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Technical Characteristic of Elite Tennis Players in the First Four Games and Eight Games Later of Everv Set on Hard Court

导  师: 孙卫星

学科专业: 040303

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 北京体育大学

摘  要: 近年来,网球科研工作者对网球比赛技战术数据统计的研究逐年增加,深入分析了统计数据与比赛胜负关系之间的内在联系,得出了各项技术指标数字背后的意义。笔者阅读大量文献资料发现目前的研究多以整个赛事进行数据分析,而随着比赛的进行对阵双方在体能、心理、注意力等方面都会发生不断的变化,每盘比赛开始与临近结束的阶段,运动员的各项技术指标会发生哪些变化?例如在局数比2:1时的发球局与局数比4:3时的发球局,发球方/(或接发球方/)技术指标是否有差异性?本研究运用文献资料法、录像统计法、数理统计法、对比分析法,对世界优秀男子网球选手在硬地比赛每盘前四局与八局以后的技术指标进行统计分析,得出如下结论: 1.发球指标:八局以后的胜负发球局与前四局相比,发球指标并无显著性差异。第一盘胜发球局二发赢球率,八局以后明显高于前四局并存在显著性差异。 2.接发球指标:八局以后的胜负接发球局与前四局相比,接发球指标并无显著性差异。第一盘八局以后接发球赢球率明显低于前四局并存在显著性差异;决胜盘八局以后接二发球赢球率明显高于前四局并存在显著性差异。 3.得分能力指标:前四局与八局以后发球局中,主动得分率均高于非主动得分率并存在显著性差异;在接发球局中,前四局主动得分率高于非主动得分率并存在显著性差异,八局以后基本一致无差异。 八局以后与前四局相比较,胜负发球局相持阶段主动得分率,八局以后都要高于前四局且存在显著性差异;胜接发球局,前四局与八局以后相比各项指标并不存在显著性差异;负接发球局,八局以后主动得分率明显低于前四局并存在显著性差异。第一盘与决胜盘,胜发球局前四局与八局以后得分能力指标无显著差异;胜接发球局得分能� In recent years, research workers on tennis tennis technical and tactical data statistical research has increased year by year, in-depth analysis of the statistic data and the game relationship between the intrinsic link, the various technical indicators of the meaning behind the numbers. The author read lots of documents found in the present study to the events and data analysis, the beginning of the game and the game near the end of the stage, athlete's technical indicators will produce what change?When the score is2:land the score is4:3, the next serving game, whether the server /(or receiver/) technical indicators has the difference? In this study the use of literature, video statistics, mathematical statistics, comparative analysis, of world elite male tennis players on a hard game four and eight game after the technical indicators of statistical analyses, conclusions are drawn as follows: 1service index:in the first four games and the eight games later, the first serve winning Percentage were higher than second serve winning percentage, there was a significant difference; the first serve wining percentage and the second serve winning Percentage in the win serving games were higher than that of negative serving games, there was significant difference. Compare to he first four games, the win and negative serving games in the he eight games later, there is no significant difference of service index. 2Reserve index:in the first four games and the eight games later, the first reserve winning percentage were higher than second reserve winning percentage, there was a significant difference; the receiving index of Wins reserve games slightly higher than that of negative reserve games, but no significant difference. Compare to he first four games, the win and negative reserve games in the he eight games later, there is no significant difference of service index. 3scoring ability index:the serve games in the first four games and the eight games later, active score rates were higher than non active scor

关 键 词: 网球 硬地 前四局与八局以后 技术指标

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 李晓琨
作者 赵西堂
作者 景磊
作者 郭永波
作者 赵龙祥


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学体育科学学院
机构 广东石油化工学院
机构 广州大学体育学院
机构 广州体育学院体育教育系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟