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Research on Electric Equipment Condition Based Maintenance Strategy for Huangyan Power Grid

导  师: 王增平;蔡荣明

学科专业: 0852

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华北电力大学

摘  要: 预防性试验和检修方式作为保证电力设备安全运行的有效手段之一,虽然对设备状态不佳的设备进行了必要的预试,但对设备运行情况良好的设备按部就班进行,不仅增加设备维护费用,而且由于检修不慎或者频繁拆装反而缩短了使用寿命,降低了设备利用率。状态检修是从预防性检修发展而来的更高层次的检修体制。它以设备状态为基础,以预测设备状态发展趋势为依据,通过信息采集、处理、综合分析后有目的地安排检修周期和检修项目。在线监测、故障诊断、实施维修这个过程构成了电气设备状态检修工作的内涵。 根据当前黄岩电网设备概况、检修体制现状和检修人员现状,应用状态检修理论,提出了黄岩电网电气设备状态检修策略,解决了企业现行检修体制中存在的设备状态监测手段不足,状态评价方式比较落后等问题,降低了检修成本,提高了设备可用系数。研究分析了检修工作面临的问题,分析了电网一次设备,包括变压器、气体绝缘组合GIS、高压断路器、电容型设备及金属氧化物避雷器、红外紫外监测技术的监测原理,状态量的收集、具体的实现方法及故障诊断方法,介绍了使用智能操作箱更换传统常规操作箱监测保护二次回路的技术,研究了设备状态评价方法,通过PMS、MIS系统对设备状态信息进行收集管理,根据故障特征制定不同的设备检修策略,对需要维修的设备按设备评价状态制定状态检修方案,兼顾设备的可靠性和维修的经济性确定设备状态检修的最佳周期,并对检修决策进行优化,实现检修决策经济可靠,为企业状态检修工作的开展提供理论依据和技术支撑。 Preventive testing and maintenance is one of the effective means to ensure the safe operation of electrical equipment. Although it can pre-test the poor state equipment, but checking the equipment running in good condition follow prescribed order would increased the cost of equipment maintenance. Careless or frequent disassembly will shorten the life of equipment and reduce the utilization rate. Condition-based maintenance is a higher level of maintenance system. It is the development of preventive maintenance. It is based on equipment condition and predicts the development trend of equipment condition. Electrical equipment condition maintenance is composed of online monitoring, fault diagnosis and the implementation of repair. This thesis studies problems in maintenance work according to the situation of Huangyan power grid equipment the present situation of maintenance system and maintenance personnel. It proposes electric equipment condition based maintenance strategy for Huangyan power grid.It solves the problem of shortage of equipment condition monitoring method and the problem of relatively backward state evaluation method. It reduces the maintenance costs and improves equipment availability factor. It analyzes the monitoring principle and fault diagnosis of Primary equipment including transformers, gas-insulated combination GIS, high voltage circuit breaker, capacitive type equipment, metal oxide lightning device, IR and UV monitoring technology. It uses the intelligent operation box instead of conventional operation box to monitor secondary circuit of relay protection. It studies condition evaluation for power equipment. It collects equipment state information through the PMS, MIS system. It makes different maintenance strategies according to the fault features for equipment. It makes maintenance plan for equipment state according to evaluation of the status of equipment. It determines the optimal cycle of equipment considering economy and reliability for equipment maintenance. It carries on the optimization to the maintenance decision. This thesis provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the development of enterprise condition-based maintenance.

关 键 词: 电气设备 在线监测 故障诊断 状态检修 检修策略

分 类 号: [TM762]

领  域: [电气工程]


作者 吴恩华
作者 赵必荣
作者 黄春
作者 肖云华
作者 王海吉


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学外国语学院
机构 广东技术师范学院


作者 王珺
作者 刘洋
作者 张光宇
作者 叶飞
作者 周永务