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导  师: 张文利

学科专业: 050105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北大学

摘  要: “今代词手,惟秦七、黄九耳”,秦观和黄庭坚在词史上并称。秦观被公认为婉约派的正宗词人,词坛地位极为重要。黄庭坚亦是北宋文坛非常重要的一位文人,但他的词得到评价褒贬不一。二人词作的个体研究已颇有成果,但二人词作的比较研究较少。本文拟在已有研究的基础之上,从秦、黄思想修养,尚雅文化的影响,新旧党争,秦、黄词作本身及其地位影响五个方面展开论述: 第一部分介绍秦、黄的生平和身世,详细分析二人思想的儒释倾向,进而揭示不同的思想倾向对词风形成的影响。 第二部分阐述黜俗尚雅文学运动下,秦、黄词风的转变,秦观以婉为雅,黄庭坚以俗为雅,探索二人词作雅而不同的原因。 第三部分论述北宋新旧党争对秦、黄二人心态的影响,进而比较二人不同心态下贬谪词的风格特点。 第四部分先分析秦、黄不同的词学观念,进而具体分析秦、黄词风格的不同特点,细致比较词作本身的语言风格、意境意象、艺术手法、抒情方式。 第五部分论述秦、黄词在词坛的地位和影响,秦、黄词有不同地位的原因作出说明,并从词的发展史上来谈秦、黄词的影响有何不同。 "Only Qin seven and Huang nine are word hands in contemporary", Qin Guan and Huang Tingjian are said together in the history of Ci. Qin Guan is recognized the authentic poet of WanYue faction and he has an extremely important position. Huang Tingjian is also an important literary scholar in the Northern Song Dynasty, but his Ci are evaluated mixed. The individual research of Qin Guan and Huang Tingjian has been fruitful, but less comparative study.This paper will be on the basis of the existing research, from the ideological cultivation of Qin and Huang, from the influence of advocated elegance culture, from the Old Party and New Party struggle, from the Ci works themselves, from the status and influence of Qin and Huang to launch the discussion. The first part is the introduction of Qin and Huang's personal life and background, detailed analysis of two people ideological tendency of Confucianism and Buddhism, and further reveals the impact of the different thoughts on the formation of the style of Ci. The second part describes the changes of the style of Ci of Qin and Huang under the literacy movement of advocated elegance and objected vulgarity. Qin believes that Wan is elegant, but Huang believes that vulgarity is elegant. Then the reasons of the different elegance will be explored for two people in the world. The third part discusses the influence of Qin and Huang's attitude for the New party and the Old party's struggles in the Northern Song Dynasty, then compares the style characteristics in their creations of relegation. The forth part analyzes the different ideology of Qin and Huang's Ci at first, and thus specifically analyzes Qin and Huang's word styles of different characteristics.Then this part makes a comparison for language style, environment and image, artistic techniques and the way of feeling's expression in detail. The fifth part discusses Qin and Huang'Ci that have a different status and influence of the world altar. Then this part makes an explanation for reasons of the difference and discusses different influences from the world development history.

关 键 词: 秦观 黄庭坚 儒释 党争 贬谪

分 类 号: [I207.23]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学文学院
机构 华南农业大学人文学院
机构 学院


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