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The Study on Strategy Transformation of Guangdong Guangxin Holdings Group

导  师: 沙振权

学科专业: 1251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着经济的全球化和改革开放程度的日益加深,我国外贸体制逐渐发生了变化,尤其是中国加入世贸后,国有外贸企业遭遇了前所未有的生存压力。许多省市的国有外贸企业纷纷转制,有些甚至倒闭。在2004年到了“不进则退、不振则衰、不改则散”的关键时刻的广东省属国有外贸企业广新控股集团,选择了实施战略转型,经过近五年的转型,置之死地而后生,成为国内为数不多的实力雄厚的省属国有外贸企业集团。本研究的目的是希望通过系统分析广新控股集团战略转型的实践,一方面使大家更加认识到集团在转型中所作的一系列重大决策的正确性和前瞻性,另一方面使研究所得的结果能指导广新控股集团下一步推动战略转型升级的实践,实现企业的可持续发展。 本研究采用案例研究、理论分析的方法,对广新控股集团实施战略转型的背景进行了深入的分析,对其战略转型的内涵进行了深入探讨,并从历史发展的角度对广新控股集团如何推动战略转型进行了分析和研究,从转型实施的效果分析来证明集团实施战略转型这一重大决策的前瞻性和正确性。研究结果表明:(1)在市场、政策和环境复杂多变的背景下,转型是国有外贸企业的唯一出路;(2)国有外贸企业的转型模式有很多种,采用何种模式需要在借鉴其他企业成功模式的基础上充分结合自身的实际,广新控股集团通过业务组合战略、管理模式战略,实现“集团化管理、专业化发展、产业链协作”战略目标;(3)企业的战略转型是一个系统工程,其成功实施需要多方面的支持和保障;(4)广新控股集团的战略转型取得了初步的成功,为全面转型的成功打下了坚实的基础。 本研究的价值在于通过典型传统国有外贸企业战略转型的案例研究,为其他国有外贸企业实施战略转型提供了借鉴,为国有外贸企业改革提供了一定的经验和启迪,证明了国有外贸企业通过改革在竞争领域还是有竞争力的,具有一定的实践价值。 Along with the development of economic globalization and Chinese market economy,Chinese foreign trade system gradually changed, especially after joining WTO, thestate-owned foreign trade enterprises face unprecedented pressure on the survival. Whilemany state-owned trade enterprises belong to the province changed their system one andanother, and some even going bankrupt. In2004Guangdong Guangxin Holdings GroupCo.,Ltd./(GDFTG/) selected the way to transition when it was on the moment of the GreatDivide. Through5year’s transiton GDFTG succeed and becomes the one of several strongprovince-owned trade enterprise in China. So the purpose of this research is throughing fullyanalyzing the practice of the strategy transition of GDFTG to achieve two points. One is tomake all employees convince that a series of great decitions made in the process of transitionis right and anticipatory and the other is to guide the next transition practice by the researchconclusions and guarantee the company’s persistence development. This research analyzes the background and direction of the GDFTG’s transition andstudies how to implement the transition and the effect using the way of case study, theoryanalysis. And the research results are as follows:/(1/)Under the background of the fast changeof market, policy and environment, transition is the only way of state-owned trade enterprises;/(2/) There are many ways to implement transition and use which way need consider thecompany’s practice. Implementing the strategy of business compounding and the strategyof management mode, GDFTG have achieved the strategy aim of “collectivizeingmanagement, developing specialization and establishing industral value chain”;/(3/) Thecontent of GDFTG’s transition are changing thinking way, reforging business mode,upgrading management mode and innovating development mode;/(4/) The strategy transitionof GDFTG acquires primary succeed and establishes a stable foundation for the completetransition. The value of this research is that it provides the guidance about how to implementtransition for other trade enterprises and provides some experience and suggestions. It alsoproves that state-owned enterprises still competitive in the area of competition after reform,.This research have the value of practice.

关 键 词: 广新集团 国有外贸企业 战略转型

分 类 号: [F279.2]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 庞菊香
作者 康秋实
作者 康超
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖刚


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟