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Su Qing's Marriage and Her Literary Creation

导  师: 王志明

学科专业: 050106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广西师范学院

摘  要: 多年来,文学批评界对苏青的研究主要集中在小说和散文的内容方面,而在苏青的婚恋生活及其文学创作关系研究上则差不多形成了一个盲区。在我看来,研究苏青的婚恋生活及其文学创作之间的关系,不仅可以对苏青的作品有更全面而深刻的了解与把握,同时也能更好地了解中国现代文学的复杂发展历程,尤其是对沦陷区文学的实质探索具有重要的文学意义。当然,对苏青婚恋生活及其文学创作关系的疏理,也可以有效观照上海沦陷区市民的生活形态。从某种意义上说,苏青的婚恋生活与婚恋叙事伦理,为我们提供了一个了解那个特定时代的窗口,她的经历和文字折射出一个中国知识女性在大时代的渺小、渴望与绝望、直率与幻梦。 本文将整体上考察苏青的婚恋生活与其文学创作的联系作为重点。一是苏青的婚恋生活在其作品中的投影与折射:苏青尽心尽力在其小说散文中塑造与自身经历不可分割的人物形象,使其成为各个时期自身婚恋生活的映照与超越。她努力在作品中还原自己的婚恋遭遇,突破心理极限书写婚恋私生活。二是苏青散文小说书写与自我救赎。一方面在经济压力上的缓解,同时是灵魂负重的释放。婚恋创作对苏青而言不失为对现实生活的一种反抗,也是作家人生幻灭感与思想现代性宣泄的有效途径。 接下来,本文就苏青的真爱追求与其文学创作中的婚姻爱情观进行了分析和阐述。苏青对爱情的渴望与其婚恋路上的一路坎坷,导致她在文学创作中不断去构建一个理想的爱情世界。在她以己度人的创作中,融入她自己的爱情体验,反过来,爱情体验的缺憾又促发了她的创作。这种创作中对生活的还原与异构,成为苏青最常见的创作模式,以此作为考察点,本文还考察了苏青婚恋创作的种种心理动机� Over the years, literary critics Su Qing mainly novels and essays,almost a blind spot in Su Qing Love and Marriage and its Literary Relations.In my opinion, study the relationship between Su Qing's marriage life andliterature, not only on Su Qing's work more comprehensive and profoundunderstanding and grasp, but also a better understanding of the complexdevelopment of modern Chinese literature process, especially for the fallof the substance of the district literature explore important literarysignificance. Of course, Reorganizing the of Su Qing marriage life andliterature relations, can effectively contemplation of the life style ofthe fall of Shanghai residents. A sense, Su Qing Love and Marriage andRomantic narrative ethics, provide us with an understanding of the windowof that particular era, her experience and text reflects a knowledge ofwomen in the era of small, longing and despair, frank and dream. This article will examine the overall contact Su Qing Love andMarriage of their literary focus. First, the projection of refraction SuQing marriage living in his works: of Su Qing dedicated in his prosefiction shape the characters integral own experience, making it thevarious periods of their marriage life shine beyond. Her efforts in theworks to restore the marriage encounter, breakthrough the psychologicallimits Writing private life of love and marriage. Su Qing prose fictionwriting and self-redemption. Ease the economic pressure on the one hand,is the soul at the same time load release. Marriage creation For Su Qingregarded as the real life of a revolt, is a writer life disillusionmentwith modern thinking catharsis effective way. Next, this article on the concept of love and marriage in the Su Qingpursuit of true love its literary analysis and elaboration. Su Qing andthe longing for love and their marriage on the road rocky road, leadingto her literary creation continue to build an ideal world of love. Sheis treasure creation, into her own experience of love, love to experiencethe shortcomings, in

关 键 词: 苏青 婚恋 女性 还原 重构 人性追问

领  域: [文学]


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机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 中山大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


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