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Research on Academic Bloggers'Behavior and Its Influencing Factors

导  师: 王伟军

学科专业: 120502

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中师范大学

摘  要: 近年来,Web2.0范畴内的许多思想和技术得到广泛的传播和应用,其影响力也渗透到各行各业。在这一大背景下,学术领域也受到冲击,并正在发生改变。科研机构、科研群体和科研人员正在积极应用各类学术Web2.0工具与平台。其中,学术博客因其独特的优势而备受关注。已有研究显示,学术博客具有很大的潜力与价值,能够为科研人员提供有效的服务。实践中,国外科研人员尝试使用学术博客来报道研究成果,讨论研究问题或共享学术观点,进行在线合作,在线出版或创建学术身份等。相比而言,国内科研人员对学术博客的实践不是很多。与此同时,西方国家已将发展网络学术交流作为促进科技发展的重要战略;而我国也日益重视网络学术交流,并在不断地探索适合科研人员群体的网络交流形式,如学术博客。在这一情形下,有必要深入探讨学术博客情境下用户行为及其影响因素。 针对学术博客环境下用户的链接行为、知识行为以及持续使用博客行为,本研究综合借鉴社会交换理论、社会资本理论、动机理论、期望确认理论、体验价值理论、交互性模型、沉浸理论以及信任相关的理论,利用文献调研法、问卷调查法、基于PLS的结构方程模型、案例分析法与内容分析法,通过开展5个实证研究,深入揭示了信任和满意感对学术博客用户行为的影响及作用机理,从而为设计开放、有序、高效的机制提供理论支撑。 本论文的结构安排如下:第1章绪论部分阐述了研究背景、研究问题与研究意义,在对国内外相关的研究进行文献综述的基础上,介绍了本研究的思路、内容、方法以及主要创新点。第2章相关理论基础部分论述了学术博客的概念、类型与功能,并阐释了本研究所借鉴利用的理论基础。第3章基于已有研究提出了学术博客中链接的分类体系,通过调查35个不同学科的学术博客进一步细化了链接的类型,并分析了各链接的作用。第4章从心理诱因视角构建了影响学术博客知识交流与共享行为的理论模型,并利用229份调查问卷进行了实证检验。第5章从信任建立机制的角度构建了学术博客环境下信任建立的前因与后果模型,并利用235份调查问卷进行了实证检验。第6章在Bhattacherjee提出的ECT-IS模型基础上,整合体验价值这一关键构念,构建了影响学术博客持续使用意愿的基于扩展的ECT模型,并利用217份调查问卷进行了实证检验。第7章阐述了交互性、沉浸感、满意感、学术博客持续使用意愿等四个关键概念之间的理论联系并构建了相应的理论模型,进一步利用241份调查问卷进行了实证检验。第8章对全文进行总结和展望,归纳了全文的主要研究结论,并指出研究的不足与进一步的研究工作。 本研究的主要结论有:第一,学术博客存在丰富的、不同类型的链接,且引用链接所占比重最大;这些链接主要发挥学术性功能和社交性功能,所起的作用主要有提供相关信息,进行内容组织与管理,建立学术身份与提高可信度,形成社区与保持关系,以及促进知识交流与共享等。第二,在学术博客中,人际信任和乐于助人有助于促进科研人员的知识交流与共享行为;私欲使个体不愿意与他人交流与共享知识;人际信任则对私欲有一定的调节作用。而声誉、忧虑感和价值怀疑与个体的知识交流与共享行为没有关系。第三,对成员的熟悉、感知的成员的声誉能够影响对成员能力的信任的建立以及对成员正直//善行的信任的建立,对服务提供商的熟悉、感知的服务提供商的声誉以及结构保证则显著影响对服务提供商的信任,同时信任倾向均显著影响对成员的信任的建立以及对服务提供商的信任的建立。此外,获取和共享信息//知识的意愿取决于对成员能力的信任以及对服务提供商的信任。第四,ECT-IS模型同样适用于学术博客情境,而体验价值的三个维度/(愉悦感、优质的服务和使用者投资回报/)与用户满意感呈正相关关系。第五,沉浸感与用户满意感以及用户持续使用学术博客的意愿呈正相关关系,不同维度的交互性对用户的满意感和沉浸感的作用不同。其中,用户控制和连接对用户满意感产生正向影响,连接和响应则影响用户沉浸感的产生。 本研究的创新之处主要体现在:第一,通过案例分析和内容分析利用具体的实例阐释并总结学术博客链接的特性与功能。第二,引入经济学中的公共物品困境理论,关注学术博客用户心理层面的因素对知识交流与共享行为的影响。第三,从信任建立的视角探讨学术博客环境下信任的类型以及影响信任建立的因素,构建信任建立的前因与后果模型。第四,将市场学领域的体验价值概念整合到影响信息系统用户行为的ECT-IS模型中,验证不同维度的体验价值对用户满意感造成的不同影响。第五,关注学术博客的交互性特性和用户的沉浸感体验,探讨不同维度的交互性对用户沉浸感和满意感形成的影响。 本选题来源于国家自然科学基金项目‘'Web2.0环境下科学研究中知识交流与共享机制研究”/(项目编号:71073066/)以及华中师范大学优秀博士学位论文培育计划资助项目“Web2.0科研社区中知识交流与共享的信任机制”。 Many ideas and technologies of Web2.0have been widely spread and applied in recent years, and have exerted influences in various areas. It also impacts academia and changes have been undergoing. Scientific organizations, groups and researchers are actively applying various academic Web2.0technologies and platforms. And academic blog has received increasing attention due to its characteristic. Prior literature show that, academic blog has huge potentials and values, and can provide effective services for researchers. In practice, researchers in other countries try to use academic blogs to show research results, discuss questions, share ideas, seek for possible cooperations, publish online or establish academic identity. Academic blog usage in China, however, is relatively less. In the meantime, western countries have already regarded online academic communication as an important strategy for fostering scientific development. And China is also paying more attention on online academic communication, and is exploring suitable ways for online communication for researchers, such as academic blogs. From this point of view, it is necessary to investigate academic bloggers' behavior and its influencing factors. This dissertation aims to investigate users' link behavior, knowledge behavior and continuance blog usage behavior in the context of academic blog. It employs theories such as social exchange theory, social capital theory, motivation theory, expectation-confirmation theory /(ECT/), theory of experiencial value, interactive model, theory of flow and trust-related theories. With methods of literature review, questionnaire design, structural equatation modelling /(SEM/) based on PLS, case study and content analysis, this dissertation conducts five empirical research, identifying the role of trust and satisfaction that affect academic bloggers' behavior, so as to provide support for designing open and effective mechanisms. This dissertation is organized as follows. Chapter1is introduction. It explains research background, put forwards research questions and discusses the theoretical and managerial implications of this study. Based on literature review, it further proposes research technology map, main contents, research methods and its contributions. Chapter2is related to theories basis. It illustrates the definition and types of academic bbgs, and analyzes its functions for academia. Furthermore, it presents those theories that are employed in this research In Chapter3, drawing from prior literature on hyperlinks, it presents a hyperlink classfication system for academic blogs, further refines types of hyperlinks through investigating35academic blogs in different disciplines, and analyzes their functions. Chapter4proposes a research model to investigate how psychological factors affect academic bloggers'knowledge communication and knowledge sharing behavior, using data of229users from Sciencenet.cn to empirically test the model. Chapter5explores antecedents and effects of trust in academic blog context from the perspective of building online trust, and empirically tests the model with data from235online questionnaires. In Chapter6, the ECT-IS model is extended to include the relationship between experiential value and satisfaction, and data from217academic bloggers are used for empirically testing the model. Chapter7explains the relationships among interactivity, flow, satisfaction and academic blog continuance intention, and further utilizes data from241online questionnaires to empirically test the model. Chapter8refers to conclusions, lim itations and future research work. The research findings of this dissertation are as follows. Firstly, a variety of hyperlinks are used by academic bloggers, and reference links account for the most. The hyperlinks play the roles of scholarly and social for several purposes, among others to provide relevant information, to organize and manage contents, to create scholarly identity and improve academic credibility, to form communities and build relationships, and to foster knowledge communication and sharing. Secondly, interpersonal trust and enjoyment in helping others positively affect individuals'knowledge communication and knowledge sharing behaviors, greed exerts a strong negative effect on individuals' sharing behaviors, and interpersonal trust has a moderate effect on greed. In addition, reputation, fear and doubt of knowledge value have no relationships with individuals'behaviors. Thirdly, familiarity with others and perceived reputation of others positively affect ability-based trust of others and benevolence//integrity-based trust of others, while familiarity with service providers, perceived reputation of service providers and structural assurance of service providers based on institutions positively influence trust of service providers. The positive relationships between disposition to trust and trust of others as well as trust of service providers are also confirmed. Additionly, it relies on ability-based trust of others and trust of service providers for academic bloggers'desire to aquire and share information//knowledge. Fourthly, ECT-IS model can also be adapted in the context of academic blog, and three constructs of experiencial value, i.e. enjoyment, service excellence and consumer return on investment, positively affect satisfaction. Finally, flow and satisfaction also positively influence acamic blog continuance intention, and various types of interactivity play different roles in affecting satisfaction and flow. Satisfaction is positively affected by user control and connection, while connection and responsiveness influence flow. The contributions of this dissertation are as follows:first, it explains characteristics and functions of hyperlinks in academic blogs through examples using case studies and content analysis. Second, by employing theory of public goods dilemma from economics, it focuses on roles that psychological factors play in academic bloggers'knowledge communication and knowledge sharing behavior. Third, it explores different types of trust and factors affecting building them, and presents a model of antecedents and effects of trust in academic blog context. Fourth, through integrating experiencial value from marketing into ECT-IS model, it empirically tests relationships among various constructs of experiencial value and satisfaction. And fifth, it emphasizes interactivity and users' flow experience, and investigates how different types of interactivity affect flow and satisfaction. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China /(71073066/) and excellent doctorial dissertation cultivation grant from Central China Normal University.

关 键 词: 学术博客 用户行为 影响因素 满意感 信任 交互性 沉浸感

分 类 号: [TP393.092 G252]

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术] [文化科学]


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机构 中山大学资讯管理学院
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学


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