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Research of the Quality Cost Management of Sheet Metal Production in GR Company

导  师: 唐东平;林振中

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 如今市场激烈的竞争主要取决于产品的质量,随着社会的飞速发展,时代的不断变迁,任何产品质量的优劣都能关乎到企业的兴与衰。为了提高产品的质量,为了增加企业的利益,企业用尽各种方法和手段。而成本控制这一种方法,则是增加企业经济效益,提高企业行业竞争力的一大利器。质量与成本两者之间的关系是相互依存的,在质量管理水平相同的情况中,产品的质量如果提高了,那么产品的成本也将随着提高;而如果产品的成本降低了,那么产品质量也将会随着下降;但是如果在产品质量一定的情况中,产品成本将会因为产品质量管理水平的提高而下降。质量成本控制是管理界领域中的试金石,假如想衡量质量体系是否有效,那么质量成本控制将是一个重要的因素之一。质量成本对于降低企业成本、增加企业经济效益和提高企业管理水平是具有非常重要的意义的。 本研究主要是在探讨现代化企业的质量成本管理理论基础上,灵活地结合了GR公司的钣金自制件生产的实际情况,根据GR公司遇到的实际问题,将质量成本管理理论应用于该公司的钣金自制件生产的质量成本控制。首先,本文分析了GR公司钣金制作科的具体质量损失情况,然后采用过帕累托图来确定GR公司的钣金制作科中的折弯工序是造成质量损失的主要工序步骤,所以本文将以GR公司的钣金制作科的折弯工序作为研究对象。本文对GR公司钣金制作科的折弯工序进行具体分析,包括:(1)对钣金自制件进行质量成本分析;(2)钣金自制件质量成本控制分析;(3)根据钣金自制件的质量成本分析和质量成本控制分析得出的结果通过调查问卷的方式对GR公司钣金自制科进行5M1E分析;(4)根据5M1E分析得出的结论再运用层次分析法,以此来确定改进质量成本的方案。 根据GR项目讨论小组和GR公司高层得出的讨论结果,本文将预期效果、实施时间和综合成本作为改善方案的选择评价指标。结合GR公司的实际情况及预期效果、实施时间和综合成本三个优化指标,本文将层次分析法确定为本文选择改善方案优先次序的首选方法。通过层次分析法,得出了三个可选的优化方案:(1)电子呼叫系统;(2)办公区域优化;(3)全员设备维护。在对GR公司实施这些质量成本改进措施之后,和未实施方案以前的效果对比,我们得出结论:方案实施之后的GR公司在质量成本控制方面取得了巨大的改进,根据优化方案,GR公司能降低质量成本、增强企业核心竞争力。 The keen competition of the market could be considered as the quality of the products.Because the products’ quality has influence on the enterprises’ prosperity, many enterprisesare using all kinds of management methods, trying to provide high quality products andservice to increase economic benefit. In this situation, cost management would be the key tocompetitive advantage. Quality has dependence relationship with cost, under a establishedquality management standard, cost would be increased if quality increases. Under the samestandard of quality, cost would decline with the declination of quality management standard.The cost of quality is the economic reflection of management and a key factor to measuringthe effectiveness of quality system. To predict, decide, schedule, control, account, analyze,access and report the quality cost, is of very practical significance to rise up economic benefit. On the foundation of researching on the theory of quality cost management, this paperaims to apply this theory to the process of producing sheet metal in GR company, combinedwith the real condition. It concludes,/(1/) analysis of cost of the products,/(2/)analysis of thefactors controlling the cost,/(3/)using SWOT to analyze the company,/(4/)prediction of theeffectiveness of improvement measures. Those procedures mentioned aim to provide evidenceto quality improving measures, decline the cost and enhance the competitiveness by usingappropriate tools and methods.Quality cost control, means under an established condition oftechnology and economic, companies emphasis necessary and positive influence on theformation of quality cost to achieve the highest efficiency. To begin with, this passage givesan explanation to the situation of quality loss during the production of sheet metal. Secondly,this passage analyzes the bending process and gives according suggestions. Lastly, thepassage verificates the effectiveness of quality cost and analyzes economically thesuggestions given. Through the analytic hierarchy process /(ahp/), it is concluded that three options:/(1/)electronic calling system;/(2/) office area optimization;/(3/) full equipment maintenance, are themain solution. Comparing the performance of GR after the implementation of the quality costimprovement measures with the performance of GR befor, we concluded that the GRcompany made a huge improvement in the quality cost control,so it can help the companyeventually achieve reduce quality cost, enhance the competitive ability.

关 键 词: 质量成本 工序能力 层次分析法

分 类 号: [F275.3 F426.3]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 李慧君
作者 梁文杰
作者 吕德强
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作者 林有宏


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


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作者 张为
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