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Correlative Analysis of Microsatellite Markers and Growth Traits among Three Populations of Common Carp/(Cyprinus Carpio/)

导  师: 董在杰

学科专业: 090801

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 南京农业大学

摘  要: 鲤/(Cyprinus carpio/)是世界上养殖范围最广的重要经济鱼类,在我国的淡水渔业生产中占据着重要地位,其中建鲤/(Cyprinus carpio var. jian/)、黄河鲤/(Cyprinus carpio haematopterus Temminck et Schlegel/)和黑龙江野鲤/(Cyprinus carpio haematopterus/)都是我国较重要的鲤鱼养殖品种。但近年来的鲤养殖生产中,生长缓慢、产量下降和抗病力差等性状衰退现象变得越来越突出。因此,对鲤进行遗传选育、种质资源的鉴定和遗传资源的保护具有重要的意义。本研究分别从表型水平和分子水平上对黄河鲤、建鲤和黑龙江野鲤3个鲤群体进行分析,为可持续地保护物种种质资源和遗传改良工作提供了遗传学方面的依据。同时,进一步分析了微卫星标记与鲤体重、体长、体厚和体高性状的相关性,为开发和利用鲤群体的分子标记奠定了一定的基础。 本研究首先利用相关分析和聚类分析对建鲤、黄河鲤和黑龙江野鲤3个鲤群体不同养殖时间的体型性状进行分析。相关分析结果显示:在90天时,黄河鲤种群的体长性状与体重的相关系数最高,但在继续养殖150天后,体长和体高间的相关性较大。建鲤种群在不同时期的相关性分析结果,与黄河鲤种群的类似。而在90天时测量的黑龙江野鲤种群中,体高与体长的相关系数是0.686,其余各生长性状间的相关性均大于0.800;240天时测量的各生长性状间的相关系数较分散。然后,基于曼哈顿距离对不同日龄的3个鲤鱼种群进行聚类分析,发现90d和240天时聚类结果相同,黄河鲤与黑龙江野鲤首先聚为一支,再与建鲤进行聚类。 在分子水平上,采用微卫星标记技术,对这3个鲤鱼种群进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明,筛选出15对多态性较好的引物,共检测出214个等位基因。黄河鲤、建鲤和黑龙江野鲤群体的平均有效等位基因数分别为3.4800、3.6133和3.4533;平均观测杂合度分别为0.7482、0.7643和0.7671;平均多态信息含量为0.6464、0.6468和0.6473。可见3个鲤群体的遗传多样性水平较高。遗传相似度和遗传距离结果表明,黄河鲤和黑龙江野鲤群体亲缘关系较近,与建鲤亲缘关系较远,为鲤品种的选育和遗传改良提供了理论依据。 为了进一步研究上述的微卫星标记与鲤生长性状的相关性,所以又用SAS的一般线性模型/(GLM/)对15个微卫星标记与3个鲤群体的生长性状进行关联性分析。结果表明:Mfw5与黄河鲤的体高相关/(P<0.05/)。HLj013、CcaO9、Mfw7和Mfw29均与建鲤的体重、体长和体高均相关/(P<0.05/); Mfw2与建鲤的体重和体厚相关/(P<0.05/)。Mfw6与黑龙江野鲤的体重、体长、体厚和体高均相关/(P<0.05/);Mfw4与黑龙江野鲤的体重、体长和体高相关/(P<0.05/);Mfw11与黑龙江野鲤的体厚和体高相关/(P<0.05/)。然后,在对同一性状不同基因型间进行多重比较,初步找到了3个群体中与生长性状相关的基因型,为鲤的分子标记辅助选育和重要生长性状QTL定位提供了一定的依据。 The common Carp /(Cyprinus carpio/) was widely cultured and distributed in the world, and had the main position in Chinese freshwater fishery production, Of them, Jian Carp /(Cyprinus carpio var. jian/)、Huanghe Carp/(Cyprinus carpio haematopterus Temminck et Schlegel/) and Heilongjiang Carp/(Cyprinus carpio haematopterus/) were the important artificial and wild strains. But in the recent years, slower growth, decreased yields and lower disease resistance of common carp became a more and more obvious problem. Therefore, new strain is needed urgently in order to address these demond and the base population information which used to creat the new strain must be got. Genetic resources identification, conservation and using of such population were concerned duing to understand the strains fully. The present study analyses the diversity of Huanghe carp, Jian carp and Heilongjiang carp from the phenotype level to the molecular level, It can supply the foundation for sustainable protected such resources and genetic improvement. Further more, the correlationship between microsatellite markers diversity and the carp growth performance was also done. In this study, firstly growth traits of Jian carp, Huanghe carp and Heilongjiang carp at different ages were measured and the data was treated by correlation analysis and cluster analysis. Correlation analysis showed that Huanghe carp had a biggest correlation coefficient between body weight and body length at90days, but after150days, the correlation coefficient between body length and body depth achieved the largest. The correlations of Jian carp population in different ages between different growth traits were similar to that of Huanghe carp. But at90days, the correlation coefficient between body depth and body length of Heilongjiang carp population was0.686, lower than others. At240days, the correlation coefficients varied largely. Then, the hierarchical clustering method based on Manhattan distance was used to classify three carp populations:Huanghe carp and Heilongjiang carp belong to the same clade, and Jian carp belongs to another clade at90days and240days. On the molecular level, the genetic diversity of three carp populations was studied by using microsatellite marker technology. As a result, the highest and lowest average effective number of alleles were found in Jian carp population /(3.6133/) and Heilongjiang carp population /(3.4533/), respectively. Observed heterozygosity are also presented, the averages in each populations were0.7482、0.7643and0.7671. The average of polymorphism information content /(PIC/) was examined, among three populations, the Heilongjiang carp population had the highest value /(0.6473/) and the Huanghe carp population had the the lowest one /(0.6464/). So, it demonstrated that three carp populations can be used to common carp breeding program duing to the genetic diversity. The genetic distance and genetic identity study also suggested that the phylogenetic relationship between Huanghe carp population and Heilongjiang carp population was quite close, compared with Jian carp population. In order to further study the relationship of microsatellite markers above and growth traits, GLM model was established. The results suggested that Mfw5was significantly correlated with body depth in Huanghe carp /(P<0.05/). In Jian carp population, HIj013, Cca09, Mfw7and Mfw29were significantly correlated with body weight, body length and body depth /(P<0.05/); while Mfw2was significantly correlated with body weight and body width /(P<0.05/). In Heilongjiang carp population, Mfw6was significantly correlated with body weight, body length, body width and body depth /(P<0.05/); Mfw4was significantly correlated with body weight, body length and body depth; Mfw11was significantly correlated with body width and body depth. And the genotypes of these loci were determined. In our study, genotypes of specified microsatellie markers related to growth traits in these carps were determined. It may provide basis for common carp maker-assistant selection.

关 键 词: 鲤鱼 微卫星 遗传多样性 生长性状 表型分析 相关分析

分 类 号: [S917.4]

领  域: [农业科学]


作者 陈星彤


机构 华南师范大学


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