,提高学校管理科学性、规范性,减少学校突发事件的发生及危害的影响,维护学校的安全与形象,提供建议与对策,有一定的现实意义。 本论文以肇庆两所民办高校的应急管理为研究对象,综合运用文献研究法、实证分析法和比较分析法相结合的研究方法。以公共危机管理相关理论作为指导,剖析肇庆民办高校应急管理在预防、准备、处置、善后恢复及保障等应急管理方面存在的问题及其原因。再借鉴发达国家私立高校突发事件应急管理的成功经验,最后系统地提出完善肇庆民办高校应急管理体系的建议与对策。 After the reform and open policy, our country is in economic transition and socialtransformation of an important period.'Economic easily disorder, social disorder,psychological imbalance, behavior anomie' easily become period characteristics.Emergencies occur frequently, every moment threatening people's life and property safety.Emergencies emergency management, therefore, has caused the great attention of thepeople. Colleges and universities to build civilization plays an important role inharmonious society, and affects the security and stability of the society colleges anduniversities emergencies emergency management, and gradually into the content of publicmanagement. Colleges including public and private universities, private colleges is an importantpart of higher education, but school running conditions and public colleges and universitieshave a certain gap. Private colleges, the incident probability is higher than the publicschools, emergency tube is too big too difficult public colleges and universities. So thenon-governmental university emergency management, the city private colleges as well asmake full use of limited resources, to effectively prevent incidents, and implementationproblems arising from harm stop-loss, restore, improve school management scientific,standardized, and reducing the occurrence of school emergencies and hazards, and protectthe safety of the school image, provide Suggestions and countermeasures. This thesis in zhaoqing city emergency management of private colleges as the mainresearch object, using literature research, empirical analysis and comparative analysis withthe combination of research methods. And public crisis management theory as the guide, tothe concept of private colleges and universities emergencies type, and the particularity ofthe non-governmental university emergency management, analysis the zhaoqingnon-governmental university emergency management in the prevention, preparation,treatment, rehabilitation, recovery and security problems of emergency managementaspects. To developed countries for reference the successful experience of emergencymanagement in colleges and universities, put forward perfect zhaoqing Suggestions and countermeasures of emergency management system of private colleges.

关 键 词: 民办高校 突发事件 应急管理

分 类 号: [G647.4]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 罗琳
作者 舒迪远
作者 李菲菲
作者 凌木森
作者 金志敏


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东培正学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东白云学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟