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Effect of Nicotinic Acid on Growth Performance, Blood PHysiological and Antioxidant Status in Broilers

导  师: 高爱琴

学科专业: 0905

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 内蒙古农业大学

摘  要: 本试验采取单因子随机化设计,将160只平均初始重相近约为51g不分雌雄的健康AA肉雏鸡随机分成5个处理组,每个处理组分4个重复,每个重复8只鸡。分别在这5个处理组的基础日粮中添加0mg//kg、60mg//kg、80mg//kg、100mg//kg、120mg//kg的烟酸,依次命名为1、2、3、4、5组,1组作为对照组,2、3、4、5组为试验组。整个试验分为饲养试验和屠宰试验两大部分。饲养试验周期为42天,每周周日清晨给每个处理每个重复组进行称重,并称量每个重复组的余料,计算出每个处理组的平均日增重、平均日采食量、料重比并记录每个重复组的鸡只死亡数,计算每个处理组的肉仔鸡成活率。饲养试验结束后,从每个重复中取2只体重相近的AA肉仔鸡,整个试验共取试验鸡64只,分别称其活重后进行屠宰试验,测定不同日粮烟酸水平对AA肉仔鸡生产性能、肉品质、血液生化及抗氧化性指标的影响。试验结果如下: /(1/)不同日粮烟酸水平对AA肉仔鸡生长性能的影响 不同日粮烟酸水平对AA肉仔鸡生长性能的影响差异显著(P<0.05)。从整个试验周期来看,添加烟酸的试验组AA肉仔鸡的平均日增重要比没有添加烟酸的对照组大,添加烟酸的试验组AA肉仔鸡的平均日采食量也因烟酸的添加而增大,其中变化比较明显的是试验3组,即烟酸添加量为80mg//kg的试验组,整个试验周期的料重比差异不显著(P>0.05),试验3组成活率最高。 /(2/)不同日粮烟酸水平对AA肉仔鸡胴体指标的影响 不同日粮烟酸水平对AA肉仔鸡胴体指标的影响差异显著(P<0.05),添加烟酸的试验组与对照组差异显著(P<0.05),从整个试验周期来看,试验鸡的活重、屠体重随着烟酸添加量的增加先增加后减少,试验3组即烟酸添加水平为80mg//kg的试验组数值最大。AA肉仔鸡的胸肌率和腿肌率与对照组� This experiment was designed with the single factor and multilevel repeated groups.The1601-day-old, weight nearly(51g)and healthy AA broilers were randomly dividedinto5groups and each group had4replicates of eight chickens. The five groups were feddiets separately with0,60,80,100,120mg//kg nicotinic acid. In turn,the groups werenamed1,2,3,4,5group.The test was divided into feeding test and slaughter test. Thefeeding period was42days. During this period,each weekly moring weigh the animalsand the surplus food and calculated the ADG、ADF、F//G. After the feeding experiment,two similar weight birds of each repeat were chosen,the whole experiment were64chickens, to do slaughter test. To test the growth performance, carcass characteristics,meat quality, blood physiological and antioxidant status in broilers.The results were asfollows: /(1/)Different nicotinic acid levels had significant influence on the growthperformance (P<0.05)Over all experimental period, the ADG of adding niacin groupswere larger than the other without adding niacin. There were positive correlation betweenthe AA broilers ADF and dietary nicotinic acid levels. And the group3was the better.TheF//G in broilers of the whole experimental groups was not significant (P>0.05).Thelivability of the group3was the best. /(2/)Effects of different nicotinic acid levels on carcass characteristics of AA broilerschickens were significant(P<0.05). From the whole experimental period,the live-weightand the dressed carcass weight were added firstly with the adding nicotinic acidlevels/(0~80mg//kg/) and followly reduced /(80~120mg//kg/). The breast meat percentagesand the leg muscle rate were added due to the nicotinic acid adding. /(3/)Effects of different nicotinic acid levels on meat quality of AA broilers chickens. The studies indicated that muscle pH were increased with the adding nicotinic acidbut there was no important influence (P>0.05). The group3was in higher meat cookingand in lower drop of water loss and tendern

关 键 词: 肉仔鸡 生长性能 肉质性状 血液生化指标 抗氧化性

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 刘遵


机构 广东司法警官职业学院


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