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Difficulties and Countermeasures in the Development of Guangdong's Rural Hydraulic Infrastructure

导  师: 张振刚

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 农田水利的发展是农业发展的基础和前提。广东虽然水资源总量较为丰富,但时间和空间分布上不均衡,旱涝灾害频繁发生。而当前广东农田水利供给总量不足、结构失衡、地域差异明显,农田水利设施老化失修、缺乏管养维护现象严重,供给现状亟待改变。因此,加强对广东省农田水利供给的研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 本文总结了广东省域农田水利供给现状和存在问题,指出在广东探索实施的多元化供给道路遭遇重重难题,认为造成困境的核心原因是政府责任的严重缺失。在此基础上,提出解决广东农田水利供给难题的关键路径应当是强化和落实政府责任。然后,综合运用公共产品供给理论、责任政府理论、新公共服务理论进行分析,明确政府承担农田水利供给责任的必要性,由此,首先梳理了政府在农田水利供给中责任的构成,随后从广东省地方政府责任出发,明确构建了从省、市到县、乡镇政府的多级供给体制,并根据农村公共产品受益范围来划分各级政府应承担的主要责任。 最后,结合上文的分析,提出有针对性和可操作性的对策建议,主要包括:政府确立农田水利优先供给地位,建立稳定的农田水利投入增长机制,针对不同地区实行分类政策指导,实施与需求相适应的多种建设模式,提供和推广农田水利先进工程技术和健全完善管养管护的长效保障机制。 The development of rural hydraulic infrastructure is a corner stone and a precondition for an evolving agriculture industry. In Guangdong, the abundance of water resources is however overshadowed by its seasonal discrepancies, its regional disparities and the frequent occurrence of droughts and floods. The province's agricultural irrigation is insufficient, unbalanced and differs tremendously from region to region. A considerable amount of the irrigation facilities are dated and broke for the lack of management and maintenance. Apparently, agricultural irrigation in the province is in urgent need of further improvement. Hence the study on the rural hydraulic infrastructure carries a particular significance both for academic research and in practices. The dissertation provides an overview of the status quo and existing challenges in the province's rural hydraulic infrastructure, in particular it examinates the difficulties occurred in Guangdong's attempts to adopt a multilevel water supply system and argues it is the missing government responsibilities constitute the direct cause of the current predicament. Based on this argument, the author is convinced that the essential solution to tackle this predicament requires the actual fulfillment of even greater government responsibilities. He applies the Public Goods Supply Theory, the Responsible Government Theory and the New Public Service Theory to justify the essentiality of government responsibilities in agricultural irrigation. As the due role of government in water supply becomes evident, the author starts to propose from the perspective of the provincial government that a multilevel supply system composed by the authorities from town and county to city and province shall be put in place and the responsibilities for each level shall be decided by the scope of beneficiaries in the rural area. In conclusion, the author suggests tactics with specifics and applicabilities, which include the priority of rural hydraulic infrastructure in government agenda, the mechanism that secures steady input in the infrastructure, specific policies targeting various regions, construction models based on various needs, the promotion of agricultural irrigation engineering and the perfection of a long term mechanism that may secure effective management and maintenance.

关 键 词: 广东 农田水利 公共产品 政府责任

分 类 号: [F323.213]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 李盛辉
作者 蒋育燕
作者 曾云敏
作者 陆昂
作者 彭星芸


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟