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Six Sigma Management Application Research on Reducing the Rate of Non-performing Products of Diode

导  师: 杨雷

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 近年随着二极管需求市场的不断扩大,进入二极管行业的新企业不断增多,原材料价格持续上涨,生产利润逐年降低,在这种竞争激烈的环境背景下,元器件企业需要提升管理水平、提高产品质量来争取自己在业内的优势地位。六西格玛管理作为一种新兴、行之有效的质量管理改进方法业已为许多行业应用,尤其是为电子行业企业所应用推广,良好的效果使得这种管理方法益受推崇。 本文研究了用六西格玛质量管理方法改进DC公司玻封二极管生产工序以降低不良品率的效果。整个研究将六西格玛质量管理方法与质量工具的推进、实施结合起来,研究完全严格按照六西格玛质量管理模式的步骤逐个阶段展开,实施具体内容如下: 研究定义阶段(D)对本项目给予明确界定;对项目的重点和难点进行充分的评估,据此有针对性得组建了一个高效的项目执行团队。该阶段项目团队制定出一套严谨而详实可行的研究方案,这也是本研究得以顺利完成的基础。 研究测量阶段(M)使用测量系统分析方法及借助Minitab软件,对所获得的数据进行系统分析,确定了项目研究所使用的测量系统的GageR/&R=P//TV=0.29/%<10/%,P//T=2.67/%<10/%,分组数=491>5是可以接受的。根据3月18日到4月5日期间产品的不良品率测量结果表明制造过程是失控的。测量的数据显示,结合项目组成员丰富的经验,针对影响玻封二极管不良品率的工序因子制定了相应的应对措施。 研究分析阶段(A)对具有潜在影响玻封二极管产品不良品率因素的工序进行分析。对潜在因子相关分析结果表明:①长炉氮气流量会影响到玻封二极管不良品率;②助焊剂水平位置对玻封二极管不良品率无直接的影响,但是锡水平位置是影响玻封二极管不良品率的关键因子;③锡槽停留时间不是影响玻封二极管不良品率的关键因子;④清洗篮和磁槽间隙不是影响玻封二极管不良品率的关键因子;⑤浸锡工序中的昼夜班次会显著影响玻封二极管的不良品率。对各影响因子中的关键因子进行分析,表明浸锡、焊接组合体和组装原材料三个工序中,其中浸锡工序是影响玻封二极管不良品率的重中之重。 研究改进阶段(I)项目组根据分析阶段得出的结果制定针对影响玻封二极管不良品率的生产工序中出现的的各类不良项目因子制定改进方案。对改进方案试行验证,验证结果表明项目组对玻封二极管的生产工序的改进方案是有效且效果是显著的。 研究控制阶段(C)对各项目改善计划的效果进行监控,保证项目成果: ①建立每月玻封二极管不良品率控制图及每批产品不良品率控制图,对各生产批的不良品率采取实时监控,对超出控制线上限的产品批及时进行分析改善;②其次将改善措施制定成标准化的作业文件,以保证改善措施得到执行并巩固;③分析改善效果,将改善前后的流程能力作对比。从质量改进效果方面,项目改善前后流程能力对比表明二极管的均值不良品率从改善前的4.78/%降为改善后的2.01/%,项目达到了玻封二极管不良品率2.1/%的预期效果;从财务效果方面考虑,达到了财务收益142.456万元,也达到了预期值。 研究结果表明应用六西格玛质量管理方法对DC公司玻封二极管生产工序的改进有效降低了玻封二极管的不良品率。展望六西格玛质量管理方法得以在更深领域、更广泛行业的推广普及。 In recent years, as the the diode needs of the market continues to expand, new businessesinto the diode industry increasing raw material prices continued to rise the production profitdecreased year by year, in this highly competitive environment context, the componentscompanies need to improve the management level, improve product quality to fight for theirown dominant position in the industry.Six Sigma as a new and improved method of effectivequality management has been for many industrial applications, especially in the electronicsindustry enterprise applications and promotion, good results make this management method isbeneficial respected. Research definition phase /(D/) to give a clear definition of the project; adequatelyassessed the focus and difficulty of the project, and targeted accordingly have to set up anefficient implementation of the project team. The phase of the project team to develop a set ofrigorous and detailed and feasible research program, the basis of this study have beencompleted successfully. The study measuring stage /(M/) using the analysis method of the measuring system andwith Minitab software, system analysis on the data obtained to determine a measurementsystem of the project Institute, Gager/&R=P//TV=0.29/%<10/%, P//T=2.67/%<10/%, thenumber of packets=491>5is acceptable.March18to April5product defect ratemeasurement results show that the manufacturing process is out of control. According to themeasured data, combined with a wealth of experience of the project team members, formulatecorresponding measures for the process of glass sealed diode defect rate factor. Research analysis phase /(A/) processes with potential impact envelope diode productdefect rate factors for analysis. The potential factor correlation analysis showed that:①longoven nitrogen flow will affect the diode defect rate;②flux horizontal position no direct effecton the rate of defective products, tin horizontal position is the key factor to affect the diodedefect rate;③tin trough stay time not affect the key factors of the defective product rate ofglass sealed diode;④cleaning basket and magnetic slot gap not affect Glass diode defectiveproducts rate the key factor;⑤immersion tin process of day and night service willsignificantly affect the diode is not yield. The key factor in the impact factor of the analysisshow that immersion tin process of the combination welding machines and assembly of rawmaterials, immersion tin process is the most important impact glass sealed diode defect rate. Research to improve the phase /(I/) project team to develop all kinds of bad projects forproduction processes affect the diode defect rate factor based on the results of the analysis phase to develop improvement programs.Piloted improvement program verification,validation results show that the project team on the envelope diode production processimprovement program is effective and the effect is significant. The the study control phase /(C/) of each project to improve the program's effectiveness tobe monitored to ensure that the results of the project: ①to establish monthly defect rate control chart and each batch of product defect ratecontrol charts, defect rate of each production batch to take real-time monitoring and analysisin a timely manner to improve beyond the upper limit of the control line batch;②Second, toimprove measures for the development of job files into a standardized improvement measuresimplemented to ensure and consolidate;③analysis to improve the results, before and after theprocess will improve the ability to compare. From the quality improvement effect, the projectto improve process capability before and after comparison shows that the diode average defectrate improved from4.78/%before the improvement to2.01/%, the project to achieve theexpected effect of the diodes defect rate2.1/%; from the financial effect consider financialincome1,424,560yuan, also reached the expected value. The results showed that application of the Six Sigma quality management methods toreduce the defect rate of the diode on the the DC envelope diode production processimprovements. Looking to the Six Sigma quality management methods to be in the deeperareas of the wider industry to promote universal.

关 键 词: 六西格玛 二极管 不良品率 生产工序

分 类 号: [F273.2 TN31]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [电子电信]


作者 曾智文
作者 唐建安
作者 栾伟
作者 徐晓春
作者 麦世剑


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 毕凌燕
作者 廖建华
作者 黄立
作者 王和勇
作者 郑霞