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Research on Effect of Internet Media for Innovating Public Crisis Management

导  师: 彭澎;吴克昌

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在互联网技术日益普及的今天,公共危机信息管理成为决定政府公共危机管理成败的关键因素。特别是目前我国经济社会处于转型时期,各种矛盾日益凸显,公共危机事件突发频率大大增加,而随着互联网信息技术的发展,以互联网为载体的网络媒体蓬勃发展。由于网络媒体环境中信息传播速度快、交流环境复杂多变、信息的可控性程度低,这导致公共危机事件管理相对于基于传统媒体的公共危机事件管理而言,更具挑战性。 本文综合运用文献查阅法、案例研究法、借鉴法、图表分析法、访谈法来分析如何运用网络媒体来创新公共危机管理,从互联网的发展对政府公共危机事件管理的挑战和考验出发,分析网络媒体在公共危机管理中起的作用,理清互联网与公共危机之间的脉络关系,总结网络媒体给公共危机管理带来的影响,并以我国信息化先列地区佛山市南海区为调研对象,分析网络媒体在该区公共危机管理中的应用研究,并根据南海区利用网络媒体创新公共危机管理的现状,指出其中的不足并分析了存在不足的原因。最后,在前面几个部分的基础上,针对网络媒体发展的社会环境中公共危机管理产生的新问题,有针对性的对南海区现行公共危机管理体制提出建议和意见。 根据上述思路进行研究后,本文得出以下结论:佛山市南海区政府及各部门积极发挥政府职能作用,加大对公共危机管理的信息化基础设施投入的同时,完善相关法规与制度,以制度保障基于互联网技术的网络媒体在公共危机管理中的运用与规范,充分发挥网络媒体在公共危机管理中信息交流与互动作用的同时,加强与传统媒体的融合,最大程度降低公共危机管理中的潜在风险。 In contemporary society, as the fast development of information and internet technology,information management of public crisis has become the determinate key factor forgovernment management. Particularly China is now facing the transition period of society andeconomy, letting contradictions emerging frequently. In the same time, internet media hasbeen developing quite fast to be the most accessible channel for public information. Becauseof the fast distributing rate, complex information exchanging platform and difficulty ininformation control, information management of public crisis is much more challenging thanthe public crisis management based on traditional paper media This thesis uses several methods to analyze how to use internet media to innovate public crisismanagement such as literature review, cases study, reference method, chart analysis andinterview. Based on the challenge for public crisis management brought by the developmentof internet, the effect of internet media for public crisis management has been analyzed. Inaddition, the cogent relationship between internet and public crisis has been discussed.Furthermore, the impact for public crisis management brought by internet media has beenconcluded. This thesis takes Nanhai, Foshan, the pioneer region in information developmentas survey objective. The application of internet media for dealing with public crisismanagement in this region has been researched, and some drawbacks and their reasons havebeen discussed. In the end, new issues and some personal ideas have been proposed. Based on above analysis, several conclusions have been made. The government of Nanhai,Foshan positively conducts the administrative effort, increasing the invest for basic equipmentin informatization of public crisis management at the same time improving the related policiesand institutions in order to make sure the healthy application of internet media for publiccrisis management. The government should take the advantage of internet media and alsoenhance the cooperation between internet media and traditional media for massively reducingthe potential risk in public crisis management.

关 键 词: 危机管理 网络媒体 互联网 南海区

分 类 号: [D63 G206]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [文化科学]


作者 黄梦霞
作者 王丽芳
作者 梁晏婷
作者 江泽文
作者 唐金凤


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东财经大学


作者 成然
作者 朱丽敏
作者 李明华
作者 杨春玲
作者 梅醒斌